Today was the first day of school. Tyson started Mountain View.
All of us girls are going to Highland Elementary.

Brooklyn wanted mom to read her The Night Before Kindergarten.
So was so excited to start.

It was so cute. Tyson left this note for Brooklyn on the kitchen counter.
Translation: Good morning! I am already at school and have been there for a
long time! I got up really early! What are you dong for breakfast?
Get mom to make something good for your first day of Kindergarten!
Send me a picture on my phone! Have a good first day of school.

Mom was sad this morning. Her oldest was starting High School
and her youngest was starting Kindergarten.

Paige, Brooklyn and I on are way to a brand
new school year.

Tyson is in the 10th grade. He is taking 5 advanced
classes and seminary. Tyson is lucky because our Uncle
Brian is going to be his seminary teacher.

I'm in 6th grade, my teacher is Mr. Casey. I am excited
because a lot of my friends are in my class.

Paige is in 3rd grade, her teacher is Mrs. Kight.

And Brooklyn is just starting Kindergarten.
Her teacher this year is Mrs. Smith.