Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Breah's First Swim

The weather down here has been absolutely beautiful lately, so I finally splurged and bought Breah her own pool, thinking she would just love it. We were going to try it out Tuesday, but Breah had just had her shots and wasn't in much of a mood for playing. And when we missed out on a play date to the splash park today (Breah had a 3 hour nap) we decided to give it a whirl and have our own splash party. I thought it might be best to ease into it, so we tried twinkling our toes--she hated it. So Brandon suggested I just plop her in. Well by this point the water had warmed up a bit so I did. She didn't object, but she sure wasn't thrilled. She just sat there like this:
Then I helped her onto her belly and she was happy as could be trying to grab the leaves floating in the water, and then when I sat her up again she decided it wasn't so bad after all. Our first outdoor water excursion was a success, and now we are looking forward to trying out the splash pads and the big pools with our friends (Mommy didn't really fit in Breah's) .
In other news, Breah had her 6 month check up on Tuesday. The doctor tried and tried to find something wrong but after careful examination admitted there is no evidence that she was once such a sick little girl (YEA!) She weighed in at 15 lbs 14 oz and had shrunk in heighth since her last visit--turns out the nurse had measured her wrong, she is actually 26.5 inches tall! So where does she fall in comparison to the rest of world? She's in the 37th percentile for weight and 69th for height!

Sippy Cup? No Thank You!

So, remember I was telling you what a big girl Breah thinks she is? Whenever I have a glass of water she thinks she needs a drink too, so I tried giving her a sippy cup. Well, she wasn't too excited about it 6 weeks ago, so the other day I bought a different kind and tried again, thinking it would be nice to be able to have a drink in the same room as her and not have to give up (once she gets her hands on it I can't get it back very easily without hurting her tender little feelings). But as evidenced in the picture, that didn't go so well. You see, sippy cups are all high tech these days (spill proof) and you actually have to suck on them to get anything out, whereas with Mom's glass all she has to do is tip it up and open her mouth and she gets all she could ever want and more. So I think we are just going to have to be those parents that bypass the sippy cup and go straight for a big girl cup. She actually does pretty well, and maybe as she gets older we can convince her to take a sippy cup for such events where a sippy cup would prove to be more practical, i.e. in the car, outings, etc.

Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home

"I'm so glad when Daddy comes home, glad as I can be! Flap my arms and screech for joy and grab onto his tag," sings Breah when her daddy comes home for lunch. Brandon has to wear this lanyard with his ID on it, and when he leans down to pick up Breah it's the first thing she sees. I think she could chew on it for hours if she could just figure out how to get it over his head! We love our Daddy and both look forward to seeing him at lunch!
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Breah has really been enjoying all the fun foods she gets to eat. It took her a couple weeks to get used to the idea but then really started to like her cereals, especially oatmeal! So the last couple weeks we have been trying veggies. She really didn't like them at first. I could get the spoon in her mouth maybe 3 times if I was lucky before she would lock her jaw on me and refuse even the cereal. We tried and tried with green beans, then decided to try some squash. We had a little bit more success, and then tried beans again. If you've never had the opportunity of introducing food to a baby, I highly recommend it for a few laughs. Aside from the funny faces she would make, when she swallowed the beans she would do this whole body shudder. But that was at least 4 days ago, and now, when she sees one of us getting her food, she starts freaking out with excitement and we can't seem to shovel the food in fast enough. Usually she gets fed up with our pokiness and thinks she could do it better herself, which is why most meals we eat with 3 spoons. She is just getting to be such a big girl. Even if it's not time for her to eat, if Mom & Dad are sitting up to the table, she isn't happy til she is up there too.
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Monday, April 21, 2008

My New Discovery!

Click to play Breah's First Easter
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a scrapbook - it's easy!
Guess what? I love scrapbooking. I always have, always will, but as of late it's become more of an imaginary hobby. I take thousands of pictures all with the intention of scrappin' and it never gets done. Most of the time the pictures never even get printed. I've always sworn I'd never do the digital but lets face it, I'm too behind to ever be on top again, so I'm amending my oath with a few exceptions. I will scrap digitally as long its 1)free, and 2)Premade, at least until I get a new computer. Do not, however, think that I will give up the good old fashioned cut and past. I'm just trying to get caught up so that when I do scrapbook it's not so overwhelming. This is my first real project, and let me just tell you how easy i imagine it could have been (it was a little more frustrating for me because our computer is so overloaded that it freezes every time I open the program, and then I would lose my projects)! All you do it download the program, Smilebox, pick a design, and drag your pictures onto the page! And it's free! Cool, huh?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What it means to have a mobile child...

Breah has recently become mobile. At first it wasn't a big deal, she could roll here and there but for the most part was content to play wherever she landed. But after much practice, she is now scooting throughout the house . . . backwards! It's pretty sad when she sees something fun--she gets all excited and starts reaching for it, all the while getting further and further away. Sometimes she will reach her goal only after doing a lap around the room. Today while I was drying my hair she got herself stuck under the night stand (yes, I really need to dust!) and started whinning for help. But, being the mean mom I am, I left her and ran to find the camera.
So, now that she's moving around, I'm really going to have to start keeping a cleaner house! The other day my friend and her kids were here, and after they left I found little shreds of paper in the carpet. I thought I had picked them all up but later found a couple in Breah's diaper! So, although I wasn't in the market for one, we got ourselves a new human vacuum! It doesn't help that we have shaggy carpet that hides everything, I'm going have to start vacuuming a lot more!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Check out my Guestbook!

That Lip!

Last weekend we got to go up and see some of our family in AF for a b-day party, and in Salt Lake for my cousin Christian's baptism. It was so good to see everyone, and especially to be there to share in Christian's special day! After the baptism and luncheon we took Breah to see her first movie: Nim's Island. She was completely mesmorized, and just stared at the screen for the first hour. She was so still we kept having to check if she was awake. She was such a good girl, I think we'll have to take her to more! Before the movie started I got this cute picture of her profile. Isn't that the cutest little lip!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dansie Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free family tree - Family search

So I know you all think Breah is the spitting image of her father (haha), but I finally have proof that she does have some of her mother in her (I had to try many different photos to get that result, and pics of us are hard to come by these days!). The other day I was putting her clothes away and Breah was in her swing, when all of the sudden I sneezed, and it was a loud one! Usually when Brandon sneezes it scares her so bad she cries, but she thought that was the funniest thing in the world. So for the next 20 minutes, I sneezed and Breah laughed. She laughed so hard that she had tears streaming down her face, and of course so did I. There we sat, Mother and Daughter with matching tears running down our faces. I wish I would have been able to get it on camera--I'll try to be more prepared next time!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm Back!

So after weeks without internet, I'm once again connected to the world. I never really realized how much I depend on it until I went without it for so long! And now we have high speed! How spoiled am I? Anyway, I just wanted to share this cute pic of my little ray of sunshine! I was in the store the other day and saw all these cute hats, and figured it would be a good investment. She doesn't have much hair, and therefore I am constantly trying to protect her head from getting sunburned. So I tried them on her and everytime I put one on her head she busted up laughing. People were peeking around the isle just to see what was so funny, which brings me to my next thought.

Most of you who know me well know that I don't care to be center of attention, but I have to admit, I love all the attention that Breah gets. At first it was a little weird to have complete strangers coming up and admiring my baby, but you get used to it, and heck, who can blame them? We walked to Smith's one day and I was buying all the Cadbury eggs that were left after Easter (there were none--I had to settle for a Nestle Golden Egg, and it just wasn't the same) and this older couple comes up to me and starts telling me all about their grandson and how Breah is so alert for her age (I think by 5 months most kids are) and then the lady gets one of those quacking duck puppets and starts trying to make Breah laugh. Then a lady in JoAnn's started picking out fabric for a quilt for my sweet little girl. I seriously don't take her anywhere without someone stopping to talk. Maybe there are just lots of friendly people in St. George? The only downside to all this attention is the fact that if she is not wearing a bow as big as her head, everyone thinks she is a boy! And no little girl wants to be confused with a boy, so I always try to have something in the place of hair when we go out.