Saturday, May 24, 2008

Reality= Me + 2 Kids

She's gone. My Mom left yesterday and I am sooooo SAD! There's just something reassuring knowing your Mom is there to help you and guide you as you are taking care of a newborn and a 2 1/2 year old. I already miss her and her wonderful help, cooking- YUMMY, cleaning- my house is finally organized, support, and just love towards myself, Doug, Jaden, and Bradli. When are you coming back??

Now this is hilarious!! Sunday Jaden was playing in the backyard throwing rocks in the pool and taking them out. I was waiting for him to fall in (about 2 inches of water in the pool) and of course, when I'm inside and Doug is outside, he fell in. We were dying laughing and Jaden, not so happy!

Monday we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. It was a great zoo, except the fact it has MOUNTAIN in the name of it. It was literally all up hill. My Mom and I were dying pushing the stroller in the heat. We lasted about 2 1/2 hours and then called it good. The best part was getting to feed the giraffes.

Their tongues were so long and bluish purple.

Some fun pics of Miss Bradli

Sunday, May 18, 2008

We've Made it a Week

We have survived a week and even went on our first adventure! Here's a quick recap:

I think what put me into labor was getting Bradli's room done. Last Saturday we put up the finishing touches and that's when I said to Doug, "I think I'm having contractions", but thought it was false labor. About an hour later, my water broke and we knew it was the real thing. At least Bradli's room was done!!!

My $10 dresser I got at a Garage Sale

This hutch was the worst to refinish, but it's done and I LOVE it!

My Mom has been the BEST!! She has helped me with some MAJOR and much needed spring cleaning. Thanks to her, I have gotten rid of a lot of junk! To give her a break from being Cinderella, Doug took Jaden and my Mom hiking one afternoon while I relaxed. They hiked Devil's Head and encountered some of that white stuff.

I LOVE this picture!!

Jaden is constantly giving Bradli kisses!

Our first adventure was going Downtown. We walked around, had dinner, and made it home without any major breakdowns!!

Lately, Jaden HATES wearing his church clothes so right when he gets home, he strips down and wants to wear his "regular" clothes. This smile is because his church shirt has been taken off.

This is what Bradli LOVES to do. . . catch some major ZZZZZs!

Relaxing with Dad!

One week down, a lot more to go!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Miss Bradli

I just have to say "thank you" to Heather and Laura for helping us with Jaden when we were in the hospital. You are both unbelievable friends and I love you to death!!!

Heather, I can't wait until little Lilah can play with Bradli. Get her here soon! Bradli needs her first girlfriend. P.S. I'm soooo bummed I missed your Shower! I'm sure it was wonderful!

Audrey Hepburn, I mean, Laura- thank you, thank you, thank you for being YOU!! I knew Jaden was in good hands when he left with you! I hope you're feeling better!

Mom, thanks for changing your flight to be with us. You have the touch with Bradli already! She smiles every time you hold her.

Not so cute, but I had to get a picture of the "bag" for my NYC girls. It came in very handy as I was literally throwing my things in the bag to get to the hospital. Can you say UNPREPARED, but at least I had the right bag!
Going home to start her crazy life with the rest of us! Good thing she's strapped in, it's going to be a WILD ride!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day FOR SURE!!

Bradli Ruth Brown

Sunday, May 11th
8:32 AM
6 lbs. 2 oz.
19 inches

A wonderful Mother's Day surprise!!!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I don't know what my deal is, but I have been putting off finishing the "little lady's" room for awhile now. I think that I'm in denial that I am having a baby in 13 days. Today we finally finished painting her furniture. I will post pics once I get it up in the room. I will say, I can blame this little guy for not getting everything done, but I sure LOVE him!

"Mom, I got the stamps out!"

"Mom, I took my pants off and I'm wearing your tall shoes!"

"Mom, how can you want me to take a nap? I can help!"
The before pics of the furniture. . . stay tuned!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Thanks Ladies

Thursday night my friends Laura, Jacki, and Heather threw me a Baby Shower for the "Little Lady". She is still nameless and is coming in 15 days-ugh! The Shower was amazing with the yummiest Fondue Bar and treats! Thanks for such a fun night!!!

The fun started with the CUTEST invitations that Laura made.

Okay, how cute is this!!! A flower vase filled with strawberries and marshmallows. When I first saw the vase, I thought they were real roses.

The very, very, very yummy spread. I ate way too many pieces of angel food cake and the cheesecakes- too die for!

Jacki and Laura

Heather wouldn't take a picture, so I took one from her blog with her adorable boys- haha!!