Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catching Up

Now that I've spent so long downloading all these pictures I have no time left to write anything. Most of the pictures are self explanatory, but I'll get back on later to label some of them. I don't want to save this as a draft then have Mom and Dad ask yet again when I'm going to update my blog. :) Enjoy this completely random selection of pictures. Once again, I have realized that I have tons of pictures of Chelsea and hardly any of Devon. Maybe I should go out front with my camera right now and have him pose with all the boys who are playing basketball. He would LOVE that!
Devon and some of the other Deacons in our ward waiting to play in the Deacon's basketball tournament.
This is not my doing. Carter and Lauren found some of their soccer/gymnastics medals and decided it was their "bling".
Chelsea counting the roses from Bruce on Valentine's Day.
Lauren and Carter at the Boy Scouts 100 year birthday celebration.

EVERYONE stayed up until midnight this New Years. Here is our proof.
Lauren with the snowman Bruce made with the kids. They couldn't find boots to leave out so Bruce spray painted them on along with the face and buttons.

Chelsea and her cousin, Brooke.
Chelsea always plays with her hair when she's nervous or excited. Looking through all the pictures of this visit with Santa, I'm not sure which she was this day. She looks pretty content and not too nervous in this one.

I had never seen this picture until now. I have no clue when or why Chelsea was dressed in Bruce's clothes shaving, but I'm assuming Bruce took the picture and not one of the kids. Let's hope this isn't what they do when Devon is babysitting.

Lauren and her friend, Natalie.
Chelsea's imitation of a three-year-old
Bruce made fangs for Devon for Halloween. No cheap imitations for the son of an orthodontist.

That's Carter in case you hadn't figured it out.
I hope Josie's mom never sees this blog. She would probably never let her come over again.

Tiff, Chels and Carson (Chelsea's cousin)
Grandma B., Kelly, Tiff and Peyton (Kelly's little girl)
Chelsea and her cousin, Natalie.

Devon and a couple friends from the neighborhood.
Chelsea at our neighborhood block party last year.
Grandma B's favorite picture of Chelsea. Carter just kept the bubbles piling higher and higher as Chelsea got more and more annoyed. You can see Carter's hand in the top right corner coming in for more.