"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, June 26

Dallas Days

This month was the Dallas Market. When the guys go for a week, meet with their accounts and show off all the new product released by our manufactures. 

One of my favorite things about my (still new feeling) computer, is FaceTime! I love, love, love it (FaceTime) when Brody is out of town. It's so much fun to chat with him on it, and see his handsome face! 
We've never been good at goodbyes...it's rough... : ) 

Every show Swarovski now sets up a special little shop for the Reps and their accounts, with their jewelry and accessories. Brody has been bringing me home such beautiful gifts. This Market, he brought home this sparkly heart necklace and pink pen that has the top half full of pink crystals! I LOVE them both SO much!! : ) 

The night the guys got home, we all took a little drive up to Disneyland and watched the fireworks together! I love these drives. : ) 

Always SO wonderful to have him home again! I am SO very proud of him, how hard he works for us and how much he had accomplished. He's amazing. : ) 

Saturday, June 22

Lone Ranger Red Carpet

While the guys were away in Dallas, Mom and I took one of our lunches at Disneyland to snoop on the Lone Ranger red carpet premiere. : ) 

All signs changed for the event

It was so fun to have our park all upside-down with movie people. : ) 
When Johnny Depp came by, it was pure chaos! haha. We aren't huge fans, the day was more curiosity and amusement, and it was so fun! : ) 
But, I did get a little carried away with the crowd, and we held hands for a sec (pink nails hands). 
The cast all together 
LOVED the confetti part!
Some stars from the red carpet...

The crowd getting Johnny pics, haha.
They had some fun entertainment before everyone started to walk. 
It was such a fun time! I just love the red carpet events and all the Hollywood energy it brings to our happy place. And I love that Mom was so willing to join in for it all too! When we got there, we got snacks and a soft blanket to sit on and wait. : ) So much fun!  

Friday, June 21

Surf & Sand

I just love this time of year...

We had a good group coming this week, including a family who has joined us down here for 3 summers now. And there were lot's looking to hop in the water and ride the waves! : ) 

Brody got out in the water, loved it and had such a great time! : ) 
: ) 

Matt Clayton drawing my families name in the sand...

The perfect S'more made by Brody for me : ) 

I worked long and hard on this one...my best toasted marshmallow ever! haha. 
It was SO good too!

San O sunsets can be SO beautiful!

The sandy roads of our beach.
Another epic summer night down at the beach!  

Wednesday, June 19

Hello again!

I did some catching up today on the blog (yay!)! There are about 13 new posts below...you'll have to keep scrolling and go to more pages to see them all. : ) 


Saturday, June 8

Big Thunder Ranch BBQ

We had heard a lot about this new S'mores dessert at the Big Thunder Ranch BBQ and were dying to try it. It had been about a year since we had dinner at the BBQ, so we made a little date of it.

Reflections of Peter Pan in a cute pink Mickey Balloon 

While waiting, our little beeper worked only in as far as part of Fantasyland. So we made the best of our wait time! 

Casey Jr. Train 

Flying high on Dumbo <3 p="">

We got seated and enjoyed some drinks and entertainment 
It's a really nice and relaxing part of the park! 

The food is so good and I love how different is it from the rest of the park. 

And here is the S'mores bake!
It was HUGE!! haha. But so, so good! 

They flipped the scores, haha. I haven't gotten anywhere near his score : ) 
<3 nbsp="" p="">
Another magical DL Date night! : )