Seeing how I'm quite behind on my blog, and this past few months have had some fun getaways that deserve some postage; I've decided to put them in Uno post. Yes, one post with three trips, so get ready for some pic's...
WARNING: emphasis on lots 'o' pic's...
are ya ready...
I said there's lots, and I mean what I say...
you best be sitting in a comfy chair for this next bit...
Trip the first: Cabin with BuntjersThe People:
(Note to self: A member or two from each family is represented in these next pic's to represent the whole family unit.)
Mom and Buntjer


Kelly, Ben and kids

Jesse, Mandy and kids

...and our family.

Lest we forget the pack of schnauzers.
Yes, each family owns one; and yes, we were crazy to bring them all!

The Activities:
Scooter Rides

Golf Cart Cruising

and playing around the cabin (i.e. tire swing, trampoline, and tree house)

The guys even managed to sneak off for some quality man time.

Tradition in the making:
The past few years that we've brought up the Buntjers, on the Eve of our trip home,
we gather the fam, scoot back the furniture, crank up the tunes, turn out the lights and..

bust out the glow sticks! This is the highlight of the trip, Good 'ol wholesome Buntjer Raving!
Trip the second: Cabin/Yellowstone with the TaftsThe people:
Myself + kids, Abigail and Patrick + Kids, Bekah and kid, and...

the father of us all (us sisters that is), my dad. As viewed in this photo supervising my girls B.B.Q. hog riding.

And by that picture, I meant this picture: He is viewed in the background of THIS picture.

And lastly but not leastly Odie, the dog. Who was sent with us by my stepsister with the promise that he was to be taken care of as if he was my own...child.
Here he is thoughtfully looking out over Yellowstones beauty.

Now that you've all been introduced to the fam, suppose we take a look-see as to what we were up to this trip...

All in all we had a rip-roar'n good time. Enough hiking and outhouses to last me through the next year, or five. But the family togetherness will be forever cherished.
Trip the Third: Buntjer Annual CampoutEach summer the whole Buntjer Clan will get together for at least one campout.
Here Isabella has had a fresh coat of makeup applied by her big 7-year-old cousin, Addy. She went from a 4-year-old to a teen with a tude in minutes.

This four day, three night get-together was chuck full of laughter, lolly-gagging, and plenty of...

Alyza's older sister, and cousin Lucy enjoyed bathing her in dirt. I think Alyza enjoyed having it poured on her as much as they enjoyed pouring it.

The last morning we woke up to three meese just outside our tent trailor. (ok, so I know moose plural is still moose, but it really SHOULD be meese.)

So there you have it, my summer trips. We had a ton of fun!
And I think I just barely got caught back up on my laundry from it all too- oh,yes!