Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eli's funny Walk

Eli, today started this funny little walk. It first started when we were walking out of church today and he started laughing and walking funny. It made me laugh so hard and reminds me alot of myself, because I still do that now. hehehe. Then, when we got home the first thing that he did when he got out of the car was practise his funny walk. So we had him do his funny walk for us in the house so that I could record it. He is so much fun!!!

Climbing Stairs

So, about a week ago, Ethan started to climb the stairs. He started on his own and now he can climg almost to the top of the stairs. He crawls over to the stairs and then looks back to see if anyone is looking because he wants you to watch to cheer him on. He was climbing the stairs at Nattalie's and she would clap and cheer him on and so he would climb a step and then look back to see Nattalie clap and cheer for him. All the while he had one of his huge smiles on his face. It was really cute!!! He is growning so fast and he is a very sweet little boy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Same Age boys

This is Eli at about 2 1/2 month old. My little chunk.

Ethan at 2 1/2 months old. Not as chunky as his brother yet. But they look sooo much alike.

Eli at 5 months in his highchair.

Ethan at 5 months old. I tried to find one with him in his highchair but couldn't. They look alot alike. But in these older ones you can tell some differences.

First Snow

A couple of days ago we had our first snow of the year. Eli ran outside in his PJs and was so excited and a little cold. So we came back inside and put on all of his snow gear. And off he went, he walked around eating the snow off of almost anything. I'm grateful that we were the first one outside. hahaha

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


David was sick today and Ethan is still getting over being sick too. So this evening Eli just started playing with Ethan and Ethan was laughing hysterically. It was sooo funny. And all Eli was doing was running back and fourth about Ethan and touching him on the back and Ethan would start to laugh. Then Eli picked up Ethan's Binky and Ethan walked over and pulled it out of his mouth. Ethan "hey brother thats mine!!!" hehehe I love it. My boys are so cute.

Bath Time

Ethan loves the water. We just started letting them take a bath together. I hold onto Ethan the whole time as his brother likes to pour water on his head. (picture below)
The really funny thing about Ethan is that he will wiggle his way out of your arms to get to the water. He Really love s the water. He played in the running water for about 5 minutes or so. He was as happy as can be. And Eli likes to have him in the water too. We are still trying to help Eli realize that he can't hug or wrestle with Ethan in the bath tub. Ha ha ha. It is a continual thing. But they always seem to have a good time. And i think there was a little cleaning going on.

Funny Brothers

Ethan wanted to sit in the chair with Eli so I put him up there with him. And Ethan just laughed and Eli loves to tickle his brother.

They make me laugh. Ethan really just loves to watch Eli and he laughs at him soo much. Eli is also very sweet and is a really good brother to Ethan most of the time.

He talks to him and smiles and makes him laugh when we are in the car especially. They are so cute. I really like these pictures. Ethan has such a good smile and Eli has his funny smiles too.


So, at the beginning of the month I went to DI and found 3 costumes for Eli, Spiderman, Mr. Incredible, and Batman. Eli wore the Mr. Incredible everyday I think for 3 or 4 days. So, I thought that he would be that for Halloween. But then last minute he decided to be SpiderMan. And Ethan was Batman thanks to Nattalie's help. I think Atticus, and Eli both wore the Batman before Ethan was Batman. Then a friend loaned me the orange jacket so I tried to be a Dico girl. I think it failed but oh, well. David was a BYU racing team member, which was really fun. I waited for David to do the face painting on the boy's faces. He did a great job. We used a washable marker. It took 2 days to get off, so we were glad that Halloween was on Friday and not Saturday. That way they weren't spiderman and batman at church.
We had a good time and Eli liked getting all of the candy. He gets up and wants candy in the morning, so he has to eat something else before he get to eat his candy. Then he started putting it into his Clifford dog. It's a little plastic dog that has wheels and he rides it, well it has a little door on it where he puts stuff, and so he put all of his candy there. Then he got mad when Ethan touched it. ha ha ha.