Painting Service

Den of Imagination offers a variety of services including single display miniature pieces as well as an army painting service.

Blood Angels


Hierophant showcase!

From our painting service - our level 6 (Legendary) Bio Titan! Paulina did wonderful job...


Now this is something special fresh and new. Fist your eye on The Walking Temple.


Make it glow. oh yeah take a look at this eye candy.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Big Fist

Fists up, weapons online.. The yellow rins getting cooler day by day. I really like the magnetized weapon on the dread. It's a really cool solution when you don't know what weapon you need to use.

Feed your Imagination,

Friday, October 11, 2013

Perturabo MKII

Yet another Perturabo. Primarchs are getting quite popular in the studio this year. This one was started by Kasia and is being finished up by me. She did most of the work actually. Still it's a work in progress so stay tuned for the final update.

Also we are bumping our YouTube ELDAR ARMY GIVEAWAY with some additional dice bags. Don't miss it!

Feed your Imagination,

Defend Terra!

The First Imperial Fists are already getting some colors. Oh man do I like me some IF's! One of my Fave color schemes. Those guys will be of the Second company. They will have a white II on there right knee pad. For now there will be three squads total and a Venerable Dreadnought. We plan to base them on green marble bases. Cant wait ^^.

Feed your Imagination,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Eldar Exodites

What?! Yeah Paulina did rock the world with her skills again. The client asked to have them all different in some way and she managed to keep them in the same color scheme and at the same time make them in a different color scheme. How about that ^^. I really love those Weapons and bases and gems and bone armor on those Jetbikes. And those back rests uuu weeee That is Kasia's doing. The girls do crazy stuff when they work together.

Feed your Imagination,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Daemon of Chaos Army Gallery

Proud to present - finished Daemon Army. Our girls did really well on this project. We love how the whole force is Tzeentch oriented.

Also if you haven't seen our Eldar Army Giveaway yet - please share it and spread out the word!

You can do anything!

P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Rusty Vehicles

This is a cool addition to our already existing Rusty Necron Gallery on flicker. I like the addition of stencil hexagons that we made to represent some extra energetic shielding on those models.

We will be proboblay making a studio army for the Rusty Theme in the near future. This studio army will be available on our web shop when it launches. So keep your eyes open.

Check out our awesome Giveaway!

Feed your Imagination,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Terminate the Tyranids

Hey guys. I present you the full Tyranid Slayer Terminator Squad. Hope you like them!

Feed your Imagination,

P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

TUTORIAL: How to paint desert sand bases

Our first video tutorial. We'll make more of those in the upcoming months. Let us know what do you think about it and what would you like us to do next time.

Also if you haven't enter our Big Giveaway yet check the video below. Please share it and spread out the word!

You can do anything!

P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ninjas on Lizards!

Hide!! The Ninja, piret, lizardmen, eldar, psycer, warriors, marksmen, killers, jungel, vanguard, assault team is coming to get you! HIDE!!!

I really like those back rests that Kasia did for those guys. Eldar Exodites aren't done much this days so it's cool to see something original. I can't wait for the end result.

Feed your Imagination,

P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.