Brycen and I made a quick trip to Utah last week to attend my brother, Mike's graduation and to see the family. This trip is just one of many that we will be taking this summer.
On the plane-Brycen did great! He either slept, ate, or played peek-a-boo with ANYONE and EVERYONE that would look his way. On the flight home, he was so exhausted, he slept the entire flight and woke up right as we were landing. When we landed, I called Bryce and found out that he was running late so we took our time getting off the plane. I put Brycen in the spare seat as I packed up our bag and he was so incredibly happy-like he is every time he wakes up from a good long nap. He waved and smiled to everyone as they walked off the plane. Everyone LOVED him and said that he was the best baby traveler they have ever met! I sure hope it continues because we have at least 6 more flights over the next month.
In Utah- Brycen was able to re-meet some of his grandparents, aunts, and uncles! We were also able to attend: one of my brother Isaiah's soccer games, Temple square, and Mike's graduation. My mom made us fruit smoothies every morning (our favorite) and I enjoyed hanging out with my siblings. My family loved watching Brycen crawl around, play, and got to hear him constantly say, "Dada". It was quite nice having extra hands to help with Brycen but he was still in so many ways a Mommy's boy and he sure missed Daddy. Brycen said, "Dada" all day, every day until Saturday (when we were actually going to see him).On Saturday, I said, "Brycen, we are going to see Dada today!" And instead of Brycen perking up, looking me in the eyes, and repeating, "Dada" like he usually does, he would just look away like he didn't believe me. So when we finally did see Daddy...Brycen went crazy! SO excited...he kept looking at him making sure he was still there and wouldn't disappear again.
Temple square with Aunt Katie

Playing with Uncle Dallin

(My mom took most of the pictures...I'll have to get the rest from her)
Brycen's excited face to see DaDa!

Back in Indiana- We arrived the day before Bryce and I's wedding anniversary so we decided to stay the night in Indianapolis to celebrate. I had discovered Priceline's "name your price" option (and have fallen in love with it since then :) and booked the 4 star Westin for $50! When we arrived at the Westin, they asked us what brought us there and we said that it was our anniversary. For our anniversary, they promoted us to the executive level (14th floor-beautiful view!)with free access to the executive lounge (free drinks and snacks all day) with free breakfast the next morning. What a deal! We loved it! They even gave Brycen a kiddie bag with goodies.
Trying out the bed with Daddy!

Swimming Pool!

"Mommy..whatcha doing out there?" Yes...indoor, heated pool...but way too cold for Mommy. I literally freeze and am quite the wimp :)

The hot tub is always Loved!

This was our first time in Indianapolis and so we wanted to walk around and see the rained the entire time we were there. However, most of the nice hotels in the city are connected with the mall and other buildings through sky walks (so awesome!) and so we were able to use them and see the city from above without getting wet! Saturday night, we ate dinner in the mall and did lots of walking and then returned back to the hotel for some swimming. Sunday, we had breakfast and did some walking around the city despite the constant rain....but it actually was quite wonderful really. We had the city to ourselves...barely any other pedestrians :) We decided that Indianapolis is a very clean, beautiful city. Really well taken care of, has lots of history, and was quite a treat to spend the weekend there :).
Walking along the beautiful canal! We found a stray balloon and it became Brycen's best friend.

Monuments...(Brycen found the rain very relaxing and feel asleep for 2 hours, missing most of the city..)

Mini-Washington Monument

Home of the...


Austin Collie now plays for the Colts but previously...played for BYU :)

We Loved it here!