Tuesday, October 1, 2013

January 2013

Just a random set of pictures from the month of January!

Gage's first McDonald's experience!

Our Christmas Thank You cards the girls helped create!  They wrote on the pack of this printed image.

Gage's First Christmas!!

Sadly we sold our trusted Buick at the end of January.  Never in my life did I expect to drive, let alone love, a Buick!  This "grandma car" was fully loaded, leather interior, super charged motor, and took a serious beating over close to 6 years! Sad to see it go.  Wish we could have hauled it across country with us - all 199,000 miles of it!

Abby is a hoot. This girls knows how to push her mama's buttons as well as make me laugh more than any one else in the family!  Love her!

Brynn is constantly loving on and  snuggling her brother!  Heavenly Father knew exactly what he was doing when these two were paired together about 5 years apart!

Christmas 2012

I'm not sure where to begin our update.  We have had many changes since my last post in January.  How is it possible that much time as passed?! I think the easiest will be just uploading pictures for each month.  So from here on out it will be primarily pictures with a few captions in chronological order. Seems to make the most sense for the sake of eventually getting around to printing yearly blog books.

Rainbow carrots - courtesy of Bountiful Baskets!  The kids loved them!  Never knew two little girls could consumer so many in one sitting till these arrived!

 Kindergarten Music Program - Brynn, age 5

These kids are truly growing too quickly!

 Gage, 4 months.

Such a smiley boy!! Love this kid!

Christmas Morning - Lander, WY

 Wrapping proudly done by Abby and Brynn.

Colorado Bound!

 Stopped in Grand Junction area to visit Grandpa Frank.

We are blessed enough that when we went home for Christmas we were able to visit both the Webber and Walls families!  Our kids have no idea how lucky they are to have spent time with their cousins, aunts, uncles, and both sets of Grandparents.  

At the time we didn't have any idea it would be our last visit home to Colorado for a Christmas for probably many years to come.  Quality time spent with Grammy before she returned to heaven, we met Jenny's boyfriend (future husband) Sean, enjoyed the snow, laughed, baked, ate, and just celebrated time with our families and enjoying the blessings we have.

Christmas pj's for the girls from their Grammy!

One of our final nights in Durango was with friends for New Years eve.  These are the older kids watching their dad's set off fireworks!