"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, July 19

iPhone pics

A couple photos from my phone : ) 

We went out to the Bass Pro Shop recently because Brody is going fly fishing with the Scouts soon. It's a whole other world out there in the Bass Pro Shop, and it is such fun to look around. It's the amusement park of the outdoor world! It was so fun to see him all excited about all the little things for fly fishing. 

We've had a couple more games in our season ticket package, and one recently we ended up leaving a bit early by Brody's request and he surprised me with going to watch the fireworks on Main Street (so sweet, I love when he does things like that)!
What a perfect Summer night!! : ) 
 Last week we went clay shooting with my parents and a good family friend. I've been shooting before, but never with such a fast moving target! It was something to get used to! Brody and everyone else were great at it...but i'm going to need some work on my aim. Can't wait to go back out and try it again. And it will be just in time for my bruise to heal and start a new one ; ) 
Oh, and I had shrimp for the first time. If you know how much I have avoided seafood, you know this is worth documenting. haha. It was much better than expected, and I am excited to try coconut shrimp and have some seafood in HI this year! 

Wednesday, July 18

Happy 4th!!

The fourth was so fun and low key! In the morning Brody went on a close to 50 mile bike ride with some friends, and then home to some festive waffles for breakfast. A little early afternoon nap (for the bike rider), then off to Disneyland to start the celebration!! 

 Until about September they are having a group that normally preforms at Disney World, called the Liberty singers that preform before Great Moments with Mr.Lincoln. It was beautiful and just perfect for the holiday! : ) 
 Later in the day we met up with Mom and Dad for dinner, some rides, a concert and an all American BBQ.....oh, and fireworks!! 
 We watched a bit of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Band preform back in Big Thunder Ranch before dinner. They were amazing and ended up doing mostly Disney songs! 
 We all had dinner at Big Thunder Ranch. What more could you want then a classic BBQ brought out to you in such a fun setting. The meal was so good, and the setting was so festive for the holiday! It was so fun!  : ) 
 Then we headed over to Fantasyland to caught some fireworks. As always, it was quite a show! They really know how to wow a crowd. There were so many times the park was lit up as bright as daylight. : ) 
 It was such a fun day!! 
(all photos were taken with our point and shoot and phones) 

Tuesday, July 17

Side show

We have been using an iPhone app for years called Istagram. It's a photo sharing app, where those who follow you can 'like' and or comment on your photos. It's a really fun app, and together we must have close to a thousand photos up on it---but, unless you have had an iPhone, you haven't been able to see them. I recently saw that you can share Instagram photos through a blog site called Tumblr, so I set one up! This will be a fun way to share our random day to day photos that don't normally make it to our main blog or Facebook. And for those still checking the blog, this will be a nice filler since I haven't been as diligent with blogging as I have in the past. : ) 

If you want to check it out, just click my little button on the left hand sidebar! 
(I know it's just ice cream right now, but i'm sure it will get a little more interesting) ; ) 

Tuesday, July 3

Glow with the show!

What's that? You want another Disneyland post?? Well, ok....luckily I have something! ; ) 
This past weekend we went to another Annual Passholders event called, 'Glow with the show". They handed out Mickey ears that synced up with World of Color (they will also since with attractions and other shows at the resort), they are normally about $24 so it was nice to get them free, since we don't normally wear ears. 
The show was spectacular, and we found ourselves watching the sea of ears change colors instead of the show. It was mesmerizing! The cast members even noticed that Brody's and a friend of ours ears weren't working properly, so they switched them out. It was such a fun event! My favorite AP event so far! 

Here is a clip of the show and the ears at work! 
Don't skip this!! : ) 

Summer is here

Friday nights at San O have started back up again for the summer! Such a wonderfully relaxing thing to look forward to during the week. It has all a summer should, the beach, BBQing, friends and family and beautiful sunsets! : )