"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Saturday, June 9, 2012


We planted some pumpkin seeds today...and now we wait and hope!

Farmers Market

Visited our local farmers market this morning. We loved it! Yummy crepes and burritos for breakfast and a walk along the river. My purchases: apple butter, cranberry pecan bread, and some juicy peaches. YuM! We'll be back!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Power outage...

...Makes for a great candle party

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sip n See for Mary Claire

Back in April some dear sweet friends got together to host a Sip n See for me.  I really am amazed and thank God daily for my friends.  It was a beautiful party, every detail was so carefully and thoughtfully put together.  
A special thank you to my wonderful sis in law, Julia, who took these pictures for me so I could sit back and enjoy the day!  

The adorable onesies and bibs via the handiwork of my treasured friend, Kristiana.  She also made a matching top for AnnMarie.  Yay for matching!!!  
If you need a darling baby gift, head over to her shop on Etsy: Krispy Banana 

The beautiful spread!

Gorgeous flowers!

Lovely cake

Silver, beautiful silver!

Prissy was loved on by so many that day!  Here she is with Mrs. Dianne.
Two wonderful things about this picture (besides the fact that they are blonde bombshells and two of my bEsTiEs!):
1.  Caryn lives in WACO now!  yahoo!!!  and
2.  Shannon drove all the way from Houston!

AM cutting up with Gigi

One of the most beautiful things to behold: a chubby cheeked newborn sleeping contentedly.  
The hostesses: Emmalie, Cari, Erica, Kristiana, Amy, Julia, Sally
*Kimberly couldn't be there!

Me and my girls!  --A phrase I have always wanted to say.  I can't wait to take thousands more "me and my girls" pictures in the future!
I am so blessed to have a true fRiEnD in a sister in law.  She is so special to me!  

Three generations of Jurgensen(ish) girls 

I caught this pic as we were packing up to go.  May they forever love each other this much!  Those booties were my mom's, and AM's little toes used to stick out just like that when she wore them too! 

Kinder End and Interview

Didn't I jUsT post about the first day of school?
...And just like that: it was over.  
sigh.  I guess I better get used to the speed of school.  It flies.
 We made it!  She had an AWESOME year.  From her teacher, to her behavior (no color changes!), to sweet new friends, to becoming a super reader, to a precious little writer and artist, to being completely and wonderfully taken care of while Mommy was MIA with a new baby.  :)  Thank you, Woodway Elementary.  We are truly blessed with an amazing school.  I do not take it for granted, and I am thankful!  It is not a small thing to not worry one BIT about your child being away from you all day for the first time in your (or her) life.

First thing in the morning on that last day of school, the Kindergartners put on a music program.  I think it was titled,  "How Does your Garden Grow?"  Anyway, here is our strawberry!  She got to pick any fruit/vegetable that she wanted to be.  And then...Mommy got to make the costume.  :)  Google searches are a beautiful thing!  Got this idea from another mommy in blog world.  Some basic (BASIC!) sewing on good ol felt, and some hot glue later---voilla.

While waiting for the show to start, Bubba and I walked the hall to get his wiggles out.  This pic seems foreshadowing of my next panther kindergartener!  :(  Stop.growing.so.fast.

Daddy cuddled MC.  She was an angel!
These days we really have our hands full.  And at things like this when I just want to sit and take it all in and take 100 pictures, I really notice it.  Because I can't do that.  But, what a great problem to have, right?  
Garden music action shot

It was precious.  Just the cutest thing, and I was so impressed with their music teacher.  Way to go, Miss Daniel!

It even entertained Brooks and Clark!

These guys were the "weeds" and were hilarious!  They did a little hip hop/rap number, and it was so funny!

Saying her line!  ("Our only hope is that a new gardener will get himself elected.")

Proudly walking across the stage as her name was called

with cute little Marissa
with cute little Jayden (the teacher in me could have taken him home!!) adorable

Godsend, Mrs. Barrett
Great teachers are such a blessing!

sigh.  Just wanted to document the little cousins being there.  Clarky is scheming his getaway. 

We signed her out after the performance {goodbye, Kindergarten!} and went with Papa for a celebratory Sonic slush and cheesesticks: the graduate's favorite!

That night we celebrated again with dinner at Fuji Japanese steakhouse.  Big hit and so much fun with the kids!  Yum!

The Graduate

1. What's your favorite class?  music

2. What's the best part of the school day? recess

3. Who are your friends? Olivia, Savannah, Ava Grace, Amanda, Molly Katherine

4. What is something you learned in Science? that everybody has a different thumbprint

5. What is something you learned in Math? 8+8 is 16

6. What is something you wrote? my name

7. What was your favorite Art project? drawing the apples in the basket

8. What is your favorite book? Lady and the Tramp

9. What food do you like to eat at lunch? candy

10. What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Look at and play with Mary Claire

11. What do you like about your teacher? She's very very very very pretty

12. What do you look forward to for summer? Swimming at Gigi and Papa's house

13. What do you want to be when you grow up? a teacher...actually, no, a Rockette

T.V. show-- The Fresh Beat Band

Movie-- Mary Poppins

Song-- Kickin it Old School

Singer-- Hannah Montana

Food-- Olive Garden

Candy-- Jolly Rancher

Toy-- Stuffed animals

Activity-- Playing with my white board

Color-- red

Subject-- Writing 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kindergarten Track Day

When I was little, we called it Field Day.  I wonder why that changed?
Anyway, I was so excited to go to AM's first track day.   
With her best buddies from her class: Molly Katherine, Savannah, and Olivia

Can't leave home without her!

Each class wore a different colored tshirt which made it easy for everyone to know where they belonged---and for parents to keep track of their kiddos!  (Mrs. Barrett's in blue)

At our school, Kindergarten has it's own day which is not competitive and is more like a series of relays.  Everybody participates and has a silly time.

Giant football relay!
"Mosquito" relay

Random "hold an octopus on your head and run" relay
Pig in a blanket relay!

Prissy doesn't love her carrier these days.  Like big sister, like little sister.  Truth be told I'd rather hold her anyway. :)

Wouldn't be funny and elementary school without a rubber chicken thrown in the mix!

Loving on sister
Great job, Sissy!  I'm sure you got all of your athletic skills from your mama!

Mrs. Barrett's Blue Bears