Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall is here.

So, last week, it basically turned way cold overnight. Way cold being like high 50s in the day, low 40s at night. But down from the 80s--that's huge! And then the winter days will come, I will only be able to dream of 50s.
Anyways, crispness is in the air. So we found us some indoor activities. 

Cian LOVES this tent. It literally saves me all day long.
Whenever I'm trying to get something done (say dinner) and Cian is crying at my feet, I say, "Brycen, run in the tent!" Brycen is a WONDERFUL helper. Once Brycen is in the tent, comes a "Cian, where's Brycen?" Cian immediately stops wailing and charges for the tent in all giggles. They then play for a good 10 minutes. Works like a charm.

I have always heard that this was a great motor activity. 

And I'm a believer. Brycen got frustrated at first and wanted me to do it but his desire to fill up his whole necklace won him over and he sat there for a good thirty minutes making this:
It was then his snack while he played for the next few hours. Genius, or what?

I love that Cian can sit in a chair and feed himself but my goodness, it gets messy. I literally wipe his seat down and sweep 4-5 times a day.
This picture does not even come close to representing the applesauce mess.

Guilty for sure.
And our big outdoor activity of the weekend: Feast of Hunter's Moon. 2nd year going and it didn't disappoint. Not pictured: AMAZING food cooked on open fires, lots of music and dancing, jugglers, crafts, and merchandise.

Pictured: My adorable helper.

Location: right along the river--"WATER!" Brycen loved it.

First row tickets to the Canon Presentation.
(the best smile I get these days...)
 Brycen sat well through the first 4 times they fired them but then declared he was done with the earth shaking and loud Ka-BOOM ness. 


They both got adorable bird whistles (we had already bought one last year, but we figured Cian may need one some day)

And then Brycen insisted on playing along with the Fife and Drum band.  

Good times. We will for SURE miss it come next Fall when we find ourselves elsewhere! Crazy to think...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I sure love being with my family. Whether it's just the hubby and kiddos or the grandparents. Love it all. Grandma and Grandpa Walker came to town for  a short sweet visit. It was just perfect. Our kids get SO excited, they forget to sleep and then we have huge issues down the road. SO short visits ARE perfect.
Backyard Popsicles
 The swing performed a miracle that I could not that day.
Craft with Grandma. It's a placque that says, "Brycen. Born May 9, 2009. A Child of God". They (Cian has one as well) turned out SO good.
It may take visitors in town but when Daddy tags along, we sure love it.
We took the Grandparents on our annual trip to the cornmaze. All day Brycen said that he was going to the cornmaze to see the cow and I tried to break it to him that there wouldn't be any. As soon as he got out of the van, he ran to it and said, "There it is! See, Mom! A cow!" I am really puzzled as to how he could've known/remembered when it had been a full year and I sure didn't.
 Since the Grandparents were leaving Saturday morning, we went to the corn maze Friday night and the darkness added quite the adventure. Got lost even more than usual, especially when Grandma was the head of the pack. :)
 Cian's first time. It's a bit blurry but had to have it, it's our traditional picture.
After the grandparents left, we went on a family bike ride. It was Cian's first time in the trailor and he quickly grew to become not a fan. He was either just exhausted and/or was frustrated that he was forced to be leaning into Brycen the whole time. Kinda like when you are sharing an air mattress that has a hole, with a person that weighs more than you. Despite all efforts, the smaller person ends up crashed into the bigger person the whole time. I'm not a fan as well.
He cried a good deal before falling asleep. Brycen was so cute to let him sleep on him until we got home.

He is normally like this:

 Big Brother started Joy School last week. He LOVES it. We made the mistake of telling him the night before and he couldn't sleep. He goes twice a week with two other boys his age. The moms trade off teaching. My turn is in 5 weeks. I am loving those 2 hours each day Brycen goes, that  I have with just Cian. Errands with ONE child all the sudden seems like piece of cake!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

To the Border

While in Utah, we traveled to Lake Powell for Labor Day Weekend. And attempted to camp right on the beach. It was beautiful but with two kids including a baby that wakes up to the sun and loud noises, it wasn't practical. After going to bed at midnight, we were up at 6 and successfully woke up all neighbors. So after the first night, we lodged in a near by hotel and had the best of both worlds.
Cian with Grandma and cousin, Adelaide. 
 Family and beach fun as well as sandless (I don't like sand. It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere...) full nights rest, electricity, and running water.
6+ hours in the car for Cian was rough but we made it and are so glad we did. Brycen LOVED every part of the trip. He is so easy these days. Loves to be going places and does amazing in car rides. He read books, colored, and watched movies but did make the comment, "Man, this is a long car ride!" While at the beach, he literally played non-stop. Rest and food came secondary and only when forced.
A storm approached and I brought Brycen out of the water. Within minutes of sitting(and completely denying that he was tired), he was OUT like a Bishopric member. Sitting up, head down, eyes closed.
Aunt Jenn was nice enough to hold him until he woke up.
While in Page, Arizona (where the hotel was),
It was bright! And
we did Horseshoe Hike and got to see where the Colorado River Bends
Uncle Mike was nice enough to carry Cian back. I can't get over how long and big Cian looks in that front carrier.
Isn't that awesome?!
Traveling Trio.
Brycen thought he found an awesome cave. Too bad others came before him to use it for less so awesome purposes.
After church. Cian with the future missionary headed to the Philippines this month.
 Four Grandkids. Poor Brycen looks like he got a black eye. I thought I covered him in sunblock but it turned out that I missed right around the eyes.
The Crew.
On the way home, we stopped by Bryce Canyon.
Brycen noticed on the sign, "B-R-Y-C-E....-N (from canyon)!"
 My kids are adorable.
 We fit, more like squeezed, his name into the "BINGO" song and he sang it during the entire length of the trip.
Stunning for sure.  
We enjoyed our time in Utah. Lots of firsts for us, such as Cian officially becoming a Walker!
And had lots of bonding with family...
 But it is always good to head home.We took the 6am flight back (not a favorite) but the kids slept the whole way and they were already back on schedule that night! Not too shabby.