His Name: William David Brotherson
How long did you date? 9 months with a 3 month engagement
How long have you been married? 3 years
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? Him for sure, but I eat more treats!
Who said "I love you" first? He did, but I knew it first
Who sings better? He does I have zero singing skills and those that know me would say the same!
Who is smarter? um... I am more book smart, but when it comes to being logical and with life he is for sure!
Whose temper is worse? it is a toss up I get mad at little things more often, but when he is mad which isn't very often he has the worse temper.
Who does the laundry? um.. we both do sometimes, he is pretty particular (OCD)
Who does the dishes? ME... when he is in town he is usually pretty good at helping...
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who pays the bills? We are both very involved with the finances so whoever happens to get the mail usually pays them
Who mows the lawn? Uh... neither of us
Who cooks dinner? Me, but when he is around he sometimes likes to
Who drives when we are together? He does , but if you ask him he may say I do from the passenger seat!
Who is more stubborn? Me hands down
Who is the first to admit they are wrong? um... I think me but he may say otherwise
Whose parents do you see the most? His
Who proposed? He did
Who has more friends? Me
Who has more siblings? He has 7 I have 4
Who wears the pants? We are pretty equal!
And here we are 3 years later 1 sweet baby boy and a sweet baby girl arriving in just 3 more months I really am so blessed to have such a hard working and loving husband!
With that said I usually never do these, but this was pretty fun! So I encourage everyone to do it because it is always good to be reminded about the love you have for your spouse!!!