Monday, February 25, 2008

The Grand America Hotel...

So this past weekend Dave and I along with a ton of Pinnacle couples went up to The Grand America Hotel for the weekend. It was so fun!!! On thursday we headed up and I went straight to the spa and got the most amazing facial EVER!!! I am not one to get facials, but I am now. We had great dinners, we shopped saw a great movie went swimming in the indoor pool got massages and just relaxed it seriously was so great! Even though we were in Salt Lake it still felt like a great get away! It was so fun to be with Dave and have all the freedom to do whatever WE wanted I feel like it had been awhile.

Jumpin Jacks

So two weeks ago Angie was in town and it is always so fun when she comes to town! One day we went to lunch at Pizzeria 712 and then went shopping and then another day we took the kids to jumpin jacks! It is always fun to get together! And again crazy how many kids there are! I seriously don't know what I would do with out my girlfriends!


Blake is loving feeding himself! Lately it is the only way he will eat. He is going through some kind of phase were he doesn't eat!!! At first it was stressing me out, but I decided well I guess he will eat when he gets hungry enough! I just love this little guy!
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Ok the other day some of the girls came over to have lunch and let the kids play... Well it was crazy! I just kept looking around thinking I can't believe how many kids there are just a few years a go there were just us girls! It is amazing to see how fast families grow and how sweet each child is! I feel so blessed to still have my college friends around to hang out with and get to see them grow as mothers!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Love my Husband (Tag)

His Name: William David Brotherson

How long did you date? 9 months with a 3 month engagement
How long have you been married? 3 years
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? Him for sure, but I eat more treats!
Who said "I love you" first? He did, but I knew it first
Who sings better? He does I have zero singing skills and those that know me would say the same!
Who is smarter? um... I am more book smart, but when it comes to being logical and with life he is for sure!
Whose temper is worse? it is a toss up I get mad at little things more often, but when he is mad which isn't very often he has the worse temper.
Who does the laundry? um.. we both do sometimes, he is pretty particular (OCD)
Who does the dishes? ME... when he is in town he is usually pretty good at helping...
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who pays the bills? We are both very involved with the finances so whoever happens to get the mail usually pays them
Who mows the lawn? Uh... neither of us
Who cooks dinner? Me, but when he is around he sometimes likes to
Who drives when we are together? He does , but if you ask him he may say I do from the passenger seat!
Who is more stubborn? Me hands down
Who is the first to admit they are wrong? um... I think me but he may say otherwise
Whose parents do you see the most? His
Who proposed? He did
Who has more friends? Me
Who has more siblings? He has 7 I have 4
Who wears the pants? We are pretty equal!

And here we are 3 years later 1 sweet baby boy and a sweet baby girl arriving in just 3 more months I really am so blessed to have such a hard working and loving husband!
With that said I usually never do these, but this was pretty fun! So I encourage everyone to do it because it is always good to be reminded about the love you have for your spouse!!!
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Old Pics!

Just thought I would share it brought back some good memories!
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

President's Day

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Presidents Day

So yesterday Dave was home all day and it was so fun to have him around! We went to lunch organized the house and had some fun too!
Blake and I have been spending a lot of time at Kangaroo Zoo and so Dave wanted to check it out.
I don't know who had more fun... Blake or Dave, but I do know that they LOVE being together! and I love seeing it! There is nothing better!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Simplot Games

This weekend my brother Kyle ran in the a national track and field tournament. So we headed up to Pocatello Idaho to watch him run. He is seriously so fast! He ran in two races one he got first in the nation and the other I think 4th, but we are all very excited for him it was so fun to watch! Blake had a blast watching his Uncle and of course seeing his grandparents too!
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Kangaroo Zoo

If you haven't been.... I highly reccomend it!
We have been a few times and Blake just LOVES it. This particular jumper is Blakes favorite.
The other day Amy and I took the kids and they didn't want to leave they had so much fun together.
Thanks Amy
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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Guitar Hero...

For those of you who have never played... you are missing out! The other day Amy and Chris brought Rock Band which is even MORE fun! We had quite the band...
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Sunday, February 03, 2008


Lately Blake has been getting 2 baths a day because he just LOVES being in the water! He especially loves to get in our tub because of the jets! I am so grateful to have such a happy little boy!
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Do we live in Alaska?

This snow is insane! Seriously i have never seen so much snow in my life! This is a picture of our swimming pool and by the way as I type we are getting MORE snow!
Yesterday Dave decided to shovel the walkway little did we know that this morning we would wake up to another storm...
Blake loved being outside, but wouldn't dare touch the snow. I think it's becasue it is as tall as him!
This is today we got at least another 6 inches this morning! You can't even see our bushes because the snow just covers them! As long as I have lived in Utah we have never had this much snow! Lately I have often been wondering WHY we live here!
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Saturday, February 02, 2008

My CRAZY little BOY

A new thing Blake likes to do is throw his hands up and looks at me like "WHAT"?

So the other day Blake found an old pair of my sunglasses and soon became obsessed he would not take them off he wore them while he ate, played and brushed his teeth. When it came to bed time he was not happy with me when i wouldn't let him wear them to bed! Each day he gets more and more wild! I just adore him so much and he seriously makes me laugh each and every day!!
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