Hey there all mini wargamers!
We felt for a while now that it is time for new #Thoughts but there was really no time to write such. We were swamped here in the Den with a lot of commission work. Ogre Kingdoms units, Green Rusty Necrons, Heavy Rusty Necrons, Blue Necrons, Red-white Necrons to name only the big ones... and yes we did during this past few months more Necrons than in previous couple of years. We will show you galleries of this armies soon, our photographer has having a vacation - lazy bastard!
We have new painters, our ranks joined two extremely talented girls - Kasia and Paulina. No more words needed here - take a peek on their first ever work with miniatures.
Our growing clients base let us make our service speed, quality and prices better each day (our miniature painting service will get upgraded!). That is why we want to give back as much as we can for the community. The first of September we will launch here in the Den a Big Bang Week - 7 days of pure awesomeness: give-aways, gifts, discounts, plenty of new stuff and more! I do not want to reveal too much at this point so please stay tuned for more details.
P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.