Friday, September 28, 2007

momma's little helper

Ok, so here is a little story about Mathias and the vacuum cleaner. Back when Mathias was only crawling, he loved the vacuum. He would chase after us when we were vacuuming and try to play with the wheels. Then one day when my mom was babysitting him, she was vacuuming the stairs and the plug came out. While she went to go plug it back in Mathias climbed up right next to the vacuum, and when she plugged it in, it suddenly turned on. My mom came back to a screaming baby because it scared the heck out of him. Ever since then he has been afraid of the vacuum.

Lately, when we leave it sitting out, he has been getting braver and has been checking it out. However, when we turn it on he would still scream. Until the other day. To my surprise, when we turned it on, I could not get him off of it! He wanted to vacuum and he wanted to do it all by himself. This obviously did not work, much to my dismay, for two reasons: one, the vacuum is twice his size and too heavy for him. And two, he would just vacuum the same spot over and over again. At least we have come full circle with the vacuum though.

As you can tell we went a little picture happy since the last four posts are from this day.

Mr. Independent

My little Mr. Independent has decided to learn how to put on his own shoes. They are Crocs so it is not to hard for him to figure out. The hardest part is getting that dang shoe to sit still long enough for him to wiggle his little (or big) foot in it.

I can't believe how much he is growing up. When we would say "lets go" or "go get your shoes," he would get his shoes, run and jump on the couch, and wait for us to put them on. Guess that time is passing!

Privacy ?

I'm sure that all moms are aware that after having a toddler, there is no such thing as privacy. In the last couple of weeks, privacy has become no more in our house. Anytime anyone goes to the bathroom and Mathias is around, you will here a knock at the door or even see the turning of the door knob. Sometimes you might even see little fingers under the door! Also, if you do not come out when he wants, you might hear some crying. Oh the joys of having toddlers!

Toddler Talk

Here are a few new words Mathias has learned in the last couple of weeks, the ones I can remember anyway.

nana = banana
three (when I am getting after him for something and counting to three, he will say two and three)
blue (his new bouncy ball is blue)
puka (grandma's dog)
eww = shoe
bless you
excuse you

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

cowboy part 2



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good Stuff

Mathias does not get sugary treats very often, so when we gave him a powdered sugar donut he wanted one after the other! We had to cut him off at three or he would have eaten the whole box.

What better way to chase down a couple of donuts than a glass of milk?!

Toddler Talk

The last couple of weeks Mathias has been trying to repeat everything we say. Now the fun begins and we really have to watch what we say. Some of this weeks new words are :

wa wa = water
see you (when we are leaving)
sunshine (my moms cat)
go kitty (no kitty)
two (as in when I am counting to three to get him to stop doing something, I will say one and then he will say two.)
there go (as in there you go)

And as always I am sure I am forgetting some.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Feeding the ducks

A couple of weekends ago, we went to Springville to feed the ducks. As soon as we got there, Mathias ran straight for the pond, not to feed the ducks but to play in the water. Good thing mom and dad are pretty quick and stopped him before he could get in.

Devin picked him up and held him while I showed him how it was done.

After only showing him once how to feed the ducks, he had it down. Then, of course, Mr. Independent insisted he get down and do it all on his own.

I loved watching him throw the bread to the ducks, he would crank his arm way back and then throw it.

After we exhausted our supplies of a bunch of dinner rolls and half a loaf of bread, we decided to let other kids have our spot.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bath Time!

Rub a dub dub!

Devin gave Mathias a bath this morning and randomly he placed all of his bath toys along the edge of the tub and sat and smiled! He's never done anything like it before, usually he just hucks his toys as far out of the tub as possible to see how big of a mess he can make. This was a pleasant surprise and maybe a sign of the future organized, thoughtful Mathias to come.


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