Monday, November 29, 2010

It's been awhile...

We have been so busy lately! So here is an update on us.
Brady: graduates in 2 weeks! YAY!!! He also has been way busy with Pinnacle and opening up an office down here! He also bought a new truck! Thank Pinnacle! (They are paying for it...) He is soo in love with this truck and I think it's about time he got himself a manly car! He is almost done with his freaking internship! THANK HEAVENS!! I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to be over! As soon as thats over I will have my husband back! After he graduates all he will be busy with is Pinnacle! YAY!!!
Sarah: I am just having the time of my life being Milly's mommy! It's a lot of hard work but it's so worth it! I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year and it was so fun to just veg out with all of them! I love them so much! I am reading the book "secrets of the baby whisper" and it's sooo good! It's really helping me be a better mom for Milly! I am contemplating going back to work for a few hours a week but we'll see how the next couple weeks go! I am feeling almost 100% back to normal from having the baby! I can't wait to start working out. I only have 4 more pounds to go before I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight! And then it'll be 10 more after that but at least I am getting close! Yay!!!
Milly: Milly is 5 weeks and 5 days old! She's growing soo fast! She is already holding her head up most of the time! She loves tummy time! She is starting to smile at us! It's soo cute!! She is getting better with spitting up, we have her on some medicine for acid reflux and it seems to be working! She is weighing around 10 pounds! She is out of her newborn clothes! I can't believe how long she is getting! She is also starting to get her own look. it's so cute! Poor thing has some baby acne so hopefully that'll go away soon! Her eyes are for sure blue! She loves watching her mobile and the flashing lights in her bassinet! We moved her into her crib about a week ago. Brady has been kinda sick so he coughs at night and was waking her up! and to my surprise she sleeps alot better in there then in her bassinet! She loves bath time. except when it's time get out and get lotioned up! But she does love to have her little hands rubbed while we're putting the lotion on. We gave her her first bottle on friday last week and she did awesome with it. So now I am giving her breast milk in that once a day. It's kinda nice cuz now I can leave her with someone and they can feed her. I think Brady and I are gonna go to a movie this week to celebrate! We are so in love with this little girl! I can't imagine life with out her! We were looking at baby pictures of Brady and she looks just like him!
I have a question for all you moms that breast fed your babies:
How do you get your milk supply to increase? Mine has kind of dried up a bit, I pumped the other day and only got 1oz out of both sides combined before I fed her! I used to pump 4oz out of both sides combined AFTER I fed her! So any advice would be much appreciated! THANKS!!

Here are a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks! 
My Birthday 22

Fell asleep during tummy time

Her Halloween outfit!

Me and Mil on Halloween

such a cutie

Going on a walk

Mil loves her baths

lil burrito baby

My grandma, me and Mil

Funny story! I was changing Milly's diaper and she shoot  poop, no joke, 4 feet! If you look carefully it's plastard all over my rocker and it even hit the wall!!

Daddy and sleeping Milly
I will add more pictures when I get a chance! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Milly's newborn pictures

We had Milly's newborn pictures done about a week ago and we just got them back! Check them out on our photographers website. Also leave comments on her blog about Milly's pictures because they more comments that people leave on there the more free prints we get!! Enjoy! And Thanks a million if you leave a comment!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More pictures of Milly Moo!

This was one of Milly's Halloween outfits, I need to find the picture of the other one! 
Milly's first road trip! We had Brady's year end party. She did so good in the car! We only had to stop once to feed and change her!

We love the mornings with Milly! She is always so happy and LOVES to snuggle with mommy and daddy!

Milly at 3 Weeks

Her eyes are starting to turn blue! I'm pretty positive that her eyes will be blue considering her Daddy and I both have blue eyes! 
I have more pictures to come soon! 

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