Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We love when Cousins come to town!

We had so much fun last week with Rachel and her kids! Everyday we did fun stuff we went to Kangaroo Zoo, Pirate Island Pizza, hung out at the Earnests home, went to BYU and had lunch with Uncle Kyle and just played and played! And this is the ONLY picture i got! I LOVE these kids!

Friday, March 19, 2010

St Patty's Day

This holiday has become so much fun with the morning rituals finding the gold treasure and cleaning up the Leprechauns messes to eating Lucky Charms for breakfast. Then in the afternoon we headed to Amy's annual St Pattys Party. With a green feast and cookies to decorate the kids had a blast! I was seriously exhausted by the end of the day! Blake is still talking about how the Leprechauns are so messy! I love how everything is magical at this time in their life!

Disney on Ice

Dave and I took the kids to Disney on Ice last weekend it was their first time going and they LOVED it! It was so fun! I was really glad they didn't ask for the ridiculous 22 dollar spinning lights or the 12 dollar slushies! They seriously rip people off! Other then that it was great! Lightning McQueen was Blakes favorite and of course Tinkerbell was Baylees! They were mesmerized! It really was such a cute show!

Th Ogden Treehouse Museum..

is so great! The kids had a blast! If you haven't been it is worth the drive. The kids were so excited they were running from room to room. We went to the story time and the guy was hilarious so animated and great with the kids! Also it was VERY clean which is always a huge bonus!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Girls Retreat

We had so much fun in Vegas I seriously didn't want to come back to reality! I love these girls and love their friendship. I am so lucky to have such great friends! Here are a few pictures of what went on while the 5 of us were there!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Disneyland and California Adventure

We had so much fun at Disneyland... some of my kids highlights were, Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story, Thunder Mountain and the parades (where they got to see ALL their favorite Disney characters). Blake was able to go on almost ALL the rides and he loved it except for Tower of Terror and Space mountain he said, "were a little bit scary mom" Blake was so star struck when he saw Buzz and Woody it was like he couldn't believe his eyes! They were so fun to watch, it was magical to them! Baylee was so cute she wanted to do everything, but when it came to meeting the characters she was a little hesitant, but she loved the rides everyone of them! For Dave and I we are exhausted! We have never done Disney like that usually we spread it out and mix it up. Dave had to go take a nap one day which was great because I got to stay and ride some rides! We also had so much fun being with family and cousins! The kids were great and can't wait to go back!