Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Seriously, What's My Blogging Problem??

I know, I have gotten it from many of you. I don't know what my deal is, but I just haven't been feeling it, or I should say blogging it. Pretty must I'm the worst! At least I admit it.

So what has been going on with us?? Here's a "quick" recap!

#1- I chopped it about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have been wanting to do it for awhile, but the thought of myself back in college with "not so cute, wanna- be Meg Ryan hair (you remember You've Got Mail, right??)" has given me nightmares!!

#2- We finally painted Jaden's room and moved the big bed into his room to get ready for our "little lady" as Doug calls her. Here's a pic of the project. I still need to take a picture of the AFTER- light blue on top and dark blue on the bottom.
#3- We had the BEST visit ever. Dave, Lisa, Audrey, and Carter came to visit from Canada and we had too much FUN!!!

Belated Valentine's at the Melting Pot
Here's a little secret. . . you can just go and have the dessert (the best part) in the bar for $15- no wait, no reservations, and no $100 bill!

Saturday Shopping- kid free!
How cute is this little top form Anthro??!! I know, you can't even tell she's pregnant.

Cousins ready for some CHURCH and NURSERY- watch out Nursery Leader!!

Doug's Parents were staying up in Breckenridge and invited us up for some winter fun!!
Doug and Dave snowshoeing in the winter wonderland!

Cruising the town of Breckenridge

Like Father. . .
Like Son!!!
Early B-day for Doug!!

What were we thinking? This would turn into a night from HELL!! Jaden kept us up until 5:30AM- no joke! Luckily, Audrey and Carter slept right through it!

The next day the boys went skiing and had an insane day- yeah, I was JEALOUS!! Probably not real smart to go with a pregnant mama!!
They even hiked and found some sweet terrain- jealous!

Meanwhile, Lisa and I took the kids ice skating.
Jaden and Carter lasted about 3 minutes on the ice!

They liked playing in the snow much better!!
Audrey was a pro on the ice!
For Doug's B-day he got to pick our day, so it was off to Bass Pro Shop, REI, and The Cheesecake Factory for dinner- the kids LOVED it!

Kids LOVING another treat!!
Typical Jaden!

The next day we went to the zoo and had the best time.
The animals were so active it was nuts!!
I don't know if you can tell, but the lion was soooo close. Thank goodness for the glass!

Dave, Lisa, Audrey, and Carter- Thanks for making the drive to come spend time with us! We miss you guys so much! Jaden woke-up from his nap and started crying and saying, "I miss Carter. I miss Audrey!!" Doug and I feel the same way!

Marc and Karen- Thanks for letting us spend time with you in Breckenridge. It was a blast!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Oh where, oh where, have the Browns been lately?

**Warning- A Ton of PICTURES- no joke!!!**
Well, as most of you know, NOT BLOGGING!!!! It's already February and I haven't posted one thing in 2008. Could I possibly be the worst blogger ever?? Even my brother-in-law Dave (it's his b-day today- HAPPY BIRTHDAY) has redeemed himself and now I'm the slacker! I guess I'll do a "quick" recap!

We were in CA for the holidays and Jaden and I stayed until the middle of January. Before we left for CA, we had Christmas with Doug's parents and then it was in the car for 18 hours of driving- YUCK!!

We all went to Disneyland on Christmas Eve- best trick ever to have your kiddos sleep in Christmas morning!!

We all went to celebrate our Grandpa's B-day!

How cute are they??!!

And he's out!!!

Christmas morning!

The craziness!

The guys getting their croquet on!

A little Christmas Night Rock Band with the fam- hilarious!!

Hanging out at the beach

Visiting with Tyler and Kate and their 2 boys.

Mountain biking

Hitting The Grove

Yeah- Suzanne!!

Waiting out at the Rose Parade- I already know we're crazy!!

Taking the kids to Legoland

Lunch date with the Fergs!!

One of the best things about going home is that every time we go, my Grandma Heyman, Aunt Barb, and Eric fly from AZ to spend a day with us.

Grandma kicked some major booty on the wii!!

4 Generation Picture

The boys LOVED Uncle Matthew

We love Jer!

Balboa Bars- YUMMY!

Celebrating Grandma Renee's B-day!

Jaden loved Uncle Mike!

We're now home and enjoying the winter weather!!