Dentist and Doctor. The thought of both give me the goosebumps. Always have. Always will. So when you factor in my kids going to these, I'm a stressed nut case. And Brycen went to both last week.
He has always had teeth problems. Some of you may remember a year ago when we had a procedure done that required him being put to sleep so he could get caps on some very decaying teeth. Well, one of those very expensive caps came off back in April and so naturally, we took him back the dentist that performed the procedure to see what he could do--we were really looking for a refund or reimbursement of some kind. Nothing. Well nothing and a child that is terrified of that man (I had to hold him down and pry open his mouth) and really any person in the dentist and doctor-ry fields.
Well fast forward to last week and Brycen's teeth progressively getting worse to the point that he complained one was hurting him, so we knew it was time to get him checked out again. My stomach immediately turned into a knot as I researched our options since we don't have dental insurance. We had gotten a flier in the mail for $39 cleaning and x-rays for every member of the family so I decided to call them up. I was due for a cleaning as well. And since no matter where we go, it seems like most dentists charge a $50 fee to tell us what they think--we might as well get a cleaning out of it. No way were we taking Brycen back to the other guy.
The nice thing about this time a-round is that Brycen is older and can be reasoned with. He tried everything he could to get out of it to the point that he told me his tooth no longer hurt him and he would rather stay home alone with the cat. But after some explaining and bribery (he could pick out an Elmo movie at the library afterwards if he showed the dentist his teeth...we go to the library and do this weekly anyway but it worked for him :), Brycen went to the dentist and did GREAT (well, as long as I sat in the chair with him)! Cleaning, flossing, fluoride, and half an x-ray (most dentists don't even attempt any of these things until 3 years old) he did perfectly--the x-ray was the one that goes around your head and naturally, he freaked out. But who doesn't. I was sure proud of my little man and he was too. And blessed are the people that not only do their job, but.... are great with kids. The dental hygenist was so so good with Brycen. She went above and beyond her call of duty to explain to Brycen what she would be doing and tell him constantly that he was doing a good job. He will proudly show you his new toothbrush, sticker, and toy.
But since this was just a family dentist and we weren't able to get use-able x-rays, they referred us to a pediatric dentist for further examination and definite requirement of sedation for the work Brycen's teeth needed done. So, we headed to the next dentist, the next day. Over the course of 24 hours, I heard lots and lots of good things about this dentist and felt pretty good about it. Brycen, once again, did great and the staff was so good with him. After they examined him, the dentist helper offered to take Brycen on a walk to the toy room (he gladly went, he only does this when he feels absolutely comfortable) so that I could talk over the options with the Dentist. After talking and deciding to take his recommendation of keeping an eye on Brycen's teeth and waiting 6 months until Brycen is older (they really aim to keep the dental experience positive for the children since it is basically, a lifelong experience) and can sit in the chair by himself, I found Brycen playing trains with the helper lady. He was in heaven and asks to go back. I was rather impressed with the whole experience.
After two back to back days of dentistry, a doctor's appointment was scheduled the very next day. Busy week. Brycen has been complaining for months about dizziness. "I don't like dizzy, Mommy" is a phrase I hear 10-20 times a day and usually I tell him to sit down or a I hold and comfort him. It never lasts long but it was time to get it checked out (Brycen actually requested it). During prior doctor visit discussion, Brycen asked, "Doctor fix Brycen's dizziness?" and when I told him that he would try, Brycen became okay with it. The doctor is conveniently located 2 blocks away and it is the one I had Cian start seeing after he was born. I have been very impressed with him and knew he would do a great job with Brycen. Brycen needs people that will make him comfortable and this Doctor did just that. After examining Brycen and ruling out ear issues (which would have been nice to just have an easy answer and cause for the dizziness), he ordered Brycen to leave a urine sample and have EKG done to detect any heart issues. Brycen did awesome! He first, loved the idea of peeing in a cup and has since told me "he wants to go to the doctor and go potty"--haha! And having 10 stickers placed on his body as part of the EKG procedure helped distract him from the fact that he had to lay on the table without Mommy, and then he had to sit still for 30 impossible amount of time to a toddler but he was successful after a few tries. We should hear the results of it sometime this week and we also scheduled a visit with a neurologist. So, we will see what happens. Meanwhile, Brycen continues to say that he is dizzy daily but now follows it up with wants to see the doctor so the doctor can fix him.
I love, love that Brycen is currently comfortable with Ds since I have a feeling that he is going to be dealing with them often.
One of his favorite library books this week. "Just Going to the Dentist".