It has been way too long since I've posted! I have been meaning to post about our trip to Utah (which has now been over a month ago!). I wanted to get some pictures that my sister-in-law gave us on a CD but for some reason the CD drive on our computer is no longer working. So here are a few pictures we got from our trip with our camera.
Our trip was great! There is always so much to do when we visit and it seems like we never have enough time for everything. But we did get to do a lot of fun things.

One day we went on the Heber Creeper with Bryce's mom, Kylee, and Jaxson. I don't think Spencer ever realized that he was
on the train, but he loved seeing the train when we got off of it!

We also spent one morning at the zoo. Here is Spencer with his cousins Kaleb, Alek, Kylee, and Jaxson. Spencer was a little grumpy for the last half of our visit. He was really ready for a nap. We decided to save riding the train for last. As we were walking to the train Spencer fell asleep. And he was out of it. I kept trying to wake him up because I knew he'd love the train but he wasn't having it. So we are waiting in line and the train comes by and blows it's whistle and Spencer sits straight up and starts saying "train! train!" and then fell back asleep as soon as it was gone! He did this a few times until we pulled the camera out to take a video.

We also went down to Provo on Saturday and spent the day with my sisters because it was Jenny's birthday! We hiked the Y. And yes, we hiked all the way to the top...or close to the top anyway. Or maybe not even close to the top. Spencer is pretty heavy in one of those carriers and isn't quite ready to hike the Y on his own yet.

We also went to the BYU football game. It was pretty hot so Spencer, Sarah, and I decided to leave at half time. Bryce stuck it out until the very end of course.

On Sunday we got together with all of Bryce's family. Here are all of the cousins! Aren't they such a good looking group? Spencer had a lot of fun playing with everyone while we were out there.

Everyone again...except Spencer? Actually you can see him on the ground if you look close. He decided he didn't want to sit on the wall anymre and so jumped off!
Perhaps I'll have to update this post later when we fix our dumb computer.
I have really been terrible about taking pictures lately. So these are the only other two that aren't from either our trip or Spencer's birthday.

Spencer loves wearing his backpack around! Doesn't he look so big? Like he's ready to go to school or something?

And this was right after his nap. He had some crazy hair! Shortly after this I gave him a haircut. And cut it too short again. I do that everytime! Someday I will figure it out and he will finally have some good haircuts! Maybe that won't be until he learns to sit still though...I guess we'll see!
Not too much else is happening in our lives. The stomach flu has made it's way around our house. Except with me! And hopefully I don't get it. Spencer was up all night one night throwing up like every 5 minutes. It was awful. And we didn't know it was the stomach flu yet and he just happened to eat a little dishwasher soap out of the dishwasher that night. So we thought it was from that. It was a very long night! But everyone is pretty much back to normal now.