"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a very relaxing and pleasant Christmas.  (This very pregnant mama was very thankful for that!) :)  

Here are the kids in their pajamas ready to go to the Christmas Eve service.    Cuties!

After the service Mrs. Dianne gave them sleeping bags complete with night lights and eye covers.  (a big hit!)  They of course had to open them up and try them out as soon as we got home.

And then they got to open some presents from Gigi and Papa.  Just one of the many jerseys he got this Christmas!

The one request by Clark for Christmas:  football mans.  

All about Hello Kitty these days...
And then they headed to bed so Santa could come!  

He made somewhat of a mess and knocked over the fireplace screen and dropped his milk glass.
Running in to check out the loot!

After we played with Santa toys, we headed over to Gigi and Papa's for breakfast with the fam.   Clark insisted on Luke wearing his jersey with him.  :)  
More presents!

Our best present this year: cousin Sarah Catherine!
And that afternoon we finished opening all the presents with J, J, B, and SC.  We had a great fun time, and yes, I am THAT aunt that gave my nephew a drum set.  :)  
Looking back I realize many of these pictures are consumed with presents.  I don't like that.  I guess that's just when I had my camera out.  What I couldn't capture in a snapshot was that most importantly we were so thankful this year to be with family, for a precious unmet baby coming, for health, for the opportunity to help others and love on friends and strangers this season.  I did really miss Mimi and kept thinking about her.  Thank goodness we have the hope and promise of seeing her again in heaven!  Thankful also that we have the freedom to worship God and celebrate the birth of Jesus at this time.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sweet Sarah Catherine

On November 30th, my precious niece made her entrance into this world!  
After an exciting midnight trip over to J&J's house after Julia unexpectedly went into labor, I got to spend the night and take care of Brooksy until we heard the news!  And that came at 2:30 a.m.  Yay!  
After B woke up and Sean got AM to school, I took the boys back home so we could all get ready to go meet B's little sister!!

Here they are ready to go to the hospital!!

Big Bro!!
Sweet cousins holding hands to walk into the hospital

Walking with daddy to meet her!
Two stinkers before we headed in

And here she is!!!

I know I am a little biased as the auntie, but she is beautiful!  And just the cutest baby!  I love her :)
And one of the sweetest moments===big brother meeting his new sibling!
Bonding :)
That night the whole fam came back (I couldn't wait to see her again!)

Leaving you with one more shot...what a sweet smile!
She is just darling, and I can't wait to watch her grow!
Welcome to the world, little one.  Your aunt (and the rest of your fam) loves you SO much! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pregnancy update--27 weeks

I have been so bad about updating this pregnancy!  Poor third kid----it's a just a different go round this time! 

I am about to start the third trimester this week and am just now starting to have some "I don't feel so great" moments.  (Except of course for the first trimester awfulness---nausea and worse with two kids running around.)  I really do love the second trimester and have tried to get as much done as I can. 

The weirdest thing I've craved this time is---cOfFeE!! That is weird for me because I had never in my life had (nor wanted to have) a genuine cup of coffee until a month ago.  Granted, yes, it was a fancy Starbucks one, but still.  I loved it!
I feel so bad, but I don't really have time to dwell on being pregnant or record the ups and downs like I did before (well, mainly just the first time...).  Bless this #3's heart!  Gotta go with the flow!
I guess that's it.  Gearing up for all things pink around here.  It's been nearly six years since we've had a baby girl!  There is soooooooooo much more adorable girl stuff out there.  Can't wait to dive back into it!

Still can't believe there is an unknown Svoboda baby girl waiting in the wings.  We are SO excited to meet you, little missy.   Oh--and Dr. says you are measuring two weeks big.  Let's just hope that means "early".  :)

He's growing up

My baby boy is turning into a bIg boy.  Just a few snapshots of life with Clark lately...

He recently made the switch from the baby bed to a big boy bed.  And a whole new big boy room.  He LoVeS it.  I love that I'm not having to lift him up into the crib anymore, but I don't love that my baby boy is gone.  :(


A new passion/love for all things football has emerged.  He got these "eye black" stickers at a BU game and would not take them off for a week straight.  Yes, he slept and bathed in them.  :)

And he spends alot of time looking through the dirty clothes for his jerseys.  He mUsT wear one EVERY day.  It's the first request he makes when he wakes up.  Yes, they're always in the dirty clothes because we only have 3, and Clark + 7 days a week does not equal three.

Practicing his stance. 
Santa better come up with some more jerseys! :)

And as long as he's fed and rested, he's completely content to play with his trucks and "football mans" either here or in his "big boy room". 
Clark is a phantom triplet of this twinsie set: Liam and Cullen.  :)  The other day when they came over to play, we found them in the baby's new room jumping and laughing/screaming in the crib.  They were so happy with themselves for A: climbing in, B: throwing out all the bedding, C: pooping (I'm serious) simultaneously, and I'm sure D: being so proud of themselves for not being crib sleepers anymore. 
sigh.  It's a GOOD thing they're so stinkin cute.  Meg and I were laughing hysterically.   We did not expect to see this when we came around the corner!

***I just realized he has a jersey on in every picture except the one in pajamas.  I wasn't kidding.  :)


We had a great Thanksgiving with these three!  :)  So so much to be thankful for!

Friday, November 11, 2011


We had a week full of Halloween activities which made for a sugar filled, mulitple costume crazy time!
First up: costume parade at gymnastics.  Sissy chose to be Pocahontas.

All the cute little girls in their duds!

Her group
Then Friday night it was time for the Fall Festival.  Super siblings :)

Don't mess with these superheroes!

Very sad this photo is blurry, but had to capture Clark's excitement when he saw our little twin buddies, Coyt and Crew Alligator.  He lOvEs them. :)
And then we met up with some of our fellow superheroes, Wonder Woman and Batman!!!
Cousin B was not down for a picture that night.  Maybe because Clark really wanted to give him a hug.  :) 
Cookie walk action
Miss Thang called out the winning colors.  No shyness here
Saturday afternoon we went to a family pumpkin party.  This was our attempt at a picture.  A little too bright!
Picking out the perfect pumpkin
And getting it decorated juuuuuuust right...
It was so fun!  Complete with a hayride and yummy dinner.  The kids loved feeding the donkey---until he bit Clarky's hand.  :)  No tears, though!  He was tough!
Enjoying the campfire
And then it was finally Halloween!!
Clark really liked a friend's spaceman helmet.

Trick or treat!  Clark was really into it this year!

And we spent our night trick or treating with this little jailbird and his big brother cop.  :)  (My favorite costumes of the night!)
I love seeing Halloween through my kids' eyes.  Such a fun time of year!