I guess the time has come again for my annual post. Maybe I can do better this year at keeping this updated...no promises, though. First, a recap of 2010:
We went on a few trips last year. A week was spent in Yellowstone, and Jackson hole with Jess' Family, but I managed to bump into Aunt Lisa while we were visiting Old Faithful. We visited the folks and sibbies down south a couple of times. We also made it to the family reunion in Centerfield as well.
Other events in 2010 include:
Kaleb started learning to play the piano which thus far is just learning the difference between the black and white keys. Our stake did a reallignment of its boundaries, and we were moved to the 1st ward which means that we are now going to the church that's just a couple doors down from us. Jess got put back in the primary, but this time she is the assistant pianist which I think she really enjoys. I was called as the executive secretary, so my phone is always ringing now. I really enjoyed our Vegas trip in October. It was a nice relaxing weekend, and I didn't feel like we were always running. Kaleb finally got excited for Halloween this year, and had a blast trick or treating as Bumblebee. (Though he did say that Jayden's optimus costume was cooler at one point) We really enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were able to have most of the family together, and even though the Christmas week was really busy, it was full of a lot of fun activities. We are now in 2011, and I still can't believe that another year has come and gone. I'm excited for this year though. Kaleb will start Kindergarten, and we are hoping to enroll him into a special program where they teach him in English for half the day, and Spanish for the other half. This will mean the he will have full days of school even in Kindergarten, but he is already used to that schedule anyway. It will also mean that I will have someone to practice Spanish with. At least in a few years. Jess and I are also hoping to be able to have Jess stay home. If our goals work out well, she'll be done working this summer. I think she's more excited than me about that, but that's mainly due to the fact that I'm a little jealous. I still wouldn't have it any other way, and hope we can make good on that particular goal. We are also hoping for another addition to our family this year. I feel like we are moving in the right direction, and know that if we are patient, the Lord can make anything happen. I hope everyone had an excellent 2010, and an even better 2011!!!
The Brown Lemmonade Stand
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday, February 9, 2009
25 Random facts about me (Jessica)
1. I LOVE glazed white cake donuts with sprinkles.
2. I like watching Sci/Fi shows with my Dad, as a matter of fact, we usually watch one a week.
3. I have one of the funniest people I've ever met as a sister. She the only person I know that can talk me into spending 15 minutes scanning 25 Lindor Truffle Balls at the self check out at Smiths.
4. I love to watch infomercials with my siblings...Dead serious. My favorites is the magic bullet and the cricut machine.
5. I have a gimpy bunny named Jack, whom I generally refer to, thanks to Kaleb, as Jacky-Pants.
6. I thoroughly enjoy going out and doing things with Steve and Kaleb, like going to the Aquarium or other various places so I can watch Kaleb learn new things.
7. I have a serious fear of spiders.
8. I have been on some pretty cool vacations, but would would never say no to more (unless I didn't have money)...I've been to and seen cliff dwelling indian ruins in Colorado (like the ones you see on PBS), I have hiked to Delicate Arch in Moab, I have been to Disneyland numerous times (one of my favorite places), I've been to Yellowstone, I've stayed on New Port Beach for a week, I frequent Las Vegas ;)...
9. I went to the free Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's the Tuesday following the Superbowl...It was awesome!
10. Kaleb is the first grand kid on my side, but I have 19 nieces and nephews on Steve's side.
11. My favorite animated movies are Mulan and the Nightmare before Christmas.
12. I have (at mostly separate times) had a hamster, two different rabbits, 4 different cats (one once had 4 kittens), 3 dogs (one had two different litters of up to 10 I think), a bird, fish, lizards, and Chris had a frog and a hedge hog.
13. I have lived in the house I'm living in since November of '88, except from June of '02 through November of '04. (I bought the house I grew up in).
14. My patio roof fell off on Christmas day and insurance covered the whole thing!
15. I love reading fantasy/fiction books because they have almost nothing to do with real life, which I usually get enough of each day. :)
16. Most nights I go to bed just before 10pm...I love my sleep, and I am usually up no later than 7am.
17. I have a huge jar of jelly bellies next to my bed.
18. I have over 50 different board games on one bookcase in my basement. I love games. The kicker is I own 10 versions of Monopoly but only 5 are on that bookcase.
19. I have several Harry Potter Lego sets. (One being a huge wing of Hogwarts).
20. My favorite perfume is called RALPH...a little ironic I would think...
21. I have never been skiing/snow boarding etc. I think I went tubing once.
22. I have somewhere around 300 DVDs.
23. My favorite places to eat are Mimi's and Old Spaghetti Factory.
24. I couldn't sew if my life depended on it.
25. My favorite holidays are Christmas and my birthday.
2. I like watching Sci/Fi shows with my Dad, as a matter of fact, we usually watch one a week.
3. I have one of the funniest people I've ever met as a sister. She the only person I know that can talk me into spending 15 minutes scanning 25 Lindor Truffle Balls at the self check out at Smiths.
4. I love to watch infomercials with my siblings...Dead serious. My favorites is the magic bullet and the cricut machine.
5. I have a gimpy bunny named Jack, whom I generally refer to, thanks to Kaleb, as Jacky-Pants.
6. I thoroughly enjoy going out and doing things with Steve and Kaleb, like going to the Aquarium or other various places so I can watch Kaleb learn new things.
7. I have a serious fear of spiders.
8. I have been on some pretty cool vacations, but would would never say no to more (unless I didn't have money)...I've been to and seen cliff dwelling indian ruins in Colorado (like the ones you see on PBS), I have hiked to Delicate Arch in Moab, I have been to Disneyland numerous times (one of my favorite places), I've been to Yellowstone, I've stayed on New Port Beach for a week, I frequent Las Vegas ;)...
9. I went to the free Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's the Tuesday following the Superbowl...It was awesome!
10. Kaleb is the first grand kid on my side, but I have 19 nieces and nephews on Steve's side.
11. My favorite animated movies are Mulan and the Nightmare before Christmas.
12. I have (at mostly separate times) had a hamster, two different rabbits, 4 different cats (one once had 4 kittens), 3 dogs (one had two different litters of up to 10 I think), a bird, fish, lizards, and Chris had a frog and a hedge hog.
13. I have lived in the house I'm living in since November of '88, except from June of '02 through November of '04. (I bought the house I grew up in).
14. My patio roof fell off on Christmas day and insurance covered the whole thing!
15. I love reading fantasy/fiction books because they have almost nothing to do with real life, which I usually get enough of each day. :)
16. Most nights I go to bed just before 10pm...I love my sleep, and I am usually up no later than 7am.
17. I have a huge jar of jelly bellies next to my bed.
18. I have over 50 different board games on one bookcase in my basement. I love games. The kicker is I own 10 versions of Monopoly but only 5 are on that bookcase.
19. I have several Harry Potter Lego sets. (One being a huge wing of Hogwarts).
20. My favorite perfume is called RALPH...a little ironic I would think...
21. I have never been skiing/snow boarding etc. I think I went tubing once.
22. I have somewhere around 300 DVDs.
23. My favorite places to eat are Mimi's and Old Spaghetti Factory.
24. I couldn't sew if my life depended on it.
25. My favorite holidays are Christmas and my birthday.
25 Random facts about me (Steve)
Okay, so I guess I should do this as well, partially because I like the idea. Hopefully I don't lose any respect by revealing any of these...not like that's possible anyway. How can you lose something you don't have, right? So buckle up keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, and enjoy the ride.
1. I'm an accountant at the University of Utah, and I only have a high school diploma
2. I just got a new patio, and patio furniture set for like $500.00 thanks to my home insurance. (Our patio roof fell on Christmas day, destroying the old patio set. Merry Christmas!!)
3. I am officially a redneck. I own one car that runs well, one that needs minor repairs, and one that is a huge paper weight in my garage. At least I haven't parked in on my front lawn yet, right...
4. Don't mess with me, I have a concealed weapons permit, and you don't know if I'm packing heat.
5. I don't "pack heat" very often.
6. Beauty and the Beast is my life story. A smelly, weird looking ogre somehow convinces a sweet, kind, beautiful princess to fall in love with him. I'm just waiting for that awesome moment in the end of the show when the beast turns into a handsome prince.
7. The most I have ever paid for a car was $2400.00 the least was $25.00. However, the newest car I have ever owned was about 8 years old when I bought it.
8. Currently living in my house, I have: 1 Wife, 1 Son, 1 Sister, 1 Nephew, 1 Rabbit, and I'm sure I could find a spider or two.
9. I am a nerd. What I want you to learn from this statement is that I love Lord of the Rings, Dr. Who, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), Star Trek, Sci/Fi in general, and Star Wars. In fact I have a collection of Lego Star Wars sets, and can claim to have hooked others with collecting them as well.
10. I have more video games than I could name in this note. They go to an Xbox 360, playstation 2, Game Cube, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, and maybe even a Game Boy floating around my mom's house that at one point belonged to me.
11. I am a sucker for movies. My favorites are action, but I also enjoy comedy, drama, animated, and even a few chick flicks. You can keep the drama queen teen pop crap. I have to draw the line somewhere.
12. I own box sets of Voltron, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (The classic version) and Thundercats. I'd love to get my hands on box sets of the original G.I Joe
13. My favorite toy growing up was a Spider-Man action figure that could move at every major joint. He was awesome, and I still wish I had one.
14. Karaoke, don't knock it til you try it. It's an addiction that is more powerful than heroine, and it doesn't have any of the terrible side effects.
15. I love to cook. I've done it for as long as I can remember, and I don't think I will ever stop. I love when I finish making something that turns out just right, and everyone is shocked and amazed that it was actually me that made it. I don't know if they are intending those to be compliments or not, but I take them that way anyway.
16. My 3 year old son is the apple of my eye, even though sometimes he's rotten. I don't know if he looks more like me or Jess, but I don't care. He's ours and I love him.
17. The greatest moment of my life happened in Salt Lake City 6 years 8 months and 9 days ago. I will never forget it, nor will it ever lose any of it's luster. Thank you Jess, and I will always love you with all my heart.
18. I was called Buddha in the 6th grade because I was the best at football, tetherball, soccer, base ball, and hop scotch. It probably didn't hurt that I was a big boy even back then. One of my friends said that I was a big fat god, and the name stuck. Until middle school anyway, then I was the best anymore, or something. It was one of the few moments in life when I was picked first. I have tried to avoid the lime light ever since.
19. One of my heroes is my dad. I know a lot of people may share this sentiment, but mine is for a totally different reason. My dad has many weaknesses which get pointed out to him regularly. He almost lost his family because of some of these weaknesses, but fought through them and overcame them. He still has other things that hold him back, and that he is reminded of all the time. Even with the onslaught he still keeps trying, and slowly gets better. He is no where near perfect, but he is still trying to be. He doesn't shine evey day, but at least he does once in a while, and that means a lot to me.
20. I have a collection of comic books one of which is signed by the artists. Once again proof of my nerdiness.
21. I can't stand when my socks get bunched up, or aren't on my foot just right.
22. I love to read. I have a room in my house that has nothing but bookshelves, comfy chairs, lamps for good lighting, and a piano. I love to sit in this room and read, or relax. When Jess plays the piano, I find that I migrate to this room as well.
23. I play video games with my dad and 2 of my brothers every Friday night. It's kind of our way of getting rid of the stress that has built up during the last week. The cool thing about this is that we usually are in 4 different houses, in 3 different cities, in 2 different states.
24. Right now I'm listening to 80's butt rock, 2 minutes ago I was listening to Country, and 3 or 4 minutes before that it was Metallica. I wonder what will play next. Classical, oldies, maybe a song from a musical, with my music taste the only thing you can count on is that it won't be rap.
25. My wife is my best friend and constant companion. I can't think of anything I would change about her, and am so grateful for all that she does and is for me. She is my everything, and I hope I can return at least a small portion of that back to her.
Hope you enjoyed it, please remain in your seats until the ride comes to a complete stop. Have a wonderful day and come again soon!!
1. I'm an accountant at the University of Utah, and I only have a high school diploma
2. I just got a new patio, and patio furniture set for like $500.00 thanks to my home insurance. (Our patio roof fell on Christmas day, destroying the old patio set. Merry Christmas!!)
3. I am officially a redneck. I own one car that runs well, one that needs minor repairs, and one that is a huge paper weight in my garage. At least I haven't parked in on my front lawn yet, right...
4. Don't mess with me, I have a concealed weapons permit, and you don't know if I'm packing heat.
5. I don't "pack heat" very often.
6. Beauty and the Beast is my life story. A smelly, weird looking ogre somehow convinces a sweet, kind, beautiful princess to fall in love with him. I'm just waiting for that awesome moment in the end of the show when the beast turns into a handsome prince.
7. The most I have ever paid for a car was $2400.00 the least was $25.00. However, the newest car I have ever owned was about 8 years old when I bought it.
8. Currently living in my house, I have: 1 Wife, 1 Son, 1 Sister, 1 Nephew, 1 Rabbit, and I'm sure I could find a spider or two.
9. I am a nerd. What I want you to learn from this statement is that I love Lord of the Rings, Dr. Who, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), Star Trek, Sci/Fi in general, and Star Wars. In fact I have a collection of Lego Star Wars sets, and can claim to have hooked others with collecting them as well.
10. I have more video games than I could name in this note. They go to an Xbox 360, playstation 2, Game Cube, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, and maybe even a Game Boy floating around my mom's house that at one point belonged to me.
11. I am a sucker for movies. My favorites are action, but I also enjoy comedy, drama, animated, and even a few chick flicks. You can keep the drama queen teen pop crap. I have to draw the line somewhere.
12. I own box sets of Voltron, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (The classic version) and Thundercats. I'd love to get my hands on box sets of the original G.I Joe
13. My favorite toy growing up was a Spider-Man action figure that could move at every major joint. He was awesome, and I still wish I had one.
14. Karaoke, don't knock it til you try it. It's an addiction that is more powerful than heroine, and it doesn't have any of the terrible side effects.
15. I love to cook. I've done it for as long as I can remember, and I don't think I will ever stop. I love when I finish making something that turns out just right, and everyone is shocked and amazed that it was actually me that made it. I don't know if they are intending those to be compliments or not, but I take them that way anyway.
16. My 3 year old son is the apple of my eye, even though sometimes he's rotten. I don't know if he looks more like me or Jess, but I don't care. He's ours and I love him.
17. The greatest moment of my life happened in Salt Lake City 6 years 8 months and 9 days ago. I will never forget it, nor will it ever lose any of it's luster. Thank you Jess, and I will always love you with all my heart.
18. I was called Buddha in the 6th grade because I was the best at football, tetherball, soccer, base ball, and hop scotch. It probably didn't hurt that I was a big boy even back then. One of my friends said that I was a big fat god, and the name stuck. Until middle school anyway, then I was the best anymore, or something. It was one of the few moments in life when I was picked first. I have tried to avoid the lime light ever since.
19. One of my heroes is my dad. I know a lot of people may share this sentiment, but mine is for a totally different reason. My dad has many weaknesses which get pointed out to him regularly. He almost lost his family because of some of these weaknesses, but fought through them and overcame them. He still has other things that hold him back, and that he is reminded of all the time. Even with the onslaught he still keeps trying, and slowly gets better. He is no where near perfect, but he is still trying to be. He doesn't shine evey day, but at least he does once in a while, and that means a lot to me.
20. I have a collection of comic books one of which is signed by the artists. Once again proof of my nerdiness.
21. I can't stand when my socks get bunched up, or aren't on my foot just right.
22. I love to read. I have a room in my house that has nothing but bookshelves, comfy chairs, lamps for good lighting, and a piano. I love to sit in this room and read, or relax. When Jess plays the piano, I find that I migrate to this room as well.
23. I play video games with my dad and 2 of my brothers every Friday night. It's kind of our way of getting rid of the stress that has built up during the last week. The cool thing about this is that we usually are in 4 different houses, in 3 different cities, in 2 different states.
24. Right now I'm listening to 80's butt rock, 2 minutes ago I was listening to Country, and 3 or 4 minutes before that it was Metallica. I wonder what will play next. Classical, oldies, maybe a song from a musical, with my music taste the only thing you can count on is that it won't be rap.
25. My wife is my best friend and constant companion. I can't think of anything I would change about her, and am so grateful for all that she does and is for me. She is my everything, and I hope I can return at least a small portion of that back to her.
Hope you enjoyed it, please remain in your seats until the ride comes to a complete stop. Have a wonderful day and come again soon!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Remedy (Jessica's Tunes)
For those who like to hear Jess' side of the story, and not just mine ;-D
If someone says "Is this ok?" you say: Father of Mine-Everclear {I like to double check everything I do with my dad}
How would you describe yourself? Family Affair-Mary J Blige {I would have to agree}
What do you like in a guy/girl? That's What You Get-Paramore {Apparently I don't have high expectations}
What is your life’s purpose? Because of You-Kelly Clarkson {Steve, you make it all worth it :) }
What is your motto? Better-Plumb {Sounds a little conceited}
What do your friends think of you? Real World-Matchbox 20 {I am pretty level headed...}
What do you think of your parents? Bicycle Race-Queen {I'm not sure where to go with this one...They are kind of opposites...}
What do you think about very often? I Don't Wanna Be in Love-Good Charlotte {That's just not true.}
What is 2 + 2? Love Song-Sara Bareilles {That is ironically a lot like Steve's answer}
What do you think of your best friend? Scartissue-Red Hot Chili Peppers {Again, not sure what to do with this one}
What do you think of the person you like? Juke Box Hero-Foreigner {he sure does like to sing...}
What is your life story? Say It Ain't So-Weezer {I stress really easily}
What do you want to be when you grow up? The Freshmen-The Verve Pipe {that kind of sounds like I don't intend to grow up}
What do you think of when you see the person you like? Come As You Are-Nirvana {huh.}
What will you dance to at your wedding? What I've Done-Linkin Park {This is really putting some bad light on things}
What will they play at your funeral? Nothing Else Matters-Metallica {Oh the irony}
What is your hobby/interest? I think I'm Paranoid-Garbage {Apparently I have issues, if my favorite thing to do is be paranoid}
What is your biggest fear? I'm with you-Avril Lavigne {Yet again, bad light}
What is your biggest secret? Innocent-Fuel {Dang strait!}
What do you think of your friends? High School Never Ends-Bowling for Soup {funny, I was just thinking that with FaceBook}
What will you post this as? The Remedy-Jason Mraz {Well, it did make me smile}
If someone says "Is this ok?" you say: Father of Mine-Everclear {I like to double check everything I do with my dad}
How would you describe yourself? Family Affair-Mary J Blige {I would have to agree}
What do you like in a guy/girl? That's What You Get-Paramore {Apparently I don't have high expectations}
What is your life’s purpose? Because of You-Kelly Clarkson {Steve, you make it all worth it :) }
What is your motto? Better-Plumb {Sounds a little conceited}
What do your friends think of you? Real World-Matchbox 20 {I am pretty level headed...}
What do you think of your parents? Bicycle Race-Queen {I'm not sure where to go with this one...They are kind of opposites...}
What do you think about very often? I Don't Wanna Be in Love-Good Charlotte {That's just not true.}
What is 2 + 2? Love Song-Sara Bareilles {That is ironically a lot like Steve's answer}
What do you think of your best friend? Scartissue-Red Hot Chili Peppers {Again, not sure what to do with this one}
What do you think of the person you like? Juke Box Hero-Foreigner {he sure does like to sing...}
What is your life story? Say It Ain't So-Weezer {I stress really easily}
What do you want to be when you grow up? The Freshmen-The Verve Pipe {that kind of sounds like I don't intend to grow up}
What do you think of when you see the person you like? Come As You Are-Nirvana {huh.}
What will you dance to at your wedding? What I've Done-Linkin Park {This is really putting some bad light on things}
What will they play at your funeral? Nothing Else Matters-Metallica {Oh the irony}
What is your hobby/interest? I think I'm Paranoid-Garbage {Apparently I have issues, if my favorite thing to do is be paranoid}
What is your biggest fear? I'm with you-Avril Lavigne {Yet again, bad light}
What is your biggest secret? Innocent-Fuel {Dang strait!}
What do you think of your friends? High School Never Ends-Bowling for Soup {funny, I was just thinking that with FaceBook}
What will you post this as? The Remedy-Jason Mraz {Well, it did make me smile}
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Don't Stop Believin'
1. Put Your iTunes on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
If someone says "Is this ok?" you say: You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban {Hmm...it's a stretch.}
How would you describe yourself? Meant to Live - Switchfoot {I sure hope so}
What do you like in a guy/girl? More Than Words - Extreme {Need I say more??}
What is your life’s purpose? Good Riddance - Green Day {Umm, should I be worried??}
What is your motto? Any Way You Want It - Journey {I think this one only works if Jess is asking.}
What do your friends think of you? My Name is Jonas - Weezer {Okay, so this one really doesn't work so well, unless you think of the words to the song, but even then...}
What do you think of your parents? Higher - Creed {They say that as you get older, your opinion of your parents improves...}
What do you think about very often? What If - Cold Play {Okay, so I guess that makes sense, but it makes me sound like I have a lot of regrets.}
What is 2 + 2? Heaven - Los Lonely Boys {2 night stay someplace exotic plus 2 people in love?? Sounds like heaven to me}
What do you think of your best friend? Dammit - Blink 182 {Russ did just get called to serve in the Spanish Branch, so I don't see him at church anymore. We'll say that is what it means...}
What do you think of the person you like? Perfect - Simple Plan {Okay, we're going to say that this one is for Jess, that way I don't get in trouble, and it fits wonderfully for her. In addition, she's the person I "like" the most}
What is your life story? Open Arms - Journey {I think that works pretty good}
What do you want to be when you grow up? Sister Christian - Night Ranger {Okay, funny. A little twisted, but when am I not}
What do you think of when you see the person you like? Bubbly - Colbie Caillat {That one worked out well.}
What will you dance to at your wedding? The Way You Look Tonight - Tony Bennett {I think we really did play this song at our wedding...}
What will they play at your funeral? Apologize - One Republic {Okay, Isn't that rubbing it in??}
What is your hobby/interest? I Finally Found the Love of a Lifetime - Firehouse {I guess it was more likely to find a song about my love than about video games, and since that is the only interest I have other than Jess, it's appropriate to put her on top}
What is your biggest fear? Mr Mom - Lonestar {So really funny but I think anyone that really knows me also knows that I wouldn't be too scared of the Mr. Mom thing.}
What is your biggest secret? Rehab - Amy Winehouse {I guess that's out of the bag now}
What do you think of your friends? Like we never loved at all - Faith Hill/Tim McGraw {Hmm, not sure if that's a message to stay in better contact or what}
What will you post this as? Don't Stop Believin' - Journey {Not too bad if I do say so myself}
After looking this list over it appears as though my iTunes was in a real Journey kind of mood, but I got a pretty good mix of other stuff as well. Hope you liked it!!
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
If someone says "Is this ok?" you say: You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban {Hmm...it's a stretch.}
How would you describe yourself? Meant to Live - Switchfoot {I sure hope so}
What do you like in a guy/girl? More Than Words - Extreme {Need I say more??}
What is your life’s purpose? Good Riddance - Green Day {Umm, should I be worried??}
What is your motto? Any Way You Want It - Journey {I think this one only works if Jess is asking.}
What do your friends think of you? My Name is Jonas - Weezer {Okay, so this one really doesn't work so well, unless you think of the words to the song, but even then...}
What do you think of your parents? Higher - Creed {They say that as you get older, your opinion of your parents improves...}
What do you think about very often? What If - Cold Play {Okay, so I guess that makes sense, but it makes me sound like I have a lot of regrets.}
What is 2 + 2? Heaven - Los Lonely Boys {2 night stay someplace exotic plus 2 people in love?? Sounds like heaven to me}
What do you think of your best friend? Dammit - Blink 182 {Russ did just get called to serve in the Spanish Branch, so I don't see him at church anymore. We'll say that is what it means...}
What do you think of the person you like? Perfect - Simple Plan {Okay, we're going to say that this one is for Jess, that way I don't get in trouble, and it fits wonderfully for her. In addition, she's the person I "like" the most}
What is your life story? Open Arms - Journey {I think that works pretty good}
What do you want to be when you grow up? Sister Christian - Night Ranger {Okay, funny. A little twisted, but when am I not}
What do you think of when you see the person you like? Bubbly - Colbie Caillat {That one worked out well.}
What will you dance to at your wedding? The Way You Look Tonight - Tony Bennett {I think we really did play this song at our wedding...}
What will they play at your funeral? Apologize - One Republic {Okay, Isn't that rubbing it in??}
What is your hobby/interest? I Finally Found the Love of a Lifetime - Firehouse {I guess it was more likely to find a song about my love than about video games, and since that is the only interest I have other than Jess, it's appropriate to put her on top}
What is your biggest fear? Mr Mom - Lonestar {So really funny but I think anyone that really knows me also knows that I wouldn't be too scared of the Mr. Mom thing.}
What is your biggest secret? Rehab - Amy Winehouse {I guess that's out of the bag now}
What do you think of your friends? Like we never loved at all - Faith Hill/Tim McGraw {Hmm, not sure if that's a message to stay in better contact or what}
What will you post this as? Don't Stop Believin' - Journey {Not too bad if I do say so myself}
After looking this list over it appears as though my iTunes was in a real Journey kind of mood, but I got a pretty good mix of other stuff as well. Hope you liked it!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Latest update
Okay, so I should talk a little bit about the last little while. Life has been super busy for Jess and me. We helped get Jess' Grandma moved into an assisted living place that is really nice. After Jess' Grandpa died, it just got too hard for Nanny to keep everything going at their house. She now has a little apartment not too far from where her house was, and doesn't have to worry about any upkeep. Jess' cousin got married last week to a girl from Russia. It took a bit to get all of the paperwork done for her to come, but all of that is in the past now. Kaleb continues to grow and is constantly surprising us with the things he says and does. Some of his most recent outbursts include:
"I'm not grumpy, I'm GROUCHY!!!"
"Dad, can you turn to the right a little bit?" This was when the sun was in his eyes while driving home.
And when asked who taught him to be silly he always replies "Grandma"
We spent last weekend in Vegas which was a lot of fun. It was a short trip, and I was sick coming home, but all in all, I was really glad we went. While we were there, we played a little Rock Band 2, and visited a ton. We got to see the new painting and redecorating efforts, which looked great! Kaleb also got to play with some of his cousins that he hasn't seen for a while. While we were coming home, he said "I don't want to go home, I want to go back to Grandma's". I guess he liked it there. We also got to go to Meghan's baptism. I still can't believe she's 8. It just doesn't seem possible. You would figure that I would have an easier time than some due to the fact that she is 20 years younger than me, but I think it is just hard for me to grasp.
To continue our busy life, Jess is going to St. George this weekend to spend some time with the women in her mom's family. They are doing their semi-annual girls weekend. I will get to spend some time showing Kaleb some new wrestling moves which should be a lot of fun.
As always, life continues to roll forward whether we like it or not. I just try to hang on and enjoy the ride.
"I'm not grumpy, I'm GROUCHY!!!"
"Dad, can you turn to the right a little bit?" This was when the sun was in his eyes while driving home.
And when asked who taught him to be silly he always replies "Grandma"
We spent last weekend in Vegas which was a lot of fun. It was a short trip, and I was sick coming home, but all in all, I was really glad we went. While we were there, we played a little Rock Band 2, and visited a ton. We got to see the new painting and redecorating efforts, which looked great! Kaleb also got to play with some of his cousins that he hasn't seen for a while. While we were coming home, he said "I don't want to go home, I want to go back to Grandma's". I guess he liked it there. We also got to go to Meghan's baptism. I still can't believe she's 8. It just doesn't seem possible. You would figure that I would have an easier time than some due to the fact that she is 20 years younger than me, but I think it is just hard for me to grasp.
To continue our busy life, Jess is going to St. George this weekend to spend some time with the women in her mom's family. They are doing their semi-annual girls weekend. I will get to spend some time showing Kaleb some new wrestling moves which should be a lot of fun.
As always, life continues to roll forward whether we like it or not. I just try to hang on and enjoy the ride.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jessica's Turn
I succeeded in getting Jess to fill in the blanks as well, so here is her list.
I am: Jessica
I think: Too much
I know: More than I should
I want: "I want, I want, me, me, me, my, my, my, now, now, now..."
I dislike: spiders
I miss: watching cartoons on Saturday mornings
I fear: yet again, spiders
I feel: tired
I hear: co-workers chatting
I smell: nothing
I crave: Disney land churros
I cry: occasionally
I usually: get up at 6
I search: ponder and pray
I wonder: why I think I'm funny
I regret: the times I've been mean to people
I love: my family
I care: about too much
I always: laugh
I worry: about offending people
I am not: perfect
I remember: movie quotes
I believe: in a lot
I dance: when no one is around to see
I sing: when no one is around to listen
I don’t always: pay attention
I argue: when I feel I'm right :)
I write: rather doodle when I'm bored
I win: so rarely it's not really funny any more
I lose: so often that it is funny
I wish: I could have a clean house that stayed that way more than 10 minutes
I listen: when others talk
I don't understand: why other people think the way they do
I can usually be found: at work or at home
I am scared: of creepy crawlies
I need: a nap
I forget: to pick up prescriptions
I am happy: most of the time
I am: Jessica
I think: Too much
I know: More than I should
I want: "I want, I want, me, me, me, my, my, my, now, now, now..."
I dislike: spiders
I miss: watching cartoons on Saturday mornings
I fear: yet again, spiders
I feel: tired
I hear: co-workers chatting
I smell: nothing
I crave: Disney land churros
I cry: occasionally
I usually: get up at 6
I search: ponder and pray
I wonder: why I think I'm funny
I regret: the times I've been mean to people
I love: my family
I care: about too much
I always: laugh
I worry: about offending people
I am not: perfect
I remember: movie quotes
I believe: in a lot
I dance: when no one is around to see
I sing: when no one is around to listen
I don’t always: pay attention
I argue: when I feel I'm right :)
I write: rather doodle when I'm bored
I win: so rarely it's not really funny any more
I lose: so often that it is funny
I wish: I could have a clean house that stayed that way more than 10 minutes
I listen: when others talk
I don't understand: why other people think the way they do
I can usually be found: at work or at home
I am scared: of creepy crawlies
I need: a nap
I forget: to pick up prescriptions
I am happy: most of the time
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