Tuesday, January 19, 2010

25... someone is getting old!!

Well this is super late but Brady's birthday was on the 14th of this month! I totally fooled him and through him a surprise birthday party with a few of our close friends and family! I didn't do very good with the camera that night so here is a couple pictures...

The birthday boy...

25 cupcakes!!!

Birthday boy blowing out his candles!!!

After the party we went to Olive Garden with Lex & Kelsey, Chris & Jessica, and Jed tagged along!! I think he had a pretty good time and he was completely surprised by the party!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

warning picture overload!!!

these are just some of the pictures that I didn't add earlier from Christmas and some new ones from new years day...

So if you haven't read my previous post about our Christmas tree falling stop now and read that.
This was one of my favorite gifts that I got this Christmas. I was totally surprise with this one too, cuz I really didn't think Brady remembered what I had told him that I wanted... But I am enjoying this present A LOT!!!!!!!!! I will post pictures of my little sewing creations another time.

December 27th
We celebrated on 1 year anniversary!!! Holy cow I can't believe we've only been married a year! It feels like it's been 2 or 3 already! But we have loved every minute of it!
We celebrate the night befor with some steak and crab at our house....

And on our actual anniversary we drove down to mesquite to the Eureka and spent the night there. It was soo cute and romantic! I think our room we had was better then the room we stayed in on our honeymoon!! haha sad but I didn't mind it!! We had a hot tub in our room!!

They put rose pedals and roses in our room!

They gave us some "mormon" bubbly...

and they left us some sweet chocolate strawberries!!! Yummy!

They also left us some cute robes and slippers!! haha so cheesy...

Overall we had a really fun anniversary and we have had a great first year of marriage!!
I'm such a lucky lady to be married to Brady. He takes such good care of me. I really can't imagine my life without him!! It seems like everyday we say to each other that we love each other more then we did the day before. I thank the Lord everyday that I have such an amazing eternal compainion!
I love you babe!

Moving on...

New Years Day.
In my family it is a strong tradition to go bowling on New Years day with the WHOLE family. Well I haven't been able to go for a couple years now but I know they still do it and now that I have my own family I have carried on the same tradition.
But on a smaller size..
This year we went with Jer and Mick and we had such a good time!! I love bowling!
My stud muffin and I

Jer and Mick

Mick and I eating some nummy french fries...

my lover and me... again! That face, geez!

Look at that form! lol he is so cute!

Well I'm done for now but that was fun! come back next time!


My 2010 goals

So I have set some new goals for this year and I'm hoping that I can actually do them..

-Work out everyday (except Sundays)
-Keep up on my laundry (yuck!)
-Do the dishes every night before bed (another yuck!)
-Save up the money I make for a baby
-Do FHE every monday!
-Love my husband more
-Start going to the temple every monday again

This is kind of a lot... I can do it tho!
Wish me luck!


P.S. We just found out that Brady's regional manager is taking us to MEXICO if february!! WOO HOO

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

About 4 days before Christmas we were back in our guest bedroom when all of a sudden we hear a HUGE crash in the front room! I ran in there to find our Christmas tree had fell over! All the ordiments were all off the tree except for the star on the top, and all the water that I had just put in the base of the tree spilled all over our presents! So instead of letting it ruinning all of our presents we ripped all the paper off of them and had our Christmas early!


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