Friday, December 22, 2006

Got SNOW?? Part 2

We took advanatge of all the powder and went snowshoeing through the neighborhood yesterday. It was such a blast. Jaden loved the snow. My sister Heather reminded me that Tues. night I told her there might be a blizzard and I said, "Yeah right." She told me I should go to the store and get some things. Well, I went to the store today (we finally could get out of our neighborhood- they still haven't plowed because they are so backed up) and there wasn't any milk, lettuce, cheese, etc. It was unreal. I've never seen anything like it. This has really opened my eyes to the reality of food storage- one of my New Years resolutions for 2007!!
Snowshoeing and helping Doug shovel the driveway.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Got SNOW??

We sure do!!! I'm sure you have heard on the News about the blizzard that is dumping on CO. It started early Wed. morning and hasn't let up. They have shut down all of the freeways, the airport is closed (perfect for holiday traveling- so sad), and bummer for all of those last minute shoppers- they're not going anywhere. We were supposed to have some friends over for dinner and their car got stuck pulling out of their driveway and they only live 2 minutes away from us- CRAZY!!! Check out our pictures.
Yesterday (12/20/06) at 2:00 PM- notice the wall

Today (12/21/06) at 9:00 AM- what wall!

Yesterday at 2:00 PM- notice the white carToday- what car??Last night!Last night!Jaden wanted to get in on the action- "Let me out Dad!"Our house!Up the street.Down the street.Doug shoveling snow while I'm blogging- he's the BEST!


Monday, December 18, 2006

"Ski"sons Greetings!

If you missed last weeks episode of The Office, SHAME on you!! We really are obsessed with it. I think the more times you watch it, the funnier it is. I literally fell off the couch because I was laughing so stinkin' hard! I love Michael, I love Angela, I love Jim, I love Dewight, I love the Asian girls, I love Toby, I love the Christmas goose, I love everything about that show. I can't wait to go to CA because my sister is bringing The Office DVDs and we are so having The Office marathon. If any of you don't watch it, you are missing out. It is my duty to advise you to rent the DVDs. You will become a true Dunder Mifflin groupie. By the way, did any of you see Justin Timberlake on SNL- soooooooo HILARIOUS!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Burritos y Arroz Con Leche

It's 1:33 am and I have been trying to sleep, however, Jaden has been crying on and off for the last hour. I think he's pulling molers. Doug is drugged up on Percocet and this was our converstaion when I tried to go to bed (sidenote: Doug has been known to talk in his sleep and I have been known to egg him on to see what he'll say):

Doug: "Sorry he's keeping you up."

Shauna: "I think he's getting his molers."

Doug: "I'm getting a burrito."

Shauna: "Really, from where?"

Doug: "The local Tacoqueria."

Shauna: "Where's that?"

Doug: "In South Dakota."

Shauna: "What kind of a burrito?"

Doug: "A fatty one."

Shauna: "What will you have to drink?"

Doug: "Arroz con leche."

Shauna: "Wow!!"


Shauna: Laughing

Jaden: Still crying- poor guy!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A barber, a baby, an assistant, and a kidney infection

This is a story of a barber, a baby, an assistant, and a kidney infection. . .

The barber has a kidney infection, yet the baby needed a cut badly, so the assistant tried to distract the baby with a lotion tube so no ears would be snipped.
The baby wasn't having it, so the assistant tried a hair brush. The barber continued to work eventhough he was in pain as the Percocet began to wear off.The assistant tried a toothbrush and it worked like a gem. The barber worked and worked and worked. No ears were snipped and the baby had very clean teeth.
The barber is recovering from his sickness, the baby is happy with his new do, and the assistant had to clean-up all the hair.
The End

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hawaii or Colorado?

My sister Cara and her boyfriend Joe came to visit us Wednesday. They were debating to go to Hawaii or come see us and ski in Colorado. Well, they came to see us. We don't have the beach or the warm weather right now, but we do have snow and great mountains to ski on. We had such a great time together. We did a little shopping, went Downtown, introduced them to The Office, ate a lot of Mexican food, hit the slopes in Breckenridge, got woken up a number of times by Jaden, cruised around Vail, sat in the hot tub, and got a tan- well raccoon eyes- not exactly a Hawaii tan. I think they made a great choice to come see us!! We had a wonderful time with them.
The crew at the Vail Cascade
Before we left for Downtown, Jaden ate it big time- check-out his bump
Cara and I Downtown
Doug and I on 16th Street
Snowboarding at Breckenridge
He LOVED it!!
Hanging out at the base of the mountain
Mom and Jaden
Jaden's hands got a little cold!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

In the Footsteps of Meat Pie Genius'

I did it!!! I made my Great-Grandma Lois' meat pies for our Young Women's activity on Christmas traditions. This is our traditional Christmas meal. Lois made these when she lived in Quebec, Canada and the tradition has carried on. We don't do the typical turkey or ham. We have meat pies, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, sweet rolls, etc. It's the meal I look forward to each year. I was so afraid to make them. I was on the phone with my Grandma Renee (a meat pie genius) for quite awhile and a number of times. She coached me through the ordeal and gave me the confidence I was LACKING!! She makes her pie crust homemade, I was NOT going to even try, I went store bought. I served them to the Young Women and they were a hit!! The true test however, was my sister Cara- a meat pie coinsurer. As she took the first bite, my stomach turned "Would she gag or gobble it up?" No gagging took place and she said they were just like Grandma's, minus the homemade pie crust. What a relief!
Fresh from the oven.
Grandpa Ernie (Lois' son) and the genius- Grandma Renee

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I love. . .

I love balls. . .

I love the slide. . .

I love Mom's scarves and books. . .

I love Santa's elves. . .

I DO NOT love Santa!!

Once again, awake when I should be snoozing (1 am)! Jaden loved Santa's elves, but hated Santa- sooo sad! My sister Cara is coming tomorrow and I can't wait. I don't know if she's coming to see Doug and I or just Jaden. I do know the answer- JADEN!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Night Owl

I should be in bed, but of course I'm not. I'm such a night owl it's crazy. My mind just goes at night. . . the things I need to do, ideas for Christmas gifts, what's going on tomorrow blah blah blah. It's snowing out. I should be snuggled up in my down comforter sleeping, but I'm not. In about 7 to 8 hours I will wish that I had gone to bed at a reasonable hour, but that's in 7 hours (who thinks that far ahead?). Jaden and Doug are both sound asleep, I'm blogging.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A "Full" Thanksgiving Weekend

Happy belated Thanksgiving!! We had a great Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family. Jaden made his annual (I guess this is the second year) of turkey name tags. At least I can see that his hands have grown from last year. We played a little tennis in the morning and then went over to Doug's parents for a very DELICIOUS Thanksgiving feast- YUMMY!! Of course we ate too much, thanks to Karen's great cooking. Our friends the Parkers came with us, which made the day quite entertaining with a 5 year old and a 3 year old. We played football in the backyard with the kids. Doug threw the ball to Aspen which nailed her in the nose. Tears were shed and then she told Doug's Dad on him- hillarious! Besides the football injury, it was a wonderful day.
(Jaden making his turkey handprint)

(The final product)

Since the weather has been so nice we (Doug) put up the Christmas lights. Doug even climed on the roof to hang a wreath. I still can't believe Christmas is so soon. That means one thing- CALIFORNIA here we come!!! We go on the 27th and I can't wait. Saturday we took the Light Rail Downtown which was a lot of fun. Denver isn't exactly NYC, but the Christmas spirit was there for sure. Public Transportation is quite an experience with a 1 year old. He loved all the sounds and lights. I think we could earn some extra cash by letting Jaden ride the train and entertain those around us. He can be quite the performer.

(Doug hanging the wreath)

Today was a great Sunday!! After church we went to our friend's the Barentsens' for dinner. They are moving to CA on Fri., so we had to try and eat all of their frozen chicken. Being with their family made us so sad. We are going to miss them terribly!! Jaden LOVES to play with Ellie. They are just a perfect match for us!! Doug loves to mountain bike and do anything active with Chris and Kara is just the perfect friend. We have so much fun together. They make us laugh constantly and are as crazy as we are. I mean, who else plays laser tag and goes toilet papering when she's 8 months pregnant??!! They really are the BEST!

(I found this picture and couldn't resist, by the way, Jaden made it on the front page of the newspaper in his costume)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Jaden Brown not Jayden Federline

Are you kidding me!!! I was at Nordstrom on Saturday and I had Jaden with me. The sales girl asked me what his name was and I said "Jaden". Now you ask me, what was her response, just the WORST thing ever. Tatiana (my little Russian sales girl-so cute) said, "Oh like Britney's baby". I about died. #1- Jaden is way older than Brit's Jayden, #2- I had the name first, #3- We spell the name differently, and #4- Doug does NOT carry any sort of K-Fed genes (I haven't seen Doug in wife beaters, gold chains, or corn-rows recently). Oh the drama with a name!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

What will I do without Lost?? "Bring Sexy Back"!!! Friday night we had a "Girls Night Out" because my friend Kara is moving to CA (I am soooooo sad). We went to Costa Vida which is a version of Cafe Rio. We ate and talked for a good 2 hours. Sexy wasn't back yet. Then we all decided to go dancing in LoDo which is downtown Denver. I know, hillarious! We're a bunch of Mormon moms, but we for sure brought "Sexy Back". We had a blast dancing together. The best part was that since we were girls, we didn't have to pay a cover and water is always FREE! All we wanted was a little J.T. to complete the night. We finally got it at the last club. Oh we brought "Sexy Back" alright!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Finally Have My Life Back!

It's true, I haven't been in control of my life since my addiction. . . LOST!! Doug and I have finally caught-up and now I feel at peace. Well, sort of. Friday night Jaden spent the night at Grandma Brown's house so we could go out on a date. It was a suprise for Doug and I said he could pick where to go. . .maybe Downtown, go to an actual movie, but no we went to dinner and then watched Lost until 2am. It was wonderful because we could sleep in the next morning- BLISS!! Now, no Lost until Feb. 7th. What will we do?? I guess finish projects around the house, read, sleep, go on an actual date, etc. This may be a good thing (yeah right!).

We did get to go to our friend Rebekah's wedding reception which was a blast. I got to see her sister Ann Marie. We were pals at BYU and have gone to NYC together and she came and visited me in CA. Her litle boy Matthew is the cutest baby ever!! He has the biggest smile and loves the camera. It was so great to catch-up. I'm trying to convert her to the world of bloging, we'll see if it works!!