Christmas came early at our house! Since we are traveling to see our families, we continued on the tradition that we started last year of having our own little Christmas before heading out. It is SO nice to not have to worry about packing gifts for each other; rather just ones we are giving to grandparents, uncles, etc. It was especially nice this year, since the boys had some rather large gifts.
We opened our PJs last night like we always do Christmas Eve but sadly, the following pictures were taken after the kiddos got dressed for the day.
Brycen opened an Easel which he immediately loved. He is very into learning to write letters and his name.
Cian, of course, likes anything Brycen likes so it will be nice that it is 2 sided (one side is a magnetic white board, the other--a chalkboard).
LOVE this picture!
Very clever hoodies we found this year. The boys love.
P.S. Notice the pole Bryce is holding in the back--it belongs to my new Outdoor Volleyball net!! SO excited to use it come Spring and ALL summer! Who wants to come play with me??
One of my favorite things about Christmas--spending time with each other and not going anywhere! Brycen is watching his new movie, The Lorax, with Daddy while Cian naps.
We enjoy keeping it simple, with not too many gifts (outside the stockings, we each opened two and had one shared (Mommy/Daddy, Brycen/Cian).
My new favorite traditon: saving the weekly ads to use as wrapping paper! They are already cut into convenient squares and rectangles, can be ripped open and then put into recycling like they would end up anyway! No more buying wrapping paper for me!
P.S. Brycen just came up to me, after being told to go downstairs with Daddy so I can finish typing, and said, "Mommy?"
Me:"Yes..."(as hard as it is to admit, slightly annoyed)
Brycen:"I love you!" Followed by a big grin.
Isn't this what Christmas is all about? I love you. Brycen said it to Mommy. Mommy said it to Jesus. And Jesus in so many ways has said it to all of us. ( name that movie!*) Merry Christmas!!
*Mr. Keurger's Christmas