Friday, February 26, 2010

There's a 1st for everything..

Brycen meets a 4-legged creature crazier than our cat..
This dog was so scared but at the same time, obsessed with Brycen. He would approach Brycen very slowly, lick his face, then run away. He would slowly approach again, lick his face twice, then run away...all night long. Brycen found it hilarious.
Brycen knows how to relax?
Daddy has taught him well! :)
Big Boy Chair...(I haven't seen these seats in forever)
We went to Triple X (restaurant, featured on the Food Network) and Brycen joined us at the table like a big boy.
First pair of glasses...
Mommy got new glasses...and they look better on Brycen. He must know it because he laughs every time Mommy puts them on.
A Mommy-Daddy ONLY date...
Brycen stayed with his very first non-family member babysitter so we could go out for V-day...he actually did pretty well and we had a blast. Went ice skating and out to eat.
Finally, a distraction that works...
It is too cold to go without a hat but Brycen disagreed and would remove his hat and throw it on the ground, the second we put it on. So...the him a pair of mittens. It keeps him warmer AND distracted...even enough to be able to put him in his car seat without him throwing a tantrum. He does manage to pull off his gloves eventually...but by then, he totally forgets about his hat :)
Willingly gets dressed...
Brycen LOVES walks and is more than willing to bundle up if that means we get to go outside.

Daddy gets to carry Brycen in..
Mommy carried all the groceries herself...Daddy had to take a picture to document the rare occasion.
See this shirt on TV in Indiana...
Price is Right winner!
Already wearing Daddy's clothes...
Who needs a snowsuit when you have Daddy's shorts as an option?
SNOW..Daddy was SO excited to take Brycen out in the snow for the first time!!
Brycen did not share the excitement though..
"It's cold and wet...Am I missing the fun part?"
"Can we go in yet?" He never smiled...not even once.
We leave the apartment for something other than food...
We went to the library for story time...and oh, toys!
Taking matter into his own hands..
Brycen's new way of getting Mommy's attention. "You won't hold me...fine by me, just try walking...I dare ya".
Helping Mommy cook...and we had a slight explosion.
So so innocent...
"Yes Mommy?"
"Brycen, what are you up to?"-Mommy
"Oh...nothing..." (huge grin)
Not only did he climb out of his bumbo but he stole Mommy's apple...

And...was quite pleased with himself!
Less Freedom..
As a punishment...he was promoted to the high chair...and of course, loves it...who would've thought?
Reality check..
Mommy realizes that her boy is huge and growing up fast..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Let's to sum the most recent Brycen up in a nutshell...

He LOVES eating off the's like a game to him...he finds the microscopic pieces of food, dirt, yucky stuff and puts it in his mouth and thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread. He can have the BEST hand-eye coordination in the world when he wants to and picks up the SMALLEST things. Can you tell that I'm a bit annoyed at this? Haha...not only do I sweep AND vacuum every day to try to prevent this from happening but since he is all about crawling everywhere now...his little fingers find their way under the couch, the washing machine, the carpets, etc and he puts things in his mouth that I haven't seen in months. It is pretty disgusting...and he LOVES it. He won't eat the delicious, crisp apple that I just cut up for him, or the fruit snacks, or the cheerios...he wants the pieces of dirt, paper, cat hair ball, the fruit snacks that he threw off the table, the now dirty pieces of apple he kindly sent flying through the air...and finds them absolutely delicious! MMMMM...he always says, and that's how I know that I need to check his mouth for new treasures.

Cali (our cat) left a present...
haha...just kidding! This fake poop was actually a Christmas present from one of Bryce's brothers...a pretty crappy present if you ask me :)

Like I previously mentioned, he has the best hand-eye coordination that I have ever seen when he wants to...he can pick up the smallest specs of things in between his fingers and is able to 99.99% of the time, put them in his mouth...and he is so persistent at it! He will work on one spec until...he gets it. On the other hand, if I give him a handful of cheerios in his high chair...not one makes it in his mouth. He will try once, fail, and then realize that it is so much more fun to throw them. He is also into this new thing that he will beg for something (open his mouth, make ahhhahhhahh noise) that Bryce or I are eating, taste it, then spit it out. He has discovered his tongue and how easy it is to put the food on his tongue, put his tongue outside his mouth, close his mouth and then use his teeth to scrape the food off as he pulls his tongue back in. I discovered this one night when we were coming home from the grocery store. I pulled out fruit snacks to feed him so that it would help distract him from the fact that he was sitting in his car seat (something that he is still not a huge fan of) I was tearing off little pieces and putting them in his mouth as I talked to Bryce. Every time I looked back at Brycen, I was shocked by how quickly he ate the fruit snack and wanted more, and I remember telling Bryce, "Man, he loves these!". Well...we got home and I asked Bryce to give Brycen a bath while I put away the groceries. Next thing I know...Bryce brings in a Brycen with a now polka dot onesie that was once white. Brycen had spit out every single fruit snack and it fell between his sweatshirt and onesie perfectly so it was hid from my view. Picky stage? I don't think so...but definitely.. a really weird one!
He loves to touch his tongue...(look at those curls!)
Spit out the piece of Clementine...and discovered how much fun they could be if he squeezed them instead and make a mess!

Bryce commented the other day, "Does Brycen not have any taste buds??" as he retrieved the peel of a clementine from Brycen's give a piece of the actual comes right out...but he will gladly eat the peel.

Brycen also gets really excited for everything that I do not want him getting into...but it's kind of a blessing in disguise because when I'm trying to get the dinner in the oven and turn my back for one minute...and then I hear Brycen screaming in excitement as he speeds off in a certain direction (he is fast!)...I know it means trouble. Usually chasing after the cat...or picking up the latest piece of hair she just shed and wanting to eat it...or one day...he did this and I looked quickly ahead of him to see what he was going at...I couldn't see anything "off-limits" so I turned back to what I was doing and the next thing I know..Brycen is about to put something red into his mouth. I saw it, quickly thought it was one of my rose bush's rose petals and took it from him right as he was dropping it into his mouth. I grabbed it and looked at it...ahh!! Brycen not only chased after a ladybug, he killed it in the process of picking it up, and wanted to eat it. I hate dead things...any dead things....and was grossed out all day. 99% of the time I try to catch a ladybug, I fail...Brycen HAS skills! haha. One heck of a future athlete!

Besides the fact that he is quite the trouble maker...he is such a happy child...and quite a joy.

Even smiles through the tears...
Yes...he keeps my hands full but it only adds adventure to the day. He continues to love bath time, loves Daddy time, and loves touching everything (especially the things he can't have, of course). If we give him ANYTHING willingly, he doesn't want it. He wants the things he can't have and he knows what things those are...cell phones...the cat...the remote...glue...anything Mommy is working on! haha...etc.
Daddy time...

Bath time...we have to have bubbles in there so that he won't see the plug (or else he will pull it and we could never get any water to stay in the tub) problem though...Brycen loves to eat the bubbles!

And...he continues to be an earlier and earlier morning riser! Yay!! (...not) Well..the good thing is that he goes to bed early (7pm) and so I'm able to get more things done at night...but man, if I don't hit the hay early...I surely regret it the next morning. When Brycen wakes up, I attempt to play with him on his floor...which means, I try to catch a few more zzzs as he plays...but he makes sure that my plan fails. He either gets suddenly interested in my lovely eyelids and why they are not working properly and tries to open them himself...or he crawls out into the hall and gets into all sorts of things...such as a hairball that the lovely cat left on the floor during the night (yuck!). The newest thing: he fills his diaper up to the point of explosion so that I have two options: either get up and change him or die from the horrible smell and have to clean up the mess that he gladly gets everywhere as he crawls from room to room and his diaper overfills. :)

I don't mention all of this to discourage any of you from having kids (cough cough..Josh...) but just simply to document and hopefully spread some of the humor that Brycen gives us everyday. We usually have no choice but to laugh at all the things Brycen is capable of these days. He is smart and changes daily. He can pull himself up into the standing position and can stand for a few seconds without assistance. He also loves to hold onto our fingers and take us on a walk ( on a walk) around the apartment. His legs are always ahead wanting to go faster and faster. Another result of Brycen being able to pull himself up to a standing position...if I'm not careful and put Brycen into his crib before he is completely asleep...his eyelids immediately flip open, with a huge grin, he flips over faster than I could say it, goes onto his hands and knees, grabs onto the crib bars...pulls himself up into a standing position and then holds on to the sides as he then continues to jump on his newest discovery...using his crib as a trampoline.

Nothing is out of reach anymore..

I have also seen Brycen pull himself up and literally scare our cat...she likes to sit on the couch...which was previously out-of-his reach but now he will crawl over to the crouch while she is sleeping, pull himself up..and give out the most excited squeal as he realizes that he is sooo close to the cat and she has not moved...she is cornered! Our cat doesn't sleep so much during the day anymore (as long as Brycen is awake)...she watches him very carefully.

Even though the adventures are endless and Brycen gets into things faster than I can pick up...he is still quite adorable and says "Mama and Dada". Brycen loves to wake up in the mornings and say "Dada"...since I am usually already on his floor (I traditionally crash there after his last feeding..I am exhausted)...and he loves to find whoever is not in the room. He crawls into the hallway saying "Dada" morning, he couldn't find Dada but he found his shoes and knew they were "Dada's" and played with them as he continued to say Dada. Brycen also loves to cuddle at naptime and bedtime as I rock him to sleep and he still loves to use my arms as his taxi every once in a while. When he is done treasure hunting or he is tired of crawling...he will come find me and tug at my feet and want up and want to see what I'm up to..usually he finds what I am doing boring so he will then wiggle out of my arms and want down but occasionally he stays on until we walk into a new room and he has new stuff to explore. He has discovered the pots and pans there might have to be some rearranging (the fun is just beginning :))
This is what I see when Brycen crawls over to my legs and wants up..(how can you resist that face?)

One thing Brycen does find fascinating is long as I am doing it where he can watch me...and if I talk through what I am doing..he finds it really fascinating and sometimes I can get dinner completely prepared and he will just watch me (sometimes...but usually, I have to try to prep dinner in 15 minutes bunches throughout the doesn't bother me...I just have to plan things out ahead of time). Brycen continues to love his bumbo and he sits on the table as we eat dinner and loves to watch Bryce and I eat and occasionally we give him a bite and drink here and there. Due to all his crawling and recent diet (spitting everything out), his thighs are shrinking in size making it alot easier to wiggle out of the bumbo, so one night...while I was trying to get dishes done...I came up with the perfect solution for him to not wiggle out of his bumbo and fall off of the counter....

needless to say, he highly disapproved and no longer continues to try to get out of his bumbo...unless he is mad but usually he is more than content to sit there while we eat, clean, or cook...15-30 minutes is his limit though. Don't worry, he is always within an arm's reach and we watch him very carefully...but he truly loves it seeing things from above...and I love cooking as he watches me.

Everybody loves Brycen. We took him to a birthday party of one of Bryce's friends. Most of the people there were international and the party turned out to be pretty much everyone on the floor playing with Brycen, they were so fascinated.

Brycen will shoot the biggest grin to whoever looks his way (we have not been to Wal-mart once without at least 5 people stopping us so that they could look/talk with Brycen), he is so happy, and big! He continues to grow...just growing out of 18 month old clothing as a 9 month old.

Being a trooper through this long winter...
For one or two days...he absolutely LOVED the camera and would put on this really cheesy smile for least he always looked at the camera.....
These were for Grandma Shields' birthday-Jan. 20th!
Now..I can barely get him to look my way unless I trick him into it...
Either way...he is ADORABLE!