Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dave turns 33!

I love my husband he seriously is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is my best friend and the best dad around! We are so lucky to call him ours! So he turned 33 and it was kind of crazy around here but we were able to get out and go to dinner. Dave grew up having homemade peach pie rather then cake and lucky for us his mom brought him one! It was SO good! Happy Birthday Babe! We love you!

Camping, Labor Day Weekend

We had SO much fun camping! I would never consider myself a camper, but after this weekend I can't wait to go again! Dave went out and bought a HUGE tent with bunk bed cots for the kids...we slept very comfortably ; ) the campsite was beautiful and had bathrooms which made all the difference considering I was 32 weeks pregnant and had to go to the bathroom 3 times that night! I can't wait to go next Summer! The kids still haven't stopped talking about it!

The Lyons came to town!

We had so much fun with our cousins! Uncle Bill, Aunt Rachel, Billy, Easton, Andrew, Jocelyn and Lydia all came to visit! We went night swimming, watched movies, watched Uncle Bill and Aunt Rachel run their 1/2 Ironman, celebrated birthdays and had tons of fun playing and hanging out! It was so sad to see them go!

Blake turns 5

I can not believe my little guy well maybe not so little anymore is 5! I love this kid more then I could ever express...He has the most tender heart, he is caring and giving, he LOVES his little sister and treats her like a princess, he is super obedient and always tries to do the right thing, he never forgets to give me a hug and kiss in the morning and before bed and he doesn't ever forget a detail on anything. He makes me smile all day every day! The other day he told me "mom I don't ever want to get married...I want to live with you forever!" He definitely has a way to my heart : ) I love him! Blake had his party at kangaroo Zoo this year...hes been talking about it for 6 months now how he wanted a super hero party at KAngaroo Zoo so thats what we did. He had a blast and didn't stop talking about it for weeks!


August flew by we were super busy...Soccer started, School started, we made a lot of zucchini bread, went swimming, had family in town and my little guy turned 5! I am so glad the months are flying by because I can not wait to meet our new baby girl this Fall!

Running, Running and running!

Is what Dave has been doing A LOT of! He ran the Provo River 1/2 Marathon and has been running a lot of miles each week! It is crazy how much you have to run to train...I don't get it, but i am proud of him! He took Blake on a 4 mile run and Blake rode his bike and LOVED it! I thought it was kind of long for a little guy but he kept up the entire time and didn't want to stop : ) Dave is running the St George Marathon this weekend and I can say I can't wait for it to be over and i think he would say the same thing : )

Thursday, August 18, 2011

July 2011

We had such a fun and busy July! We had our annual Brotherson 4th of july party at our house and it was a blast. We went to Bunkerville for a few days to visit Grandma and Grandpa Brotherson. We spent a lot of time as a family...Swimming, razor rides, bridal vail falls, carnivals, barbecuing etc. I love Summer!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

June 2011

In June we spent 2 weeks in Denver and I didn't take a single photo even though we had a ton of fun! But I did manage to get some photos of Dave and I in Cabo San Lucas! We had the best time ever! We did nothing but lay in the sun and eat ; ) I love this guy so much I seriously married the best man for me and I am grateful we were able to get away and spend time together. He is my best friend and I loved spending every second with him! The resort was beautiful and food was delicious! As you can tell by my belly ; )

May 2011

In May we spent some time in Denver, the kids graduated pre-school, and we found out we are having a GIRL!!!