Saturday, May 17, 2014

In N Out Reading Program

We finally signed up for a library card. Akoy started a reading program for In N Out. For every 5 books he read, he would get a free hamburger. Up to 15 books. They have to be on reading level. Luckily, Akoy's books are shorter. He worked really hard and read us lots of books. He was so happy to get us all free hamburgers. What a great program. I'm so proud of Akoy for working hard and always practicing reading. Even when he doesn't want to! 

Murdoch Family Pictures {and our family}

 My family doesn't have a ton of family photos. Let alone, professional ones. My sister Brooke lives in Texas and was in town for Brayden's homecoming. It'll be the last time everyone is together until my little brother Bryson comes home from his mission.
It is so hard getting 16 grandkids to pay attention and look at the camera. Really hard. But thats life! :) My sweet sister in law Amanda took our pictures and I love them! I wish Lily was in a better mood but it was a bit chilly and she had just woken up from a nap. Always a bad combination. 

I had to throw in this last one. These boys are so stinkin cute! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welcome Home Uncle Brayden!

Last week my little brother Brayden returned from his mission in London, England. I made the kids a countdown the last couple weeks. They were able to rip a chain link off each day. It helped them get really excited. My kids haven't been able to really get to know my brothers because of missions and since we lived in Nebraska. Lily had only met Brayden once.

I got in my craft mode and made a few things for his homecoming. We were able to re-use some signs from Matt returning last summer. I made a poster with the England flag. I had to do most of it free hand and it made for an interesting night. I was able to use my Cricut Explore for the rest. I recently got the the new one. It made my cutting out flow so much better. I am in love with the new machine. Good bye to reseting my machine after every cut! :) I also made a burlap bunting and found England burlap. I was so excited!

Back to my brother, my dad got a text from a random guy at one of Braydens layovers.  He saw my brother and another missionary, took a picture and then sent it to the parents! It was fun to get a picture of him on his way home.  His flight didn't get in until 7:10. Bryson stayed back for mutual, so my sister rode in my car. We were able to fit 6 carseats and two double strollers in my minivan. I loved it! We were notified that his flight was landing early. We were hurrying so fast. After running it, we sat and waited. Everyone made it on time. It was so fun to watch him come down the escalator. My mom ran up and gave him a hung. All the grandkids quickly followed. While Brayden was gone, he had 5 more nieces and nephews! 5! Our family is growing like crazy. Lots of new people to meet. My sister in law Rachael (who didn't have a kid while he was gone) was holding Graham. My brother Brett convinced Brayden that Graham was theirs. Brayden {in his english accent} said "Did I miss something?" It was funny. Lily wouldn't give Brayden a hug because he was "Akoy's Uncle Brayden" not hers....??? After the airport we went and got ice cream. Unfortunately the flu was going around ALL the family and Lily started throwing up on the way home. Luckily, Brooke was able to catch most of it so it didn't get all over the car. (most spread flu. Seriously 95% of my family {31 people!}  all got it. Bryson and I rarely catch bugs like that and it is now working its way around brysons family)

Through out the rest of the week, we just spent lots of time with the family. My little brother Bryson was supposed to go through the temple. So he was ordained an Elder and got his recommend. Since Brooke is in town, we wanted everyone to do a session together. Who knows when we will all be together again. We had something going on every day. Saturday came for the temple and everyone had babysitters. Apparently, he can't go through the temple because he is still in High School! He even had temple prep and a recommend with the stake presidency. So after being bummed out and my mom throwing away all Bryson's undershirts and underwear  we decided to go to lunch. It was so nice to have most the family together with out any kids! (Brandon and Margot were sick and Bryson Gregory was camping for Young Mens). During lunch, a guy was trying to figure out why we were all dressed up. He manages a lot of the Cold Stones and told us all to go get free ice cream afterwards. Yummy!

Brayden had his homecoming the following Sunday and it was delightful. His talk was amazing. We had family pictures later that night. We have had a few family pictures taken in our family room or back yard, but this is our first professional one. I'm so excited to get them back. My sister in law, Amanda was so sweet to work with a big group and lots of crazy, cold kids.
The kids countdown

During his layover

When you have 3 brothers close together, then you just laminate the sign and reuse it

I know you can't tell, but my brothers are really tall. Range from 6'2'' to 6'7'' 

These boys LOVED riding together! 

The next day, my brother Bryson was ordained an elder

Graham- 5 months!

Every day I feel like Graham has grown. He seems a lot taller then the other kids. I love getting him out of bed everyday and snuggling him.
Graham at 5 months:

*17 lbs 9 oz
*25 in and 3/4 (I think...)
*Loves baby food. So far he is enjoyed sweet potatoes and squash with some rice cereal.
*Thinks his older brother is hilarious and loves to follow him around with his eyes
*rolls over both directions and rotates and maneuvers around everything.
*He only likes to chew on his binky. Sometimes he will take it if he is screaming in the carseat.
*Loves the TV/ screens. The colors catch his eye and he stares
*He will stare at someone until they make eye contact with him
*Loves to smile, especially when someone smiles at him. He was a stubborn smiler in the beginning but he has transformed into one happy boy!
*He loves to chew on things.
*Can't keep shoes on for the life of him.
*Loves any attention. All the time.
*I finally have him sleeping in his crib unless he is eating. Sometimes I fall back asleep and he sleeps with me for a tiny bit but not much.
*Takes 3-4 naps a day. Usually 1 or 2 longer ones. Still loves sleeping in his carseat while we are out.
*Loves the swaddle. After our trip to Disney world this week, we will try and take the swaddle away. He rolls over while being swaddled and ends up face down.
*He usually gives me 4-6 hours in the beginning of the night and then eats every couple hours. We also need to work on that :) I am a push over. But if by chance, he is our last one, then I don't care! He goes down around 8 ( give or take an hour) and sleeps till 7:30 or 8 before waking up for an hour or so.
*Lily likes to share her blanket with Graham and have him smell/eat it. I think she will convert him to be a blanket loving person.
*He loves to talk after naps. Just coos away
*starting to get a little whipsy hairs. Some grow longer then others
*Takes a bottle and is starting to tolerate some formula. (We are leaving him with Grandparents while we go to Universal Studios for a day and I didn't want to bring frozen milk)
*Loves to chew on his toys and fingers.
* I likes to hold his pants or toes
*He is a happy baby as long as he gets his naps and eats. Still mostly on demand, with a little schedule.
*He likes to be upright. Always in the bumbo, high chair or anything. He doesn't like being on the ground very much.

I lost his stickers during the move.. so he gets Lily's. And a feminine tank top...

Classic Graham face

He didn't have fun at the salon

feeding lots of babies

Lily sharing her blanket during scripture study

We looked over at Graham and he was sitting like this. Eyeing Bryson's food

Akoy made sure Graham wouldn't roll around and eat his legos.... He trapped him