"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Katy Girl Goods

I'm so excited to announce my newest endeavor!  Cruise on over to katygirlgoods.etsy.com to check it out!  I have a love for vintage and decided to put it to use.  I opened a shop on Etsy and have begun selling items.  It's so much fun!!!!  Pass it on to your friends! :)

p.s. Sorry for the blurry picture---it's really just for Etsy use. :)

Goodbye, PreK

Today I dropped off sister sue at PreK for the LAST time.  wow! 
That year went by fast...
Here she is all ready to go!
Party day!  Luau style!

cool girls
What's a party without Limbo????????

And a little water balloon fun...

The first day of school her teacher marked on this tree trunk the heights of all the children. 
The purple line going up from AM's name to the horizontal purple line shows how much she's grown.  whoa!  I think more than anybody else in the class!
We will miss you, Mrs. Brown.  Just before we all headed out, Mrs. Brown circled the kids up to pray, thanking God for their lives, for how they've grown, and for what they'll become.  That's what I was most thankful for this year.  You really can't ask for more than a Godly teacher who cares for and sincerely prays for your kids.  The rest is details! 

I am trying to be better about jumping into photos with my kids as I'm always the one behind the camera. 

We are SO proud of you AnnMarie.  Yet another "first" completed for all of us.  We're so thankful to have you to be our firstborn guinea pig kiddo.  You always make us so proud! 
Lots of love, Mommy and Daddy :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I absolutely LoVe being a mom.  I've known since I was a little girl that this was the ONLY thing I ever really wanted to do, and it has lived up to every expectation I had! :)  What a blessing it is to be a mother...
I was invited to a Mother's Day Brunch at AM's school.  I love that she likes to be silly with me.  :)
She is quickly moving into the "my friends are the coolest" stage, and that's fine with me.  I specifically remember those days, and I can only pray that she has as wonderful friends as I did growing up! 

A handmade gift for mommy.  The fingerprint caterpillar is so cute!

Had to document this:  Kylie, Lauren, and I with our babies sitting in the what used to be--"Wednesday Night Live" youth room.  Who would've thought that 15 years later we'd be sitting in the same place at a Mother's Day brunch??? 
They sang the sweetest songs in the sweetest little voices. 

And then presented us with some pretty cute gifts---the kind you keep forever---with handprints, drawings of Mommy :), and answers about Mommy's favorite things.  Just so you know, my favorite place to shop is Old Navy, and my favorite things to eat are sandwiches, cheese, and mayonnaise.  :) 

On Sunday we tried for a picture of Mama and her babies.

Try #2--AM keeping things lively, and Bubba not feeling it. 
I love these two!  Thanks for giving me the privelege of experiencing what I think is---the BEST job on Earth.  I'm so glad I get to be a Mommy every day!! 

22 months

Just a couple more months of these posts...
...because he's SO close to TWO.  And then I'll stop.  But for now I'll keep catching these little shots of my baby boy...
Wanting to be just like Daddy.  Isn't it the sweetest thing?

Never posing.  Always in action.

Loves books
Loves to DO. 
I love this one.  I love him.  :)

Kindergarten Roundup

How is it already TiMe???????  :(
Well, it is, and we better get ready! :)  Sean and I with our firstborn...
I think I had blown it up a little more than it really was, but still, it was a big deal in my heart! :)
We met up with some sweet friends.  So thankful we'll have familiar faces in August!

And after Mommy filled out a TON of paperwork, it was time to take a picture for her I.D.

I have to say (and all you pantherettes out there will understand!) my heart was bursting with a little Panther Pride when we took this pic!  Proud to have a panther cub in my house!  :)

And to close out the night, Daddy wanted a snapshot with his mini me baby girl.  We headed off to a dinner date with our soon to be Kindergartener.  Thankfully Gigi watched the Clarkster!

Did I cry?  no

Did I come really really really close?  yes  :)