Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh, the memories...

A couple nights ago, right as we were putting him to bed and after asking him several times if he needed to go before I put on his sleeper, Brycen declared he needed to pee. All by himself. And that Daddy and I were to stay in his room.

So we sat and listened. Silence. Silence. Splash.

Followed by Mommy's, "uh...that can't be good" as Daddy ran to the bathroom--getting up a whole lot faster than Mommy can these days.

Daddy met a completely naked, slightly shocked/confused as to what just happened, Brycen in the bathroom doorway.

Brycen then replied, "cold water" as Daddy noticed one wet foot print across the bathroom rug and a little puddle and toilet paper under Brycen's right foot.

I had a really hard time controlling my laughter.

As for how one could accomplish such a task as their foot falling into the toilet? Well, you see, he chooses to sit like this...
so, it was really, only a matter of time. Haha!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pregnancy Update

This is more for me than anything since I have been wishing that I documented during Brycen's pregnancy to have something to compare my current experiences with but, everyone is welcome to read it.

35 weeks and two days.

In a late effort (started at 33 weeks) to try to keep this baby smaller and successfully do a VBAC, I have tried to stay away from candy, ice cream, and goodies (not easy for me) and as a result, haven't gained any weight since my 33 week appointment (yet, tummy measuring perfectly on). Bringing my pregnancy weight gain total to 25 pounds so far...

Brycen loves to come with me to the Doctor and check up on Baby Brother; he knows the routine very well-bathroom sample first, then weight, blood pressure, questions, measurement, and heartbeat. He especially loved today since the doctor gave him Smarties. A favorite.

My doctor is all for a VBAC but won't induce me for the increased risk of an incision rupture so I am praying I go into labor on my own, before 41 weeks (never did with Brycen). If I do go into labor, I'm also hoping to go epidural free (for the use of my legs and increase of my chances of a VBAC)...but we shall see how long that lasts.

Last week, the baby noticeably "dropped" adding ALOT of pressure on my pelvis and some swelling in my legs and feet (I had lots and lots of swelling with Brycen) but has since, seemed to "undrop", if such a thing exists. Either that or my body has gotten used to his new position because I don't have nearly the pressure or swelling I had last week. The doctor thinks the baby could very well be head down but she will know more for sure when the weekly exams start up next week (yay!!...not).

I have been able to continue to play volleyball once a week and do light aerobics on the mornings we make it.

And besides the need to usually take a nap with Brycen mid-day, I feel great....and huge. As for the baby, he is extremely active, so much--sometimes I think there are two.

Oh and no baby names yet...I'm slightly worried he is going to be nameless for the first part of his life. Suggestions??

Excuse Elmo. Picture taken by a certain 2 year old.

Monday, September 26, 2011


This weekend we splurged and attended an annual event held here called, "The Feast of the Hunter's Moon". We had heard about it every year in the past but could never get past the $12/ person (under 4 are free) to enter for an event that was never clear to us as to what it was.

However, after numerous recommendations to go, we braved the rainy, colder Fall morning and went. It's basically, a reenactment of a mid-1700s trading post held at the historic Fort near where we live (in other words, lots and lots of vendors selling authentic food, clothing, and things from that time period as well as some shows and events to attend throughout the day).

Efforts to see the Cannon Presentation.

Which is SOO LOUD! Yes, yes, I know, cannons are loud but the kind of loud where you cover your ears and know that it is coming and every part of your body, still jumps. Brycen thought it was pretty awesome. Lots of unhappy babies though.

And the food was absolutely, amazingly delicious. It was all cooked on open fires as it would be back then and purely worth every penny (which we found to be pretty reasonable). This was Fry Bread that you, of course, decorate with yummy powdered sugar. Brycen was so worried how messy it made Mommy that he refused to try it. His loss :)

And the joggling show was another very fun part of the day. Quite entertaining.

The jogglers were not only good at what they did but were funny; which just added to the overall enjoyable show.

2.5 of us. You get the idea :)

Brycen's souvenir.
A bird whistle. He LOVES it, it is so easy for him to use (big, big plus), and the awesome noise that comes out, never fails to surprise him...even, 2 days later.

We enjoyed the food (our other samplings included: pork chops, homemade root beer, pumpkin muffin, lemon water (lemonade) and turkey noodle soup) and the environment so much, that we have already decided that we will be going next year-as it will probably be our last year here (crazy to think, right??). And if you can forget that you paid to get into the place (still not sure what the entrance fee goes to) where you basically keep paying for everything on top of it, it makes for even more of an enjoyable fun family day. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Who would've ever thought?

With being out here in Indiana, visitors seem hard to come by and thus, have been very few. So, you might be able to imagine our surprise to get a text from my Mom today saying that my uncle was randomly in town. He lives in Virginia (the father of the cousin that I roomed with at college) and is currently on a bike trip from Nauvoo, Illinois to Kirtland, Ohio (around a 650 odd mile journey) with his brother.

They bike roughly 110 miles a day and Lafayette just so happened to be the place at the end of the 110 miles for today so...pretty, pretty crazy how it turned out. We met up for dinner and Brycen thoroughly enjoyed his time with "Nathan's Dad".

Train tracks (and rocks) also just so happen to be right outside the BBQ restaurant to complete Brycen's perfect night.

And we all agree that visitors should come more often.

Temple Love

Brycen's favorite song at the moment is, "I Love to See the Temple", and thus, we sing it often--usually right before nap and bedtime. He surprisingly knows most of it and sings along very well. So cute.

Well, this past weekend, we were able to attend the temple for the first time all summer and as we passed it for the first time on the way to our hotel, I said to Brycen, "Look Brycen! Temple". Brycen then exclaimed, "Temple! ....BIG Temple!"

Another current favorite is building with his blocks. He literally plays with them all day. Blocks and his choo-choo tracks. AS soon as Daddy walks through the door from school every day, Brycen grabs him by the hand and says, "Daddy build blocks with Brycen! Daddy play with Brycen, please!!!" (He has always referred to himself in third person, but it's Brycen these days, not "baby" which makes the concept of Baby Brother a little less confusing and possible).

Well, this morning, Bryce sent me a link on about General Conference which can be seen here and as soon as I started playing it, Brycen ran over and said, "Brycen watch with Mommy?" He then sat on my lap and enjoyed seeing the Salt Lake Temple, President Monson, and his counselors and after watching it a few times through, he requested that we build a temple out of his blocks. Who can refuse a request like that?

...and we are proud of it. Our two-year old son's ideas never cease to amaze me and I have already caught myself looking at "our temple" several times since building it. I love the spirit such a simple construction out of blocks has brought and has put quite a literal meaning to making our home a temple. And... the fact that it is still surprising in itself, Brycen is the build and immediately destroy kind of person.

I sure love Conference time. A truly, wonderful time of the year.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Indiana Tradition.

Who remembers this?

And this?

So crazy (and fun!) to see Brycen change throughout the years. A tradition we started when he was 5 months old and then joined with a friend last year, this was our 3rd year going to our favorite corn maze here in Indiana.
And since it's so early in the season, we had the place to ourselves and enjoyed the perfect weather.

Not quite big enough yet, but next year, for sure!

Brycen isn't quite into the maze part of it either and decided he would rather nap, but Bryce and I always enjoy it.

He woke up just in time for the hay ride...
which he loved.

And the duck races were definitely a favorite.

It was so fun to see him participate in everything this year. We love watching him grow up.

AND.....A first year/need for this (for both him and me)!
Using the "green toilet" was a highlight and luckily, the cleanest one I have been to...ever...which was most definitely, a pleasant surprise. And Brycen was pretty fascinated with the bottomless, blueness of the toilet hole, to say the least.

Ringing the bell with Daddy before heading home. I sure LOVE family Saturdays....and to think, next year...there will be four of us! Pretty crazy...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One Perfect Weekend

Friday and Saturday were HOT so we did alot of this:

It also happened to be our good friends' little girl's 1st birthday so we celebrated together. Brycen. had. a. blast. The same friends we went swimming with on Brycen's birthday back in May.

Brycen loves, loves his floaties and the independence it gives him. We are currently trying to teach him how to kick....which usually results in some bicycle-like action, not taking him very far. But he doesn't seem to mind.

The adorable birthday girl, who seems to have a love for water as well. Which should be perfect, since it's already decided that she's marrying Brycen some day :)

Bryce has wanted to go on a family bike ride ALL summer but we could never bring ourselves to purchase a bike trailer or bike seat brand new. So, finally, we found one on craigslist yesterday- a two-seater so that Baby Brother can join us some day as well. Brycen LOVED it and didn't want the bike ride to ever end.

Not sure if it's advisable to bike while 7 months pregnant...but, it was surprisingly not too difficult leaning over the belly....well, until the little man decided he had enough and kicked back, right in my ribs the entire ride back home.

I have decided, though, that the bike seats could use a pillow or two of extra padding.
It was definitely a colder day but proved perfect for a bike ride.

Our Labor Day weekend ended with a family BBQ; complete with brats, fresh corn on the cob, nectarines, and s'mores.

Swimming, family bike ride, and BBQ sounds like a good tradition forming weekend to me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Baby Brother!

Brycen came with me to my doctor's check-up today (the first one he has come to since the ultrasound) and on the ride there, I told him that we were going to hear Baby Brother's heartbeat (not exactly sure they were words we have ever used with him before since they were then followed by silence). On our way in, we passed by the curb that Brycen and I took a fall together on 11 weeks ago and Brycen remembered perfectly, "Mommy fell".

As we waited in the waiting room, Brycen sat on my lap so still and serious. He hates doctor's offices, always seems to be on the edge as to what is going to happen. They then took us back to a room and Brycen sat by himself and carefully watched them take my blood pressure and then my belly measurements--I started measuring a week or two small a few weeks ago (it will be interesting to see how this baby's size compares with Brycen's).

As soon as Brycen heard the baby's heartbeat though, his face lit up and he said, "Mommy! Baby brother!"

It's hard to know exactly how much of this is processing in his cute, big brain but if you ask him if he is ready for Baby Brother to come soon, he replies, "No, in a few weeks". And that's then he will hold, hug, and kiss him.

I'm due two months from today! And until then, you will find us outside in this beautiful weather.