Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Christmas in February
We are grateful for our good friends, the Frongners, who watched our little comedian so we could go out for such a fun evening. Ivan was really on a roll today. First off, I got out Ivan's dress up clothes and asked him if he wanted to be a pirate and he responded, "I want to be a fart!" No Ivan a pirate..., "I want to be a pirfart." no a pirate, "i want to be a pirate." Third time is always a charm. How he got fart from pirate, we will never know.
After that Ivan and Tyrel were playing while we waited to get Tyrel the "good drugs" Tyrel kept saying "Ivan does your (random body part) hurt?" Ivan thought this was funny and started saying back. He finally said "Daddy does your butt hurt." That got us rolling.
We were also informed that Ivan gave the Frongners a good chuckle...when we dropped him off a little after 4:00 he hadn't taken a nap, so I warned Kristen that he might be cranky and need to go to bed early. I guess he was fine and happy, but he took going to sleep early quite literally. As they were eating dinner around 6:30-6:45, they noticed Ivan was closing his eyes while he chewed his pizza...then his head started to bob while he was chewing with his eyes closed. They watched in amazement for a few minutes as he bobbled around, but apparently, he was out cold. When they picked him up to clean him up and put a diaper on him, he was gone! Dead weight flopping around while they prepped him for bed and he stayed that way until we came to get him at 11:00. Funny! Tyrel asked me why we paid forty dollars to go see Brian Reagan when watching Ivan is free and oh, so funny.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Where is Blankie?
Where is blankie? Where is blankie?
Who Needs Sunday School?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pay it Forward
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sweetheart Dance
I think Emryi needs to teach me her moves...she seriously can dance better than I can. I didn't know 2 year olds had moves like that! Way to go Em! Speaking of teaching dance...our friends Jamin and Chara tried to teach us all some basic swing steps but Tyrel and I together have 4 left feet .... but we sure had fun trying.
There were also some quality games planned for our entertainment. One that we played went something like this...
1.) Ty had to eat 2 saltines then whistle the tune of a familiar song
2.) I had to guess the song then pop a balloon by sitting on it (not as easy as it sounds...especially in a dress)
3.)we had to place a racquetball between our lips and move across the gym without dropping it and make it to a chair where I had to sit on Ty's lap to let everyone know we were done.
This should come as no surprise, but... WE SPANKED EVERYBODY!!!
Funny that I mention spanking... that leads me to telling you about the poems we were prompted to write. So when we first walked in, we were to take two slips of paper: one had a normal word and one had a romantic word. With those words we were supposed to write a cute poem just for our spouse.
Ty's words were: Tweezers and Romantic
Every morning...
Tweezers pull your nose hairs
After a night of snoring
I think we make the best of pairs
Every evening...
I fail at being romantic
But you still make me feel like singing
May you never snap my elastic.
Mandy's words were: lust and blanket (those words alone should be warning enough, but in case you need more...this poem is not G rated)
I have a need
it is a must
It is only you
I love and lust
You and I should
get inside a blanket
But be careful,
I might want to spank-it
I'm not sure how it all happened, but we were invited to read some of our poems aloud and I was forced to read front of an LDS audience (my Bishop and his wife were there). So embarrassing! Anyways, as the night was coming to an end, Bishop approached me and read me the poem he wrote to his wife--it was a little dirty also--come'on people, it's Valentine's Day! It was a little uncomfortable, but it did make me feel better (I think his wife was super embarrassed, but hey, so was I).
Overall, it was a FANTASTIC evening. We shared lots of laughs, and maybe even bonded with our ward in ways that I would have never imagined.