A couple nights ago, right as we were putting him to bed and after asking him several times if he needed to go before I put on his sleeper, Brycen declared he needed to pee. All by himself. And that Daddy and I were to stay in his room.
So we sat and listened. Silence. Silence. Splash.
Followed by Mommy's, "uh...that can't be good" as Daddy ran to the bathroom--getting up a whole lot faster than Mommy can these days.
Daddy met a completely naked, slightly shocked/confused as to what just happened, Brycen in the bathroom doorway.
Brycen then replied, "cold water" as Daddy noticed one wet foot print across the bathroom rug and a little puddle and toilet paper under Brycen's right foot.
I had a really hard time controlling my laughter.
As for how one could accomplish such a task as their foot falling into the toilet? Well, you see, he chooses to sit like this...
so, it was really, only a matter of time. Haha!