"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Clark's First Soccer Season

When we heard the YMCA offered Soccer for three year olds, we thought it sounded perfect for Clark.
Ha.  He was really into the gear, the ball, the team, etc, but not so much the actual "paying attention and playing soccer".  
Oh well!  Gotta start somewhere, right?

Our little soccer man
(side note-- how in the world did the random soccer photographer get him to smile perfectly?)

Team shot with Coach Kyle--  The Golden Rules!

Saying a prayer before the game

One week Daddy had to fill in as coach.  He did a great job!

A rare shot of Clark actually going for it. 

Kicking the ball in was what he was best at!

Sean told him to play "goalie" (which they don't even do at this age), and it was the cutest thing ever.

He and cousin B almost had TOO much fun each game. :)

Stinkers.  I treasure this one.  

Looking forward to soccer with a FOUR year old! :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fall Festivities

October was pretty packed with lots of Fall festivities.  It's fun to add more action to the calendar as the kids get older!
Let's start with a laugh...
Pretty great in the digital age that you don't have to order every picture that comes home from school.  You can just keep the proof. :)
He's smiling so naturally.  ???

Hilarious.  I don't think he could make that face again if he tried.

Ok on to the action...
Clark was up first with a Fall party at school.  Be afraid, people!

He has the BEST teacher (not that I'm biased), Mrs. Kristiana, whom he adores. 

Clark the tiger sat next to Doc McStuffins.  IS THAT NOT THE CUTEST GIRL/COSTUME YOU HAVE EVER SEEN???  I may or may not have debated taking her home with me!!
(disclaimer: if you do not have a preschooler, you will not understand it.  then you should google her.)

Ah!  I love the over smiling that preschoolers do!  The whole class.

After snack, we went up to the gym for some games.  Bowling!

Clark loves the "sensory table".  Any form or fashion!

Discovering with Dorothy aka Claire

Later that week AnnMarie had a "Costume parade"  at gymnastics...

She found cousin Brooks!

A little Hokey Pokey with Maggie

Her rotation group.  I think I caught them just after the "official" picture.  I promise they are usually happy!
The next night our church had a Fall Festival...
We love cats so much that we just couldn't help but dress like them for Halloween!!!
Flowchart explanation:
Firstborn wants to be leopard (no, no plan Bs)-------->
Fine. Mommy wants them to coordinate.  (no, no plan Bs) ;)------->
Mommy finds a tiger costume at local consignment store (score, he likes anything "scary", we can call him an Auburn tiger, and hey, they're both in the cat family!)------->
Now Mommy has a nerdy plan.  MC can be a sweet little kitty---------->
Check EBay.  Bingo.  Done.--------->
Pretty funny because Sean is allergic to cats, and I do not particularly love them.
But anyway, Happy Halloween!!
We ran into our cousins!  The cutest fireman and clown you've ever seen!

Cool girls hangin by the backdrop (her sweet buddy Ava Grace)

Giant slide!!!!!!!!!
The next day we were invited to a pumpkin party complete with a real pumpkin patch, bounce house, hayride, food, and crafts, oh and smores!  So fun!...
Seriously the best I could get.  Out of 60.

My little crafter!
And that was all BEFORE Halloween! :)  Gettin some use out of these costumes!  woohoo!  

We went over to some friends of ours on actual Halloween night for some yummy dinner and trick or treating.  We LOVE our neighborhood 364 days out of the year.  Halloween is the only night we don't.  :) (no street lights, lots of bumps and hills, and no sidewalks)  Sooooo, we are thankful for friends that let us come to them instead!...
Daddy and Miss Kitty

Pinterest of course :) and easy schmeasy
Mary Claire's, little ladybug friend, Lainey.  Isn't she a doll???  She belongs to the "mistify people with our newborn hair" club as well.

The big kids were READY.  In case you can't see, that's the Big Bad Wolf with one of his three little pigs as well as a blushing bride.  ADORABLE


Remember that bride?  Here she is: Lila.  Is she not the cutest thing??  She called AnnMarie her cousin.  Sweetie!!!

Snuck in a family shot!

Poor Clark sadly walking away from a door....

Because the people wrote "NO CANDY' on the door.  Halloween scrooges!

And last but not least, we ran into some big boy friends of ours who were none other than Uncle Si and Phil from Duck Dynasty.  First place costume winners in my book!!