"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clark is 18 months

This is what happens...
...when we don't remember to keep the bathroom doors closed at our house.
And this is the culprit.


As you know, there is no one on Earth who loves this peanut more than his momma, but I'll tell you one thing, month 18 has shown us his true colors.  :)

Full. Blown. Mess.

It's a good thing he's cute.

Because Mother Bear is tIrEd at the end of the day.  very!  All of a sudden we have a non stop little guy on our hands. 

And that's really the biggest news for this month---along with the fact that bubba has also started saying alot more words lately.

Last week I decided that we needed to cut the morning nap, as much as he still liked it some days, and as much as I looved it some days, it had to be done.  He was starting to wake up TOO early in the morn.

We also went to the Dr. for his checkup.  Clark had to get two shots.  He was doing great, and the main things we talked about were his allergies and that annoying eczema creeping back out again. 
height: 32 1/2 inches       
Doc predicts he'll be in the 6' 1" range.  Sorry, bubba, Momma brought you down a little from your daddy's measurement! :)

weight: 31.1 lbs

Lastly, I am loving seeing Clarky grow and change at this age.  He really is leaving his babyhood (waaaaah!) and becoming a rough and rowdy little boy.  I had a "moment" as we were leaving his checkup last week.  AM came along, and as we were walking out, I realized that I wasn't holding a carrier, I wasn't holding a baby, instead I had two kids walking behind me and following right along on their own.
I saw them grow.  Just like that before my very eyes!
How blessed we are!

Happy New Year 2011!

On our way to Barkin Ball!

AnnMarie-isms volume 2

Just a few things from AnnMarie lately:

I want a high dye-ded shirt for Christmas.                    (tie-dyed)

Cowboys wear mandanas.                                        

Mommy likes to watch "Forget Not to Wear".            ("What Not to Wear")

This my favorite park of the movie.
