Today (12/21/06) at 9:00 AM- what wall!
Yesterday at 2:00 PM- notice the white carToday- what car??
Last night!
Last night!
Jaden wanted to get in on the action- "Let me out Dad!"
Our house!
Up the street.
Down the street.
Doug shoveling snow while I'm blogging- he's the BEST!
I love the slide. . .
I love Mom's scarves and books. . .
I love Santa's elves. . .
I DO NOT love Santa!!
Once again, awake when I should be snoozing (1 am)! Jaden loved Santa's elves, but hated Santa- sooo sad! My sister Cara is coming tomorrow and I can't wait. I don't know if she's coming to see Doug and I or just Jaden. I do know the answer- JADEN!!
(The final product)
Since the weather has been so nice we (Doug) put up the Christmas lights. Doug even climed on the roof to hang a wreath. I still can't believe Christmas is so soon. That means one thing- CALIFORNIA here we come!!! We go on the 27th and I can't wait. Saturday we took the Light Rail Downtown which was a lot of fun. Denver isn't exactly NYC, but the Christmas spirit was there for sure. Public Transportation is quite an experience with a 1 year old. He loved all the sounds and lights. I think we could earn some extra cash by letting Jaden ride the train and entertain those around us. He can be quite the performer.
(Doug hanging the wreath)
Today was a great Sunday!! After church we went to our friend's the Barentsens' for dinner. They are moving to CA on Fri., so we had to try and eat all of their frozen chicken. Being with their family made us so sad. We are going to miss them terribly!! Jaden LOVES to play with Ellie. They are just a perfect match for us!! Doug loves to mountain bike and do anything active with Chris and Kara is just the perfect friend. We have so much fun together. They make us laugh constantly and are as crazy as we are. I mean, who else plays laser tag and goes toilet papering when she's 8 months pregnant??!! They really are the BEST!
(I found this picture and couldn't resist, by the way, Jaden made it on the front page of the newspaper in his costume)