Monday, March 9, 2009

Just For You Mom

Grandma Bridges thinks it's been too long since my last post. There is a reason there hasn't been another pictures to post! Here are all the pictures that are on my camera since the last post of Chelsea.

Every once in a while the kids surprise me and get along! :) Lauren loves to read and they all love to be up on Devon's top bunk so I guess the combination of the two worked well.

Lauren got make-up from a Mary-Kay lady at their school's winter carnival. She has never been allowed to have play make-up so this was a treat for her. She insisted that I take a picture of her with her eyes closed so she could see the make-up.

Then, of course, Chelsea had to get make-up and a picture with her eyes closed. (this took major concentration on her part as you can see)

I think every fifth picture on my camera is of Chelsea dressing up.

That's all I have! I'll try to do better in the future.