"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Thursday, May 30, 2013

MC at 15 months

This girl is growing UP.  Fast. :(  And her hair makes her look older.  Mommy doesn't like that!
Running around before Clark's program

Running around at field day

Just being ADORABLE with Sissy

She LOVES the trampoline

Rocking and chatting with Papa

Didn't really love Bruiser

I'll admit it.  She's like my little doll that I get to dress up every day.  It's pretty fun.  :)

Mary Claire:
-has dropped the morning nap and takes great afternoon naps now
-still loves bananas and CHEETOS (do dos)
-loves to run
-is a chatty kathy just like her sister was
-has started chasing bubba around the house and belly laughs hysterically while doing it
-some of her words: bow, cozy, puppy, kitty (meow), bird, bear, strawberry, toast, tree, water, cheese, book, outside, ride, toes, nose, teeth, eyes, brush, dog, Papa, duck (quack quack), cow (moo)...she just repeats whatever we say!
-has had the tummy bug THREE (maybe more) times this year.  My other two never had it this early!  Poor third kid :(  Has made for some fun middle of the night changing sheets and bath sessions
-wants us to read books to her
-LOVES DOGS.   She'll be the one that forces me to get one one day.  ;)

Manic May

After looking at pictures to include from our month, I now realize why May is such a hectic month for those of us with kids.  We did a lot!  

Our little buckaroo gave a rousing performance in "The Ballad of Bullheaded Billy" at church.  So thankful for a church that supports growing in Christ through kids' choir. Such a blessing!  

Serious business

It even kept the Dynamic Duo's attention.  
Next it was Awards Day at gymnastics.  So proud of our little flipper!

With one of her best buds, Amanda

And cousin B
On May 11th, we celebrated Sean's 35th birthday with the Svobodas in Ft. Worth.  Such a fun day!
Pappadeaux!  The perfect birthday lunch for him!

And a special Mother's Day treat for me from my sweet Mother in law----historic home tour of the Fairmount district in downtown Ft. Worth.  Loved it!!  Special time with Debra and Allison  (and AnnMarie)

The kids always have so much fun with Jonathan and Allison----this time it was watermelon and popcorn!
Mother's Day
Cheesy, but the only word that comes to mind is blessed.  Sometimes cheesiness applies!
Bubba had an end of the year performance at his school.  I am always a little nervous about what his behavior is going to be like during the show.  You never know!
A little pre-show action

Getting in position.  I'm still nervous.

Uh oh.  Wheels off.

A moment of following directions

Oh dear Lord, come back, Clark.  Luckily, he did finish where he was supposed to be, but let's just say he is NOT afraid to be himself on stage.  Maybe he's a natural?
Moving on.   "Track Day".  Back in my day... it was field day...but whatever.  
That's right, folks, when you hit 1st grade, you hit the big time.  Track day at Panther stadium!  Oh yeah!

Lined up and ready to relay

Clark warming up on the track

Would LOVE to know what is going through his little head
Our little tag-along

Tug of War is hilarious!  

Take a picture with yo mama!

The Smith's Scorpions!!!  3rd place overall!  
Then we celebrated the B man's birthday.  We gave him guns.  For the record, that's what he REALLY wanted (don't have a clue whose house he played with those at), and Julia did give me the idea so I am not technically "that aunt".  :)
Bad to the bone
Clark had his last day of preschool with Mrs. Kristiana.  I cannot even BELIEVE it.  I feel like I JUST took the first day of school pic.  How.  Yes, she is one of my BFFs, but besides that she is an amazing teacher and was PERFECT for my little buddy.  PERFECT.  We love her.

Even though I hadn't planned on it, Mary Claire did go to school this year.  Just the second semester.  She got to be in class with cousin SC!  Another little blessing.  Ms. Meredith and Mrs. Tricia took great care of her!!

Memorial Day!  We had a great weekend with Shannon and her fam in town from Houston (why didn't we I take any pics??) and then spent actual Memorial Day at my parents'.  
Cousins just a swingin'

Next stop: swim lessons.  
I was a tad bit anxious about these because I knew I was throwing him to the wolves with the local swim nazis, but it has been all smiles so far!  
His quote after the first day:  "It really wasn't that fun because I had to do what they SAID".    

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mary Claire at 14 months

These monthly posts keep coming faster and FASTER!  :(
Gamma gave MC a sheepskin just like she gave the big kids.   I think she likes it...

She likes to try to sneak the team snacks out of the dugout.

Snuggling with Sissy

This is how MC felt about her school pictures.

Dancing Mickey proves to be a hit again with child #3!

Mary Claire loves rocking.  

This was a first.  A fire drill at church including babies.  They just rolled 'em out!   There really is a protocol for this!

Doll baby  (I think Instagram kind of distorted it a little---she isn't that much of a bobble head!)

They are quickly becoming great playmates.

Riding backwards---that's how she likes to roll.

She REALLY loves rocking!

I promise she was giggling when I took this!  These two love to monkey around.


Just trying on Bubba's camo sweatshirt

She got some play time with Aunt Line and Uncle Lukey on their last visit.  We miss them!