Thursday, July 28, 2011

this month at home

 I am one of those crazy moms that almost always have my camera with me, even when we are just hanging out in the front yard. Here are a few pictures of the kiddos playing out front this month. As usual I have more of Azlyn because Mathias is usually off riding his razor or bike.

Azlyn has not been a big fan of grass. Actually she pretty much hates it however today she decided to test it out again and see if it was ok to walk on.

 Azlyn taste-testing the rocks again...

 Mathias riding his razor. He was showing me some new tricks he learned to do on it like riding with one hand and popping a wheely etc. Azlyn loves to watch him on it.

 I just think she is so dang cute!

The kiddos playing catch. Azlyn would shut her eyes every time she would throw the ball. It was so dang funny to watch.

Azlyn drawing with chalk. She gets pretty dang proud of herself. 
Loving this time that I have with them and the nice weather that lets us hang out outside. I also love the big tree in the front yard that provides lots of shade and makes the hot weather more bearable!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

12 weeks 6 days

At today's doctors appointment, the nurse had a hard time finding the heartbeat with the little doppler so she called in another nurse that is supposed to be really good at finding heartbeats. After a while of her not finding it, she started asking me if I had had any cramping or bleeding. I haven't. At this point I was getting really nervous. She then said she found it but only for a second and that it was just higher than she thought it would be. She asked if I had a tilted uterus and I told her not that I know of. She said that she is pretty sure that everything is alright since she caught the heartbeat for a second but wanted me to feel comfortable with it. So she let us get a quick ultrasound to see the baby and hear the heartbeat.  Everything is great! Not sure why we couldn't hear it on the doppler other than she said it is still kinda early in the pregnancy.

Monday, July 25, 2011


 We got a pass to the zoo this year and finally decided it was time to use it. This summer they had some dinosaurs around as well as a dinosaur exhibit. Azlyn was not too sure about them at first.

 The kids checking out the turkeys. Exciting, right?

Mathias loved the bugs and reptiles and Azlyn pretty much loved all of the animals. This was her first time at the zoo and she did awesome. She was ok getting in and out of the stroller all day. She loved to check out the animals as long as they kept their distance away from her. One ran by the glass and she wasn't so sure about that.

Both kids loved the monkeys. We tried to get Azlyn to get a picture by Mathias to see how she measured up as well but she wasn't have much to do with it.

The elephants and rhinos were a pretty big hit as well.

Of course we had to ride the carousal. Azlyn was not to sure of it at first but then decided she liked it.

This guy just kept pacing back and forth in front of the glass. Mathias loved how close he was!

Like everything else, the giraffes were a big hit. Azlyn really wanted to touch them.

Taking a photo op with a dinosaur. We told Mathias to act like the he was getting eaten. He thought that was kinda funny. Azlyn wasn't so sure about the big dino so this was the best pic we were able to get.

Then we ended the day with a train ride. Mathias loved this. Azlyn decided she wanted to be little miss independent and sit by herself on the seat next to me. If I tried to hold onto her leg she would remove my hand. It was kinda funny.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

home improvement projects

Dev has been helping out with a few projects around his parent's house lately. They decided to cut down the cherry tree because it does nothing but make a big mess and we could use the extra parking.  Dev started off by cutting off some of the branches.

 Azlyn was not a big fan of the noise the chain saw made.

 Mathias, still dressed in his mismatched jammies, was just interested in finding all the bugs that were being stirred up.

Dev then decided to try and hook his jeep up to the tree to see if he could pull it up. It broke the main big branch but it also broke something in his jeep. We heard a weird noise then Mathias found some sort of metal part on the driveway with grease on it. Devin has no idea what it is from. After a few more branches being cut and digging up and soaking the soil around the base of the tree we hooked both little trucks side by side up to the tree to see if we could pull it out. Nothing bugged. Pretty sure the roots are huge. Looks like we might just cut the base as close to the ground as we can.

Devin and his dad have been putting a new roof on the house. It was majorly over due and much needed. It took them about a month to get it completed because they only worked in the mornings or the evening when it wasn't so hot .

Friday, July 22, 2011

dog door

Someone has officially found the dog door. Luckily she has not gone completely through it yet. Lets hope she never does!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

clothing obsession

 Little Miss Azlyn has found her clothes in her drawers lately. She is constantly taking them out and wrapping them around her leaving a trail of clothing behind her. I think we are gonna be in trouble come her teenage years!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

feeding the ducks

 I decided to take the kids with me while I went to my office to pick up my paycheck so that they could feed the ducks. Mathias has done this a ton of times but I think this was the first time that I took Azlyn.

 She was not so sure about having all the ducks so close to her. At first she would just kinda stand there with her arms tucked in, then she went into full-on melt down mode. It was kinda funny to see her react this way to them.

 After some time of me talking to her and showing her what Mathias was doing, she seemed to be alright. Still kinda hesitant but not crying. She stayed pretty close to Mathias. Mathias actually got one to eat right out of his hand. He was pretty excited about that.

Then by the time we were out of bread and ready to leave she decided that they really weren't that bad. We will definitely be going again and hopefully she will get used to them being so close to her.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Azlyn has become kinda obsessed with her Ariel doll that she got in her Easter basket. She calls it her memaid. It has become one of her little lovies besides her blanket. She grabs the hair and instantly inserts her thumb in her mouth. Although I am sure I won't like it in the future, it sure is really cute right now!

Monday, July 11, 2011

15 months

Here are some things about Azlyn at 15 months old.
  • She talks and jabbers a lot. She can say mama, dada, da-EE (this is how she says daddy) kitty, dink (drink) thank you,( She says this almost every time you hand her something.) Hello (while holding a phone to her ear), hi, fishy, grandpa, grandma, baba, cool, stinky, shoe, eye, ball, more, all done, up, tweet (when she sees a bird), yuck, and doggie. She will pretty much try and repeat everything you say to her.
  • She calls babies dada. She says it every time she sees or hears a baby. She LOVES babies!
  • If you ask her what a kitty says, she will say "meow" and if you ask her what a dog says she will say "woof."
  • She can sign "more" and "all done" as well as say them.
  • She loves music and she loves to dance. Any time she hears music she will instantly start dancing. She even dances in the car.
  • She tries to put on her own shoes along with everyone elses.
  • She is finally walking all the time instead of crawling and is beginning to run.
  • She loves to be outside and she really loves the park. She likes the swing and slides.
  • She is super smiley and is such a ham.
  • She is super snugly now.
  • Still a major mamma's girl.
  • She eats like a bird. It seems like she only wants to eat like 5 bites at a time but constantly seems to be eating at the same time.
  • We finally switched completely over to whole milk at about 13 months. It took her little body a bit to get used to it. 
  • We are finally done with bottles at 14 months. She, however, needs to learn to hold her sippy cups up to drink them.
  • She is down to one nap and is going to bed at the same time as Mathias now.
  • She and Mathias have just started to share a room. So far so good.
We had her 15 month check up today. She is doing great and is super healthy. The doctor said she is supposed to be saying about 4-5 words now and as you can see she is saying a lot more than that.  He also kept saying how cute she was and how we were going to have to beat the boys away from her with a stick.
Here are here 15 month old stats.

Weight - 20 lbs 7 oz = 14.47 %
Height - 30 11/16 inches = 57.63 %
Head - 18.25 inches = 63.92 %

Just for comparison Mathias weighed 20 lbs 10 oz at 6 months!

Mathias at 15 months:
Weight 25 lbs 12 oz = 63%
Height  33.1 inches = 91%

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kenny Chesney

We went to the Kenny Chesney concert with our friends Dallas and Candice along with a few other of their friends. The concert was at the Usana Amphitheater. This was the first time I had been there. We waited in line for about two hours since it was general admission seating. Once they let us through the gate Dallas and his friend ran to get us all good seats. We brought an umbrella because it was kinda looking stormy but they wouldn't let us bring it in so poor Devin had to take it back to the car. Once inside the gate they had us all wait in line again at the steps that lead to the general admission area, apparently the stage wasn't completely set up yet. Once they let us go Dallas and his friend made a run for it again. They scored us all awesome seats front and center. It couldn't have been any better.

 It was kinda windy but I wanted to try and get a pic of us anyways.

 Uncle Kracker was the first opener for the concert. He has some pretty awesome songs.

 Then it was Billy Currington. He has some pretty good songs as well. An interesting side note, Currington's main guitarist played with our good friend Jim Huish during a country music competition.

Then it was finally time for Kenny Chesney. He has a ton of good songs! I felt like I was singing along the whole night. It was such a fun time and and I am so glad we were able to go.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ward summer party

 Our ward had an amazing summer party. They had a whole street and cul-de-sac blocked off for it.

 We pulled Azlyn over in the wagon and Mathias rode his bike. He jumped in the wagon though while we walked around and checked everything out.

Of course we have a million pictures with Azlyn because Mathias was out and about playing with all the other kids.

 A guy in our ward is a fire fighter and brought his fire truck for all the kids to check out. He even dressed one of the kids up in the fire gear.

 Then they had a little bike parade that was led by the fire truck.

 Unfortunately it started to rain. Hard. And lots. Azlyn did not like the rain but it didn't slow Mathias down at all.

 The  party was amazing. They had a whole row of tents set up with a ton of food. They had face painting, snow cones, cotton candy, side walk chalk, etc. for the kids. They even had a band out playing!

We ended the night with a little firework show. However, because of the rain they just kinda hurried and lit all the fireworks at once. It was such a great night out and a good way to get to know more people in the ward.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

  As we have for the last couple of years, we went over to the DeGooyers for our 4th of July celebrations with the rest of the family. It is seriously so much fun to hang out with everyone, eat some yummy food and watch the amazing firework show that Kevin puts on for us.

I am trying to get better about being in pictures rather than just behind the camera. Love these cute kiddos of mine!

This is what I brought for the BBQ. Red, White and Blue strawberries! I got the idea on Pinterest . Love that site!

 Azlyn got to try her first Oreo, and of course she loved it!

 Here are a few cute pictures of Azlyn showing off her fun festive wear. Also she wasn't a big fan of the sparklers but she liked to play with the packaging.

 After the BBQ everyone was tossing water balloons back and forth over the net with towels. Mathias decided to bring out some water guns and start up a fun little water fight. It was a blast!

 At one point or another both kids took cover over by Grandma Brower because they knew she wasn't going to get wet.

 Someone at the party passed out glow sticks. Both of the kiddos loved them!

 Then it was time for sparklers! Mathias had fun with them but Azlyn wanted nothing to do with them. They had about a million sparklers and all the kids got to play with them for a while.

Then it was finally time for the fireworks. Kevin goes all out every year and puts on a fantastic show. The whole Brower clan comes to watch with about the rest of the neighborhood! Loved that aerial fireworks he usually has were actually made legal this year. Azlyn wasn't too sure about them. She liked to watch them as long as you covered her ears then part way through I noticed that she wasn't really making any noise or moving much and found out that she was fast asleep. I could not believe that she could sleep through all of the loud fireworks! It was such a fun day!