And now the news you've all been waiting for... CAMDEN IS WALKING. That's right. He decided to take some steps out of the blue a few weeks ago right around 11 months old! For the time being, he still prefers crawling as his method of transportation but, that is quickly changing. It is fun to watch the little man gain confidence and walk more and more everyday. He can also clap, wave hello/goodbye, play peek-a-boo, and we are working on blowing kisses. His first word was "hi" which he tells you while he is waving. (Sadly, still no "mamas" or "dadas".) The war between Bryce and I is still on as to which one of our names' he'll say first.
Today, Bryce and I were going through our closet and found Camden surrounded
by a whole roll of TP. That little stinker smiled so big and was so proud that he had gotten the entire thing off of the roll before we noticed. Oh well. We took a picture and here it is.