Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Asher went in for another well check today. It was supposed to be his 2 week one but we couldn't get in until now. He is 26 days old.

Here are his stats. 
Weight: 9.12 lbs 56.66%
Height: 22.5 inches 94.32%
Head :15 inches 84.46

He is still doing good. He went down a bit in percentage in weight and height even though he is growing and gaining weight. The doctor said it is nothing to worry about.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The kiddos loving on Asher

Mathias doesn't generally pay a whole lot of attention to Asher; however, he does have his moments when he does ask to hold him. Love these cute boys of mine!

The kids adore Asher and love to hold him and have him by them. Hopefully that will always be the case. As you can tell by these pictures we definitely do not make clone babies. They all have their very own little looks. We sure do love these cute kiddos! P.S. I promise I do Azlyn's hair. I apparently just get around to taking pictures when she gets up in the morning or after her naps.

Azlyn is just so into Asher. Anytime that he is on the floor she has to go and lay down by him and snuggle him. She is constantly checking him out and just pointing out all his different features. She is also starting to ask if she can hold "it." She has been so great with him and has shown absolutely no signs of jealousy. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


 Here are just a couple random pictures of Asher in his swing. He seems to really like it even if the motor is broken.
Top two pictures: 4 days old
Bottom two pictures: 7 days old

 Azlyn was fascinated with Asher in his swing for some reason. He was just sleeping in it and like I said it doesn't even work. Not sure what was so entertaining.
Asher 12 days old

We finally got a new swing that works!
This was so cute. Asher totally found the mirror above his head. He kept on staring at himself and it seemed like he was trying so hard to coo.
Asher 20 days old. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Azlyn LOVES Asher

 I knew I would have a little helper when Asher got home and I was right. I went upstairs really fast to grab a diaper and came back down to this. Apparently he started fussing so she went and found his binky and gave  it to him and held it in his mouth. I have a feeling I am really going to have to watch her!

 She is such a good little mamma. He started fussing in his swing so she came over grabbed it and started pushing it ( it doesn't work so he just sits in it for now till we get a new one) but not letting go. She was also shushing him and telling him that it was ok. It is so cute to watch her with him and see what she picks up on.

She loves to lay on the floor by him or get by his face and say that he is looking at her like her big sister book says.

Today she asked to hold him and was so excited when I put him on her lap. she kept checking him out, looking at his hands and jammies and studying his face. She loved it when he was looking back at her. She would also lay her head on him and that was her way of nuggling him. I love that she already just adores him so much.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

first real outfit

 Asher 16 days old
We put Asher in his first real outfit to go visit our friends the Jackmans.  It was his first time wearing jeans. This polo was one of my favorite things to put on Mathias when he was tiny as well.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

first real bath

(This is what you get when you don't buy gender neutral things. Poor guy has to take baths in a pink tub. Good thing the bath is the only thing that i bought that is gender specific.)

Asher's umbilical cord finally fell off so we were able to give him a real bath. He did all right for a minute and even tried to stick his fist in his mouth like the other two did on their first bath. He quickly changed his mind though and started screaming. I hope he learns to love taking a bath soon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The kids adore Asher and love to hold him and have him by them. Hopefully that will always be the case.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentines

I dressed both of the kiddos in pink for church  the weekend before Valentines day. I forgot to get a picture of both of them before church so I was going to get one of both of them when they got back. However Mathias' pink tie broke while they were at church. So here is a picture of Azlyn in her cute pink Valentine dress.

Here is Azlyn in her fun Valentine shirt on Valentines day.  She did not want to sit still for pictures but I got a few cute ones anyway.  This is the first time that I have been able to do pigtail off to the side and not just on top of her head. Yeah for her hair getting longer!

My sweet little Asher in his Valentines get-up. This was Mathias' when he was tiny as well.  Such a cute little guy!
I unfortunately didn't get any single shots of Mathias. He went straight to play at his friend's house right after school.

 Mathias got home at about the same time as Devin that night. I hurried and tried to get a picture of all my cute Valentines. Holy cow, if I though getting a picture of the kiddos looking at me and cooperating was hard before, man alive it is near impossible now. This was the best we got.

 Then someone came to visit as I was taking their picture and offered to take one of the whole family. Of course I jumped on that. We don't get one of the whole family very often because usually I am the one who takes the pictures.

For fun I thought I would compare the boys wearing the same shirt. We definitely do not make clone kiddos. I don't think they look a thing alike, except for the nose of course. All three kids have the same nose but that is as close as they get to looking the same.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

look who is 6!

Where did my little boy go?! He is seriously getting way too big for me way too fast! 
Here is a little bit about Mathias at age 6.

  • Favorite movie is? Cars 2
  • Favorite tv show is?  Phineas and Ferb
  • Favorite color is? red, blue, green
  • Favorite candy? plain chocolate bar
  • Favorite toy is? cars, legos
  • Who is your best friend? Tallin
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? Monster truck driver

He went in for his yearly well check and everything looks great! 
Here are his 6 year stats:

Weight 55.12 lbs = 89.17%
Height 47.5 in = 85.26
BMI 17.17 = 86.89

Friday, February 10, 2012

1 week!

 I can not believe our baby Asher is already a week old! He is such a great baby. He rarely cries and so far he is only getting up once a night. He usually goes to bed at around 11:30 then gets up any where between 3:30 &4 then sleeps till about 8:30. Let's hope it lasts.  We sure do love him!

He wasn't a big fan of the camera flash. Can't say I blame him.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

sponge bath

Tonight we gave Asher his first sponge bath. To say he hated it would be an understatement, he screamed the whole time. I don't blame him though. I tried to hurry as fast as I could so he wouldn't freeze. As soon as I was done and picked him up he peed on me. Gotta love little boys.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

dress up

(I promise I do her hair but it doesn't stay done very long sometimes)

Azlyn got some dress up stuff for Christmas and is just now starting to show interest in it. Having a little girl is so much fun!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Asher's first doctors appointment

Asher went to his first doctors appointment at just 5 days old. He is super healthy and doing great. His jaundice is going down so that is good. He gets to go back when he is 2 weeks old. 

Ashers stats at 5 days old.

Weight 8lbs 7oz = 71.44%
Height 21.5 in = 98.02%
Head 14 in = 69.19%

For comparison here are the other twos stats at 5 days old as well.

Mathias at 5 days old:

Weight 7lbs 8oz = 29%
Height 20.8 in = 63%
Head 34 cm = 10%

Azlyn at 7 days old:

Weight: 8 lbs = 53.57%
Height 20in = 56.36%
Head 13.5 in = 24.96%

22 months

Man alive we are getting so close to 2! I am so not ready for this cute girl to grow up! Here are a few things about Azlyn at 22 months.

Favorite books:

Oh The Thinks You Can Think.

 She pretty much has this book memorized. If you leave out a word or stop halfway through a sentence she will finish it for you.

Favorite Songs:
 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Row your boat
Ashes (Ring around The Rosies)

Favorite shows:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Bubble Guppies
Team Umi Zoomie

Some more things about Azlyn at this age are:

  • Still takes a 2-3 hour nap in the middle of the day.
  • Still sleeps from about 8 to 8.
  • Still wears a size 3 diaper.
  • Still wearing 12-18 months clothes although her shirts are finally getting a bit small. Starting to wear more18-24 month clothes. Mainly dresses and shirts. I think the poor girl is gonna have the short Brower legs. 
  • She is a major monkey and loves to climb on everything. She also likes to find the hard way to climb on things.

  • She is becoming a nudist. She will unzip her jammies first thing in the morning and if I zip them back up she will do it over again. She has not figured out how to get them completely off yet though. She is also starting to take off her pants. Fun times.

  • She loves to sing. She has a CD in the car with about 50 nursery rhymes and songs on it that she requests as soon as she gets in the car. "music mom"! 
  • She loves to read and be read to. She will bring me a book to read and I will read it a couple of times then tell her it is her turn to read it because lets be honest, reading it a hundred times in a row gets old. She will take the book and sit down and totally read it. Half the time it is hard to understand her cause she does it quietly but it is so cute to see. Sometimes when it is quiet I will find her sitting on the floor with a book in her lap and she is just looking at it and turning the pages. So cute!
  • Her hair is finally starting to get thicker!
  • She is still a mommies girl but is getting better about letting other people like daddy and grandma help her. 
  • She is becoming not so shy. 
  • She absolutely loves nursery now. She practically jumps out of my arms the instant we get close to it.
  • I think she has her first crush on Tallin, one of Mathias' little neighborhood friends.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Star Student

Mathias was the star student today. He had to make a 
poster with pictures of things that he likes to do, fun places he has been, etc. I printed out a bunch of pictures and had him choose the ones he wanted. I had him write his name up top and then let him go to town gluing the pictures on. I think the poster fits him perfectly!


For some reason I always take a picture of the first time the kiddos sleep in their bed at home. Here is Asher all burrito-wrapped in his huge blanket on his incline wedge in the bassinet that my cousin Jessica let us borrow for Azlyn wearing the hat that my cousin Leann made for Mathias. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

before and after

                                 40 weeks                                                                      2 days old

I got this great idea off of pinterest. It didn't turn out as cute but I still love it.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

going home

Almost free. We got Asher all ready to go. I forget how hard it is to dress a stiff little newborn even though it hasn't been quite two years since I last did it.  He was making some awesome faces. I couldn't wait to get those tags off of his ankles. They just looked so uncomfortable, like they were digging into his skin or something.

I bought him this cute little fleece suit a while back since I thought it would be cold but go figure we have had basically no winter this year. I put him in it anyways because it was just so cute. It swallowed him up. It was seriously massive on him but oh well.  We had to wait a little bit to be checked out and of course we were getting impatient.  Finally, though, we were free.

As soon as we got home the kids surrounded him. I couldn't even get him uncovered or out of his seat yet. Mathias said hi then was out the door to go play with his friends. Azlyn on the other hand was so excited . She kept saying baby, cute baby and petting his head and kinda leaning on him to get a super close look. Don't mind her hair she had just gotten up from her nap. When I did get him out I put him in this little rocking set and of course she had to rock him. She is already his second little mamma.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Asher Day 2

Day 2 pretty much just consisted of us loving on our new little guy a lot and of course feedings every two hours and a lot of dirty diapers.  We didn't have a ton of visitors.  Just my sister-in-laws and of course my mom and grandma came back by as well as my mother-in-law with the kiddos.

 I seriously just adore him and can't take my eyes off of him. I love his blonde little mohawk. I can't believe how long his hair is. He also got some red bumps on top of his head today but they didn't last long. Not sure what that was about. I also had to show how long his thumb nail is. I couldn't believe how long it is and it is only that nail. He also has the most delicious chubby cheeks! He likes to have his hands up by his face and is very good at getting out of his swaddling. 

Mema with all of her grand babies. We decided to try and get a better picture of our new family of 5. Don't mind the nursing cover, I just got done feeding him and forgot to take it off. 
I seriously love my cute little growing family!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Asher's Birthday!

Of course we had to get a couple last baby bump shots. Man I was huge!

As with Azlyn, I was scheduled to be induced on Asher's due date. We got there at 5:30am and got all checked in and answered the million questions they ask while getting an iv put in and monitors on. Go figure, while all of this was going on I was starting to get contractions on my own. They checked me at 5:45 and I was dilated to a 2 1/2 and 70% effaced. They started Pitocin at 6:00. I got the epidural at 9 and they also checked me and I was dilated to a 3. For some reason I was super nervous to get the epidural. I seem to get more nervous about it with each kid. You would think that it would be the opposite. They checked me again at 10:45 and I was dilated to a 4. At  11:45 they broke my water. I was dilated to a 5 at noon. At this point they had me lay on my side because Asher's heart rate was dipping. They also turned off the Pitocin. They turned the Pitocin back on at 12:45. They checked me at 1:20 and I was dilated to a 7. Not too long after that I was feeling a lot of pressure but wasn't super sure if I should ask them to check again because they just checked me not too long ago. Finally I couldn't handle it and had them check me at 1:55 and I was complete and ready to push. It only took a few painful pushes and he was finally here! It hurt a lot more than the other two did and we would soon find out why. He was huge!

 Introducing Asher Christon Brower!

 All our kids' middle names are after family members. Asher's middle name is Devin's oldest brothers name, who only lived a couple of weeks due to heart complications.

As soon as the nurse got him to take him to the warmer she said, "Man  he is strong! Did he hurt when he would kick you?"  He sure did. I didn't know if it was because I was older or what when I was pregnant but I would complain to Dev a lot towards the end that his kicks and such were definitley getting more painful. Come to find out it was because he was huge and strong.  He weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz! So much for being just over 8 lbs... He was 20.5 inches long. For comparison Mathias was 7 lbs 12 oz 20 in and Azlyn was 7 lbs 15 oz and 20 in.

 Here are some pics of us with our new little guy. He doesn't look anything like the other two except that they all have the same nose. He has quite a bit of blonde hair that automatically goes into a faux hawk.  He also has bright blue eyes. When Mathias was born I could tell that his eyes were going to be brown because they were really dark but I think Asher's might stay blue.

Don't mind the pictures of me. I, for some reason, always look goofy in all of the hospital pictures.

 Not long after he was born, Devin's mom brought the kids in.  I don't think Azlyn really knew what was going on except that there was a baby there and she loves babies. I don' think she really liked me sitting in that bed though. Mathias was pretty excited and wanted to check him all out. He wanted to get Asher to hold onto his finger like Azlyn did when she was first born. For some reason he thinks that is pretty cool.

  Side note: the night before I was to be induced, I set out all of Azlyn's clothes along with hair things and shoes and showed it to my mother-in-law, Annette. I wanted to make it easy for her and I wanted Azlyn to look cute in pictures because I am anal like that. However, when Annette brought her in, she had the wrong boots on as well as the wrong hair thing. Bless her heart, oh well.

Azlyn instantly loved him and wanted to check him out. She kept pointing out all of his different features and such, i.e. hair, fingers, toes, tummy, nose etc.

 I love Timpanogos Hospital. I love that they do the baby's first bath and everything all right there all in the same room. It is kinda fun for me to be there when it is going on but also for the kids to be right there as well. Both of the kids would tell Asher that it was alright when he would get fussy and tried to calm him down. That was super cute. The nurse also gave Azlyn a wipe so she could help clean him off but she just held it above him. I don't think Azlyn really knew what to think about all that was going on. She had this look on her face that was like, what in the world...

She was so curious about his umbilical cord. She loved to touch him and try to hold his hand and would kinda pet him.

Then while they were getting Asher all wrapped up and such Mathias was done being interested and wanted to play they iPad and of course when Azlyn saw him playing an iPad she wanted to play one.

Here are a couple of pictures of my mom and my grandma holding Asher for the first time. I love the picture of my mom with all of her grand kids.

Mathias holding Asher for the first time. It was really fun for me to see that. He sure does love him already! Azlyn was seriously just so fascinated by him, I think. She loved his hair and loved to give him kisses.

Our first family picture of a family of 5! Not the best picture, but it was the best we got  from tonight. I was so tired as you can tell and Azlyn didn't want to stay still. They came back that night so I could see them again and tell them good night, and like I was afraid of, Azlyn did not want to leave me. She didn't understand why I wasn't coming with them. She screamed the whole way out to the car and a bit on the car ride home. My poor mother-in-law. I seriously owe her a ton.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

39 weeks 5 days w/ baby#3

 39+ weeks! We are almost there, only 2 days away! I can't wait to meet this little boy. I can't wait to see what he looks like. I can't wait to see how big he is since the doctor keeps saying he will break 8 lbs and since I have been more uncomfortable with  this pregnancy. Once again, here is a comparison with this pregnancy when I was pregnant with Azlyn. I'm definitely a bit bigger this time around.

How far Along: 39 weeks 5 days weeks
Symptoms: It is getting hard to get to sleep and when I do I sleep so hard that I don't move and then I wake up with super sore hips and back from sleeping on my side all night. I also wake up once or twice a night to go to the bathroom which I never did with the other two.
Maternity clothes: Of course, and some of my shirts are getting a bit short because I am so big.
Gender: We found out at 16 weeks that it is a boy. I am completely impatient and have found out early with each pregnancy.
Total Weight Gain: +22 lbs
Cravings:   Nothing really at this point.
Movement: Yup. He seems to move a lot at night and around lunch time. It is getting painful when he moves. I think he is going to be a strong little guy.
Least favorite moment of this week: I got my first stretch marks on my stomach this week. Two tiny ones just beneath my belly button and one on my lower right tummy. They are not that big but they are there. I was hoping to not get any, but oh well - what can you do. I almost made it through three pregnancies without getting them on my belly. In case you are wondering, I got some on my chest with Mathias and some on my upper left thigh, which is really random I think, with Azlyn but none on my stomach.
Best moments from the last couple of  weeks: Set an induction date at my last doctor's appointment! We will be induced on his due date which is only 2 days away!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Azlyn

Azlyn decided she wanted to try out a few of the baby things before her brother gets here.