Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day!

In Primary they had the children write up what they knew about their dad.  It turned out pretty cute, so I thought I’d share what Carter had to say about his Dad:

My Father is very loving –he likes me!

He is 5 inches tall.

He weighs 20 pounds.

He has blue eyes.

He has grey hair.

The food he likes best is chicken and salad.

His favorite color is black.

His favorite scripture is about the lamenites.

Happy Father’s Day Ryan we love you so much!  And happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Blackmail Picture


Gotta love the dress shoes, jean shorts, topless, backward hat, cake face beauty!  This is one is definitely going in her wedding video. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



Easter morning before church.  Guess we took enough ‘smiling’ pictures that Carter thought it was now time for the goofy picture.  All well, I still think its cute.


Here is one where he is smiling.  I need to figure out the software where you can blend the pictures to get the best of all the pics.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter, we sure did!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Say Cheese

She found a box of Carter's old clothes and insisted on wearing this tie all day. She was so mad when I took it off for a nap.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Daddy doesn’t have to go to work anymore…

On the car ride home from having lunch with Daddy I had an awesome conversation with a very logical 3 year old.

Carter:  Mom, why does Daddy have to go back to work?

Mom: Daddy has to work so that he can make money so we can buy food and clothes and toys.  (Trying to put it in perspective a 3 year old can understand.)

Carter:  But I already have lots and lots and lots of toys.  Daddy can come home cause we don’t need to buy anymore toys. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Carter to me:
”Mom, can you please share Brynnlee to me?”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“Mom, I locked her in the car so that you can cook.”

This is what Carter told me after he locked the door to the Cozy Coupe with Brynnlee inside.  Good thing she totally loves this toy, so she didn’t mind being locked in.  That’s Carter for you…always trying to help out.  Most of the time he really is a good helper.IMG_6755

Long “E”

Carter is helping me pack, and of course wants to be involved and do everything I do. Which I love because I feel like he is constantly providing me opportunities to teach him something!  Anyway…  I packed up this box and wrote the contents on it with a permanent marker like you do.  He asked for the marker so that he could write on the box as well.  When he was finished I asked him what he had written and he told me it was a long E.  Not as in the sound, but as in the length.


Can you see the long E?

Monday, November 15, 2010

What do you want for lunch?

Me: Carter what do you want for lunch?

Carter: I want crackers and protein.

Friday, November 5, 2010

We’re just reading books. Don’t be mad Mom.


I walk into Carter’s bedroom to find every last book out of the book shelf and Carter says to me, “We’re just reading books.  Don’t be mad Mom.”  So I took a picture instead.