"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our guest, Brooks, and a Spur of the Moment Date Night

We had a fun year's end when Brooks got to stay with us while J&J went Phoenix to see the Bears in the Fiesta Bowl.  
And then Amanda came to play one day so we had five rascals in the car!  (First stop was Starbucks, of course.)

They never run out of things to do!

We got a fun surprise invite from the Oates to go to the Barkin Ball.  It was so much fun!

Goodbye, 2013!
And since this is how they wake up, we didn't stay out too late! :)

The boys had lots of adventures, and we loved our time with Brooks!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


AnnMarie and I had fun on Christmas Eve doing a lot of baking and preparing for our family getting together that night!

Grandmommy gave me some of her old cookie cutters, and some of them were just too cute to keep in the cupboard!

AnnMarie did some fine decorating.

Snuggling with Uncle Lukey at the Christmas Eve service.  Calm and peaceful for most, but not so much for those with kids ages 4 and under!

We tried!

Mary Claire is not so much into pictures.

Putting out the reindeer food

…and leaving out cookies for Santa

Sweet girl with her poinsettia

Santa came!

It was definitely the year of the tiger!

Loved the view from behind my coffee cup that morning. :)

Later on at Gigi's… sneaking M&Ms

Loves her Little People princess castle

And then a few days later it was on to Midland.  Love seeing God's glory in those west Texas sunsets!

Daddy's favorites at his favorite restaurant: La Mision.

Having fun with dominoes at Clear Springs

We are so blessed with loving families and have so much to be thankful for this year and always! 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mary Claire is 22 months

Thanksgiving party at Mother's Day Out (yes, MC was in a special chair to help her stay put while eating!) :)
(Conner, Bryce, Bryson, Kinsley, Mary Claire)

Easiest hairstyle for Rapunzel---the top knot

Playdate at Lauren's with all of our (Caryn, Shannon, Lauren, and I) kids

Celebrating Sarah Catherine turning 2! Tea party!

Little sister loves eggs and bacon!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Clark's Christmas Chapel

One of the most precious events at Woodway Christian School is the Christmas Chapel.  
Not much cuter than some 3 and 4 year olds singing their hearts out!

We love our little guy so much.  He did great!

After the performance, we walked down to his classroom to see his work.  Loved his letter to Santa!

That's enough pictures, Mom!

Monday, December 2, 2013

THIRD set of tubes for the Clarkster

I REALLY hope this is the last post I have about Clark getting tubes.  
He might be the cutest patient ever though!

Very thankful for modern medicine and the Lord taking care of our babies when they're sick.   Bless his heart---he was a trooper.  

Thursday, November 28, 2013


We spent a beautiful Thanksgiving at Grandma's farm!
These two little farmhands love watching the cows.

Of course the dog whisperer loved playing with Harper and Marley!

Too bright for a selfie, Mommy!

You wouldn't know from this picture, but this one didn't sleep a wink (literally!) that night.  Grrrr…exhausting!  Good thing she's cute...

What it's really like trying to get a family pic

Farmlife beauty!