Monday, June 29, 2009

Learning to Play!

Brycen is 7 weeks old and constantly learning and exploring! Quite a joy to watch!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Month Old!

I apologize that this hasn't been updated the last few weeks. That is what happens when we move (moved to Christi's brother Mike's house 2 blocks away for the summer while he is gone; the big move to Indiana is in August) and then Christi tries to finish her last three university classes in 6 weeks! Haha. However, I will try to continue to update it occasionally throughout the summer.

Here is a video of Brycen taken yesterday--if you watch his mouth closely, you can catch a smile or two. He loves to smile but doesn't yet do it in connection or in response to when Bryce or Christi smiles at him. The smiles are usually random but could forcast something. At church this last Sunday, Brycen gave Christi the biggest smile and then threw up :)

Quick Review of the last few weeks:

Brycen went for his two-week-old check-up. 10 lbs 15 Oz 23 inches tall 40cm-head size; all within the 90s percentile for his age.

Bryce and Christi are really enjoying watching their little boy grow up. Brycen's random smiles and giggles make everything worth it as we learn to interact and care for him. Christi also loves smelling Brycen--he has the sweet "baby smell" that Bryce describes as sour milk. :)

Christi continues to stay home with Brycen while daddy goes off to work. While Brycen naps, Christi tries to get her studies done. However, when Brycen is awake, we love to play and go on walks. Brycen also loves to eat--Christi calls him her little baby bird.

The baby swing and viberator have come quite in handy as Brycen will occasionally sleep in them during the day; however, he still prefers to be held. When Christi can and must sometimes due to sleep deprivation, she will nap with Brycen in her arms--he definitely sleeps better and longer this way. Brycen also likes to fall asleep in Bryce's arms, several times, Christi has asked Bryce to put Brycen to sleep because Bryce is able to hold and rock Brycen in a way that puts him in a deep sleep and then is able to place him in the bassinett to sleep at night.

We have also discovered that Brycen enjoys being sung to by daddy and Brycen also has quite the grip as he finds comfort holding on to mommy's hair and necklace.

Brycen is learning to endure most diaper changes pretty well; however, occasionally he likes to make them more difficult. Since the weather has been cooler the last few days, Brycen has been wearing a sleeper( one piece that includes footies and zips in the center) and when he is grumpy, he will straighten both of his legs as we try to undress him so that it is near impossible to get his legs out of the footies so that the diaper can be changed.

Brycen is learning to hold up his head very well and loves to look around; occasionally while Bryce and Christi are holding him up to burb him, he will tweak his neck so that he can study our faces. Yesterday, he was also studying a picture of Christ for about 10 minutes that is hanging on a wall in the house. He was probably just looking at the colors or something, but Christi can't help but wonder if he was studying it for another reason.

Last Saturday, we were able to attend Quinton's baby blessing (Christi's cousin) and got to see lots of family. We loved it!