Saturday, November 24, 2007


For the holidays, we trade off every other year between my family and Dev's. This year it was my family's time to host Thanksgiving. So we went up to Murray where two of my aunts and their families live and had dinner at a church building. There were not too many people there this year, just my Aunt Lori, her husband, and 8 out of 9 of their kids along with their spouses and kids, my Aunt Trista, her husband, and their 5 boys. My mom and brother were also there, and, of course, Devin, Mathias, and myself. It is always fun to get together with the family, especially now that Mathias is getting older and can play with his second cousins. I am grateful they live relatively close.

Here is Mathias sneaking a roll; but wait, one roll won't do - he needs two!

Here is most of the family playing a game called Where the Wind Blows, it's a variation of musical chairs, without the music. I opted not to play so I could look after Mathias and make sure he did not get into everything, even though while I took these pictures I got him sneaking some rolls off of the table, which is the picture above. It was a game for all ages and it looked like everyone was having fun!

I love it, even sick he still has a car in hand.

Of course, because we had plans and were going to be around a bunch of people today, Mathias decided to get sick. He woke up just fine, had breakfast and played as usual, then I looked over and he was laying on the floor by his toys, which was odd because he never slows down. So Devin picked him up and Mat was very snuggly; nay, overly snuggly. They were sitting on the couch when all of the sudden Mathias threw up..... everything. Poor Dev it got all over him and the couch and the floor. Then during nap time he did the same thing, even though all we had given him since he lost all of his breakfast was juice. We decided to go to dinner, just play it by ear, and hope for the best. Mathias was starving and kept begging for food so I got him a roll and some water and not two minutes after he started eating it did he throw up - again getting Devin. So then we told him no more food but he insisted and I could not just starve him or have food in front of him so I gave him a carrot and then he snatched a roll off of the table and when I tried to take it away from him he screamed at the top of his lungs. Thankfully he kept it all down and it ended up being only a one day (half day, really) thing.

Poor guy, doesn't he just look miserable - Mathias too. It did not last too long, and by the end of the day he was back to playing and being his very active self.


Since this past week was Thanksgiving, I figured I would post a few things I am grateful for.

I am so incredible grateful for my extremely handy husband. I am grateful that he knows how to fix cars as mine just died today (dead battery and alternator). I am grateful that he will clean up when Mathias throws up because it makes me sick to be around it. I am so lucky and grateful that he is the best dad who absolutely adores his son. He is such a great husband who will try his hardest and do anything for us. Love you baby!

I am so grateful to have my stinkin' cute little boy. He is the light of my life even when he is getting into everything. I love him more than words can say. He is my world and I am so lucky to be his mother.

I am so grateful to have a very loving family and in-laws. They are the best and would do anything for us!

I am very grateful that we have a place to call our own! We bought our very first place - a condo - this year. I love knowing that it is ours and we can paint it how we want and don't have to worry about how many things we hang for fear of putting too many holes in the wall.

I am grateful that we both have very laid back jobs that are willing to work around our schedules.

I am grateful for our health. I swear it seems like Mathias is more sick than not however we do not have any major illnesses.

There are so many more things I am grateful for however this list is already getting too long so I will spare you the rest. I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mathias and Daddy

Mathias has been a huge daddy's boy lately! He gets so excited when Dev walks through the door after work! In fact, the other day I told him daddy was home just to get him out of the office! When he didn't see him, he got really upset. So mean, I know. When I ask Mathias for snuggles or loves, he will tell me "noahh" (his version of no when he really means it) but then he will go and snuggle with dad. Sometimes I get a bit jealous, but I love that he loves his daddy so much. Anyways, here are a few pics of them together.

Here is a rare occasion when I do get some loves (other than when he is hurt).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ouchie # 586.2

Mathias tripped as we were walking out the door on the way to church this past Sunday and hit his eye on the door frame in our bedroom. Poor guy! It seems by the time one bruise heals on his forehead, he just gets another one. The joys of very active toddlers!

cool dude!

Last night, Mathias found daddy's old Oakley sunglasses he used to wear in junior high school and begged me to put them on him, not sure why. I can not believe those where ever in style! I had to get some pictures of it.

Sorry about the quality, these were taken with the old camera. Can you see why I wanted the new one?


For the longest time Mathias has refused to eat spaghetti. I know, weird for a toddler, right? Well, the other day we thought we would give it a try again and let him try to feed himself with a fork. The fork did not last very long but he sure did gobble it up in handfuls! At last we can add another main food (he is good with his veggies and fruits) to his ever-growing menu.

The classic toddler spaghetti picture (I know I have one at about this age).

Sorry the picture quality is not very good on this picture. The one day when I really want to take a picture, both - yes, both - of my cameras where dead. But I did manage to get the first picture before the point and shoot camera died. We took this picture with our video camera, I am grateful it has that option but the quality is just not the greatest.


Mathias got a bubble blowing wand thing for Christmas last year and I completely forgot about it till recently when I found it. Whenever Mathias sees it we just have to play with it. Now that the weather is getting colder we just blow bubbles in the kitchen. It keeps us both entertained!

I love this picture of him touching the bubble.
Can you see the excitement in his face, he absolutly loves playing bubbles.
If only they made non sticky, slippery bubbles!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Church Update

So we tried taking Mathias to the nursery again this past Sunday. That didn't go over too well, apparently he remembered the last time we tried it. It took a few minutes for Mathias to be comfortable enough to even stand on his own, let alone play with toys. After a few more minutes, he started playing with some toy cars (imagine that, cars!) on the ground and Ness was able to slip out the door unnoticed while I stayed behind for a couple more minutes. Finally I tried to slip out the door, but I didn't even get the door shut behind me before he started screaming. So we threw in the towel and took him home for a nap. One of these days we'll be able to enjoy an entire Sunday at church without worrying about a tired toddler!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Jump On It

Devin is the secretary in Young Mens and they went to Jump On It last night for their activity. Mathias and I were fortunate enough to come along. It was so much fun, they have tons of trampolines lined up together. They have a section for kids 4 feet tall and under, some blow up slides, and a toddler play area. We had so much fun, however it was kinda nerve racking, I was trying not to follow Mathias around too much but some of the older kids didn't care about the height restrictions and weren't paying attention to the little kids around them.

Mathias does not really have the whole jumping thing down quite yet, he just kind of bends his knees and moves up and down. However, he was very content with just throwing the little foam ball around and running or sliding from one trampoline to the next.


This is Mathias' new little friend from the ward, Isabelle. She is a couple months older than Mathias and sooo stinkin' cute!

Flirting already...

We are still working on the whole sharing thing. One day..

Car anyone?

What does not belong in this picture?

Fun at the Zoo

We went to the zoo this past Saturday with our friend, Jana, and her kids, Gabbie and Jack. Mathias had fun learning about new animals and I had fun just watching the excitement on Gabbie's face. She is soooo in love with animals. Very cute. We had so much fun seeing all of the animals and just walking around, being outside and enjoying the fresh air.

Here is Mathias checking out a "nake". He pretty much does not say his s's.

Can you tell it is nap time? Mathias loved to get out and see the animals but this is what happened most of the time when I tried to put him back in his stroller.

The kids loved the little reptile building because they could get out and run around and get right up to the glass. Mathias loved yelling at the top of his lungs in here to hear his echo.

As you can tell we never got a good picture with both of them looking at the camera. Oh well, it was worth a shot. Apparently the statue's ears are pretty interesting.

Check out that rabbit.

Can we get up the slide mom , please can we....

All tuckered out after the zoo, they feel asleep before we even hit the freeway. I love how they are both in the exact same position with a stuffed animal in their laps. All in all it was very fun and I can't wait to go again next spring.


The best part about carving pumpkins is getting to bake the seeds. They are so tasty!


I absolutely LOVE fall. I love the colors and the leaves and the weather, I just love it all. For Halloween we went to visit my mom at her work and took these pictures just outside her office. I thought they turned out pretty cute and just thought I would share.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

my little dragon

Mathias was a dragon for Halloween. We went to Trick or Treat Street at the South Town Expo on Saturday morning, which turned out to be pretty lame. It was a bit scary for him but he coped with it by hiding behind his little dragon face when he did not want to see anything. We had a little Halloween party that night, where unfortunately we lost his little dragon head. Oh well. For Halloween night we just put his hair into a little mohawk and that worked just fine.

Carving the pumpkins

So this year I thought Mathias would be more interested in carving pumpkins, since last year he was only 10 months old and didn't really care what was going on. Not so much. At first he wanted to help me carve the top out (he really just likes helping with anything). Then we stuck his hand in the pumpkin; he thought that was pretty weird. The only thing he was really interested in was picking the seeds up and either putting them in the bowl or back in the pumpkin. In one of the pictures you can see how interested he is in the whole process, and yes, that is daddy carving Mathias' pumpkin while he is in the background playing with his toys - notice he always has a car in his hand! All in all the pumpkins turned out pretty good, other than the fact that only 2 of the 3 got carved. I broke both of the little carving knives so Devin did not have anything to carve his cool skeleton design with. Oops!