Hi Ya'll, it's Anita, or Scrapinams, and I wanted to share a couple of photos of my new scrap space in progress. You will see in the posts below photos of Jan and Michelle's great spaces and I am hoping that we get a few more photos up soon. I am in the process of remodeling one of my daughter's rooms into my new scrapbook studio! Which is a major pain in the rear end let me tell you, but I am pretty excited about it none the less.
I have a custom room now, which is really nice, but it is in the middle of the house and it is open to every single person who walks thru the house
and it is in the room right next door to my hubby's TV. Also, I have decided that I need to remodel my kitchen this year, and I want a really BIG kitchen. The area that is now my scrap studio will have to become part of the kitchen so I needed to find a new space for scrapping. I decided that my daughter Heather's room would work really well. Now, before ya'll think that I just booted my kid out of her room to support my obsession with scrapbooking,,, let me just say that Heather is now in her sophmore year at Texas A&M University, so it is not like she is using the room these days. I spent a weekend clearing the memories of Heather's childhood off of the walls (which was tearful) and got everything cleared out and the carpet pulled up. I now have some of the cabinets in the room, but I am waiting on a couple of the custom cabinets to be built and delivered. As soon as those are done and in the room I can install the counter tops and get all the stuff moved from one room to the other.
Here is one set of the cabinets, I plan on using these to store my completed albums as each little cube is 15 inches tall. I put a TON of embellishments on my pages and I have to stand my books up because the pages are so thick they won't lay down. I have two more of these shelf units (there are two stacked here) that I will be putting on top of the counter top for other storage.
And yes, I did paint the walls, everyone seems to ask me that when they see these photos.

These shelves came from a retail store, as did the other shelves, and these will hold all my punches, my cans of stuff, by jars of buttons, my
doo-dads and all the other little things that I have that I like to keep out so that I can just look around and see what I have to work with instead of having stuff hidden away in drawers. If I can't see it, I will forget that I have it and I won't use it. I have about another 20 shelves I can add to this unit if I need them, so I will have plenty of space!

Of course I have the drawer units in the closet to store project specific stuff in. I picked up this entire set of drawer units on clearance sale at Joann's, on a day when they had 50% off red tag clearance, so I got ALL OF THEM for only $60!!!! Can you believe that!!! It was the deal of the century!
I am hoping that the last two cabinets come in SOON! and I can get the countertops installed and all my stuff moved over. I will post more pics as more work happens.
Stay tuned!