So, last week, it basically turned way cold overnight. Way cold being like high 50s in the day, low 40s at night. But down from the 80s--that's huge! And then the winter days will come, I will only be able to dream of 50s.
Anyways, crispness is in the air. So we found us some indoor activities.
Cian LOVES this tent. It literally saves me all day long.
Whenever I'm trying to get something done (say dinner) and Cian is crying at my feet, I say, "Brycen, run in the tent!" Brycen is a WONDERFUL helper. Once Brycen is in the tent, comes a "Cian, where's Brycen?" Cian immediately stops wailing and charges for the tent in all giggles. They then play for a good 10 minutes. Works like a charm.
I have always heard that this was a great motor activity.
And I'm a believer. Brycen got frustrated at first and wanted me to do it but his desire to fill up his whole necklace won him over and he sat there for a good thirty minutes making this:
It was then his snack while he played for the next few hours. Genius, or what?
I love that Cian can sit in a chair and feed himself but my goodness, it gets messy. I literally wipe his seat down and sweep 4-5 times a day.
This picture does not even come close to representing the applesauce mess.
Guilty for sure.
And our big outdoor activity of the weekend: Feast of Hunter's Moon. 2nd year going and it didn't disappoint. Not pictured: AMAZING food cooked on open fires, lots of music and dancing, jugglers, crafts, and merchandise.
Pictured: My adorable helper.
Location: right along the river--"WATER!" Brycen loved it.
First row tickets to the Canon Presentation.
(the best smile I get these days...)
Brycen sat well through the first 4 times they fired them but then declared he was done with the earth shaking and loud Ka-BOOM ness.
They both got adorable bird whistles (we had already bought one last year, but we figured Cian may need one some day)
And then Brycen insisted on playing along with the Fife and Drum band.
Good times. We will for SURE miss it come next Fall when we find ourselves elsewhere! Crazy to think...