Sunday, December 19, 2010

Star for a Day

Ella celebrated her birthday at Chuck E Cheeses yesterday, she enjoyed being the star of the day.

Unfortunately our car had broken down and Chris had to take it in to the shop so I was left to corral the kids on my own, but with the help of my older kids, I made it through with my sanity intact.

Ella's says her favorite things that day were blowing out the candles, going in the ticket blaster, eating the cake, playing with her friends, opening presents and giving her friends each a Webkins to take home. Good memories!


57% of the Smiths

We haven't had a family photo for a while. I wanted to get one this holiday season but I don't think it's gonna happen... so today before church amidst all the rush, I decided to grab whoever I could get...

Chris was in church meetings, Sierra was still in the shower, and Solei refused to be in the scene, so she snapped the photo for us.

So, this is 57% of our family, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Home on the Range - Sort Of

Here are some random photos of our new home and yard, taken in the fall. It's quite a different scene now with winter, but it was beautiful a few months ago. If you've never been to Michigan in the fall, you're missing out...
Here's the front...

A few shots of the backyard...lots of leaves to rake...

The dog's least in the warmer months (it's a screened in porch)...
The trail at the edge of the yard, leading to a tree fort someone built...

View from the back door...
I feel spoiled having such a colorful view from the kitchen window...
And the kids are spoiled too... this playground came with the house...
And Chris is spoiled too... the neighborhood is nestled in a golf course. Although we can't let the dogs run free on our walks anymore, the scenery is still beautiful..Anyways, that's our new "home on the range"

ArtPrize 2010

A few weeks after we moved to town, ArtPrize came to town. It's supposedly the worlds biggest art prize competition, and takes place downtown every year. Anyone can enter if they can find a place to put their stuff, and it doesn't cost anything to walk around town and view the artwork. We took the kids a few times but still only saw a small portion of what was there... here are a few...

Life size kinetic elephants that bobbed their heads.

A zoo made of nails...

I wouldn't want to meet the bird that made this...

Unfortunately we didn't have a pen to sign the giant greeting card...

This one was supposed to symbolize the ten commandments somehow...I thought it looked a little creepy though...

A mom and her kids built a giant penny out of pennies...

There were a lot I didn't get photos of, like a dark room with mist and lights that you walk through... or a human disco ball... and someone had painted pianos and put them on the street corners for people to play... it was a jolly good time.

We also stopped at the Children's Museum and visited the Curious George exhibit...the kind of art the little kids like...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm afraid my blog is going to be out of order chronologically for a while till I get all my photos off the old computer and catch up to recent events, but for now here is something we did this summer...Just Chris and I...and his team...

Since they were the top zone in the company last year, Chris decided to reward everyone with a two day getaway at a local resort called Madden's. It was beautiful and a much needed break during a hectic time for us. Surrounded by lakes and chock-full of golf courses, this place was a little slice of heaven.

Of course, Chris had to set up some meetings to justify it as a work outing, so I had time on my hands to explore the lake in one of the kayaks, stroll through the nature walks and lounge on the beach.
And, there was plenty of golfing for Chris when meetings were over...
Let's hope it's another good year at work...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quick Update

So I know I've been bad at posting...I'm still working on getting my photos back on the computer, but hopefully soon I will have more. Thought I'd write a quick update.

Anyways, things might be looking up for me, I went to the doctor a few days ago and he gave me a prescription that decreases the pain and inflammation. I have been trying my hardest to avoid medicating, but nothing was working and I just felt like I was wasting away, literally... so I'm giving in.

I will say, it's so nice to be able to move without constant pain, I had forgotten what that feels like! Anyways, I'm still a long way from normal, but I'm well enough now I can try to catch up on the housework, and it is desperately needed!

The kids are pretty much the same, doing well. Solei joined jazz band, Sierra is enjoying choir (though she might not admit it), Caden went to the dentist and probably needs oral surgery for a tooth that won't come in, Taron is learning French and likes to try it out on me, and Ella still enjoys being mom's big helper (sometimes).

Chris's company is being sold to a company called Bimbo ("Beembo"), which is based out of Mexico. We don't know what it means for sure, but within a year we should know what the future holds a little better. We may have to brush up on our Spanish skills.

Well, that's about it for now, not much time with the holidays and all, but I wanted to post something.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Sometimes when something you take for granted is gone, you find yourself more grateful for what you have left.

I am very blessed.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

And the Band Played On...

Solei is really enjoying playing trombone in band this year. At her new school, the band is the cool thing to do apparently... at the football games they put up signs all over the school cheering the band on... I think that poor football team must feel neglected.

Football season is over though and now they are into concert band. Like usual, Solei got first chair. She is getting pretty good, I'm proud of her.

Back to School

OK, so things are still topsy turvy around here... like this photo. I don't exactly know how to rotate photos without my paint program and my new computer does not yet have a paint program.

Anyways, here is the big day for the boys, the girls managed to evade my camera this year. Fortunately the kids all seem to like their new schools, which is a big relief.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting Settled

So yes, we are in our house now and we finally have a functioning computer! One of these days I promise to upload the photos off the old camera and write a real post, but for now, there's a house that needs organizing...

Friday, September 17, 2010

On the Leash

So it's been a while since I've posted. I apologize, but I do have a good excuse.

My paradise is lost... We have moved again... To Michigan.

Well, actually we are in the process of moving... a hotel is our home for this month while we wait to move into the new house. I used to think hotels were fun but now they are just depressing. Too confining.

Especially for our dog. He's gotten into the hotel kitchen at dinner time, made acquaintances with a skunk, dragged my 4 year old out to the pool (and scraped her up something fierce), and regurgitated more than once onto the floor... The hotel will probably throw a big party when we leave...

But the explorative walks in the woods behind our house, the season of unlimited snow skiing I had planned on, the warm days sunning at the beach, the empty lake waiting for our boat to disturb it's waters, the friends who loved us just the way we were... those days are gone for us.

It's been hard for me, but I'm trying to look forward. There are new adventures to be found. Maybe not the same things we had in Duluth, but good things nonetheless...

Shopping is less than a mile away from the new house, schools are rated higher and the kids seem happy there, the roads aren't crumbling quite as bad, and our neighborhood is nestled among a beautiful country club so my walks will still be scenic --but I will miss letting the dogs run free.

Something about letting the dogs run free feels really good. Maybe it's just because I can't hold the leash tight anymore...

Well, it's time to pick up the kids from school... gotta hold onto that leash...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Water Logged

We've been spending a lot of time around water lately, but I guess that's just part of living in Minnesota... you can't get away from the stuff -- it's everywhere.

I think our favorite water adventure is still this...

Nothing quite compares to a good day on the lake. Especially when you find your own private island...

And friends come along...

Some of who are so afraid of the water, they refuse to let go no matter what...

But as a mom, one of my favorite things is seeing my kids learn new skills on the water...

Ready, set, go!

Gooseberry Falls Ward Picnic

In celebration of Independence Day, our ward had a picnic at Gooseberry Falls the day before

Ella and her best friend, Charlotte...
Flag raising...
Water isn't the only thing falling there... Chris, Solei, and Sierra made quite a splash off a nearby cliff...

Kickin' back...

Sliding down the falls...

This tree was obviously sad to see us leave.

Beach Bums

Who says Lake Superior is too cold for swimmin'?

And if you don't like cold water, there's plenty of sand to play in...

Normally Solei manages to avoid the prying eye of my camera, but once in a while I catch her when she least expects it...
I love summer!