Last night, we went out to eat again, to a restaurant suggested by our hotel. It was definitely quite the different experience. It not only took longer, it was more formal, and thus, more expensive.
However, they were very comfortable and willing to deal with tourists and almost all the customers there were speaking a different language (other than German). French and English were the ones I heard. They also offered to seat us (maybe being more familiar with what we would be used to or that it was just a more formal atmosphere).
Not comfortable enough for us to ask for our usual (free) glasses of water but our waitress was very nice and it was a lovely evening.
Brycen has been amazing this whole trip. Always willing to go with the flow and has surprised us both by acting very civilized for a 2-year old, especially at such public settings. Maybe eating out can become an (occasional) family option back in Indiana, afterall.
One key to probably having such a happy camper: buying him Fanta. Back home, we rarely buy soda. It's definitely a treat in our household.
Key #2: Let him play with the camera. It's amazing how much he loves it.
Yes, it took awhile and Mommy checked her clock often (cutting things very close to bedtime).
Our dinners...
Absolutely delicious....and big
We left very, very full. Are take-out boxes common here? Not sure...and we didn't take the risk of being looked at funny.
A few of the 50+ pictures Brycen managed to take during the evening. I think they're kinda fun.