Monday, August 18, 2008

Our Day at Huber Farm

We have lived in Louisville for over five years and we finally made it out to Huber Farm. The main reason people go to Huber Farm is to pick the fresh fruit and vegetables from the trees, vines etc., but we found out there is a lot more to do than that. Here are more than a few pictures we took. Sorry, no pictures of lunch at the restaurant with Chelsea trying to take a nap under the table.

As we walked to the front entrance to the "Farm" the kids found a bunch of ceramic animals that they wanted their pictures taken with. They rode on everything from a giant rooster to a baby racoon.




Lauren and Carter







We took a tractor ride out to the orchard to pick apples. Actually, the girls picked apples and the boys threw apples. There were hundreds of rotten apples on the ground that made great apple bombs. (I'll give you one guess who gave the boys this brilliant idea. Hint: He is not in this picture)

Chelsea insisted on her own bag of course.

Carter, Tiffany and Lauren

Lauren and Chelsea rode the "cow train".

There were hills set up as a roller coaster road for the train. Chelsea was caught off guard by the bumps, but thought it was great.

Chelsea and Lauren riding tractors

Lauren and Chelsea went on a tractor ride to feed the animals



The boys spent most of the time fishing. Everyone caught a fish. (Some bigger than others)


Even Lauren caught a fish

Devon and Carter

Carter caught a catfish

Lauren didn't want to hold her fish to throw it back in the water, but wanted to pet it.

I'm surprised this fish didn't break the pole. Bruce had to help Devon pull it in.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Devon, The Coordinated One

Devon is so good at soccer, I never thought he would be the one to BREAK HIS TOE trying to kick a ball! He wasn't actually playing soccer, it was kickball on the first day of school. I told him that breaking his toe on the first day of school is much better than breaking his toe on the first day of Summer. He wanted crutches, but he'll have to settle for this beautiful shoe for the next few weeks. By the way, he got to second base even with a broken toe and a terrible kick. He may be uncoordinated, but he sure is determined.

Carter Started Cub Scouts

Carter went to Cub Scout Day camp this Summer, but didn't get to participate in any den meetings until this week. Our Pack takes the Summers off. He was so excited to go and went on and on about how much he loved it once it was over.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of School

Hopefully, Carter will be smiling when he gets home today. He was the only one who was not the least bit excited about starting school. He would be perfectly content to stay home forever. I love that he loves us so much, but I hope he likes his class enough to want to go back tomorrow.

Last Days of Summer

These are some of the last pictures I took of the kids during their summer vacation. We have obviously gone to the pool a lot and you've seen pictures of them swimming, but I never remember my camera at the zoo. The kids voted to go to the zoo on their last day of summer and we took more pictures than we have ever taken at the zoo.

Chelsea had to be on the rocks for this picture. She refused to be back with the kids. I would have had the others join her, but Chelsea tends to be a difficult photo subject so we go with what we get and don't try for perfection.

The next few pictures are of the kids with animal sculptures. There would have been a lot more if Lauren had it her way, but I decided three was enough. She is such a poser and loves to have her picture taken.

What is Chelsea doing? I have no idea. Like I said before, we don't go for perfection!
Devon with an eagle.

This is the baby elephant (and adults) getting a bath. It drew a huge crowd at the zoo so I figured it was worthy of being in our blog.

Devon, Carter and Lauren

Chelsea trying to figure out what that tall thing is. She wouldn't get too close at first.

Then we couldn't keep her off the railing.

I think my kids may be able to take on a full-grown gorilla. They would at least give him a run for his money.

Chelsea taking a break. She walked the whole time while Lauren and Carter took turns in the stroller.

Lauren, Carter and Devon with the hippo

The kids insisted that we get a picture with the zebra. We just barely caught him before he went behind the trees. No time to get Chelsea to turn around.

The kids with a warthog. Carter says that the warthogs have the coolest enclosure (he probably didn't actually use the word enclosure) because they are the ugliest animal and the zoo keepers want them to feel better and make people want to look at them.

Lauren was jumping off the diving board last year at the end of summer, but it took her a while this summer to get up the nerve to do it again. Once she started we couldn't get her to stop. Now we need to teach her to jump in without plugging her nose. She even plugs her nose to dive.

Devon is a pro. He is fun to watch flip. He has no real form, but he is pretty fearless. I didn't catch a good picture of him flipping yet. There are still a few weeks of pool season left so I'll have to keep trying.

Devon and Carter at the zoo

Chelsea, Devon and Carter. This was one of the times when Lauren was in the stroller taking a rest.

Devon found this bamboo for Chelsea and she carried it around the zoo the rest of the time (along with her burpcloth that she takes everywhere)

I think we have worn Chelsea out this summer. She fell asleep while I was doing her hair. I tried to get video of it, but she kept falling over so this picture is all the evidence I could get.

Lauren and I went to get a pedicure. I took my camera with us and forgot to get a picture of her in the chair. This is her enjoying her milkshake on our way home from our girls' night out. At least I got a picture of her beautiful toes. I've never had so much fun getting a pedicure. I think she entertained everyone there. (except maybe the lady trying to take a nap in the chair next to her :))

These two pictures show Chelsea in her prime posing for a picture. You might think she is in the witness protection plan she is so good at hiding her face from the camera. You can see her smiling through the keys. She knows exactly what she is doing, the little stinker.

Carter learned how to run and dive off the diving board instead of just standing.

We had a great summer, but it was nice to post these pictures in record time because I didn't have an interruption every few minutes. All the kids are in school today and it is very quiet around here.