"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, June 27

Sunday driving

I had my monthly doctors appointment this past Friday, we went over a lot of things, as we normally do. Many things are improving, while the panic attacks have stubbornly stuck around. We came up with a new plan---and step one of that is being tapered off the current drug I am on for the attacks. As you can imagine, there would be some adjustment that goes on because of those levels shifting, and on Sunday while I was visiting my home ward for a missionary farewell, I had a bit of a panic breakdown!

Luckily I was there with my Mom (Brody and my Dad were out of town on business). She had the brilliant idea to take a nice drive....we ended up driving down the coast to San Diego. It was such a beautiful, fun and relaxing day! Leave it to Mom's to take something dark and replace it with such light and love.
I am so grateful & lucky to have such an amazing and supportive family!! : )

Here are some photos of our drive....

At one point we found this really cool look out where these paragliders were floating around. It was so fun to be outside in the warm sun watching these gliders softly fly back and forth in front of us, and enjoy the beautiful setting which we were in! : )

They would go all the way down over the Torrey Pines golf course.

Taken from the car driving along Hwy 1.

It was such a fun day!! Thank you again Mom! Love you so much! : )

*** Couple new posts below! Keep scrolling ; ) ***

Random iPhone photos, Episode 5(ish)

You know it's Summer when you're out grilling some yummy burgers! And last night we did sliders....they were SO good!!

We are still hooked on Yogurtland...it makes for a fun little outing after a long day! : )

I love this one of Brody in front of Ruby's! It was my phone wall paper for awhile. This was when we when Lauren came home for the summer and we went out for a family dinner. : )

Brody stopped by the office one morning to re-fill his car with litruature--and I snuck this photo! I love it. I labeled it 'Step into my office' on Instagram (an iPhone photo app). : )

We went by the Great Park one night because one of our favorite food trucks was there!

The first Friday night San O of the Summer! I LOVE this time of year, and we so look forward to Fridays because of this! How could you not? It's beautiful, relaxing and full of people we love!

Another food truck night. Theres a cheese burger, PB&J + Banana, Fried Chicken, and Spam and Eggs (quail egg). They were all amazing!! From a truck called, 'The Burnt Truck'. A little inspiration for making our own sliders. : )

Disneyland Date night before Brody went to the Dallas show---at the Orleans Cafe!

Our new Cookie jar....I LOVE it!! Oreo's are now in it, which seems fitting, since it's milks favorite cookie! ; )

Hope you enjoyed some random photos from my phone! : ) More to come!

Friday, June 24

"We're in!!"

Oh man, where do I even begin with the re-cap on our U2 concert?
Let's start with the years leading up to last Sat night....yes, years!
Heres the short of the long of it all....
Shortly after their album, 'No line on the Horizon' came out in March of 2009 (which I will admit has been in my car ever since)---they released the tour dates for their U2 360' tour.
We first bought tickets for the show in Arizona (some how we couldn't get to a show here. Can't remember why), on October 20th, 2009.....as it got closer it ended up that Brody had a midterm he couldn't get out of.
After that I thought we had missed the tour completely. If I remember right, when they finished with that North America tours they would go back to Europe and finish out the tour there. With Brody's work schedule and school (at that time) our days to even go out of town were limited, and nothing lined up.....so thinking we had missed the boat, I watched the live web stream from the Rose Bowl concert one night. Even though it was totally fun to watch, it only made me want to be there live even more! haha.
At some point toward the end of 2009?, I got an e-mail on my phone while I was out running errands, letting me know that they had added more concert dates, and even some in North America.....with mixed feelings of excitement and not wanting to get my hopes up, I opened the e-mail and scrolled for the North American tour dates.....and sure enough, there is was..... MONDAY (not a Sunday, yay!) JUNE 7TH 2010, ANGELS STADIUM!! Oh, I was SO excited!! Here was our seconded chance!
And I was on Ticketmaster the min the tickets went on sale so I could get the seats we wanted. We were so set!
A couple months before our 2nd attempt at the concert, Bono hurt his back and had to go in for surgery. Of course needing recovery time, the tour was postponed until further notice, and our show was at that point, canceled! Not knowing when the show would be rescheduled and if we would even be available to go, or if it would be set for a Sunday, I filed the tickets away...
and waited...
Again while out and about one day, I received THE e-mail from Ticket Master with our new tour dates, at this point I didn't have time to think, I opened and scrolled for our date! MUCH to my relief it was in June again (at this point that was about 9 months? or so from the time I got the e-mail), and it wasn't when Brody had to be away in Dallas for business! The email said we could ether keep our tickets and they would still be good, or be refunded....at this point, we were hanging on to those tickets for dear life!

Which brings us up to speed to last Sat night....concert attempt #3!! : )

We have been hearing about the train for the Angels games, and got word they were doing it for the concert. We thought it would be the perfect time to try it out, and miss all that traffic. It ended up being perfect, it wasn't crowded at all, we found great seats there and back, it was relaxing, just down the street from us, hassle free and fun!!

Getting the train tickets

Our tickets to the stadium
(we were told we needed two sets. One for the way up, one for the way home. As it turned out, we only needed one set, and no one ever even looked at the tickets) ; )
Brody walking the bridge to the other side of the tracks
Our train pulling up. It was so fun.
It reminded me of our fun trips in Europe, since thats really the only time I have been on trains

Excited and waiting to board!

Pulling up to the Anaheim train station...we could see the stage from the train!
That was pretty exciting for me! : )
Getting some photos of us with the stadium and stage behind us! : )
Since the tickets we had still had the old date on them, and even though I was told they would still work, at this point I still felt a little unsure about it...I couldn't wait till those tickets scanned though ok!
View from our section, with people starting to full up the stadium...
I was so excited to finally be there, I couldn't get enough photos of us actually there (there are plenty more I didn't post)! haha, Brody was a great sport with it all...as always! : )
Lenny Kravitz was the opener, and he was really good!

Stadium FULL and ready for U2!!
From where we were sitting we could see the band walking out and onto the stage!
That was awesome!
(They are the four walking together, two white shirts in front, two black jackets in the back)
Took the stage and got right into it! They are SO good live!
For one of the first songs, he was was actually playing the guitar, that's always fun to see.
(Bare with me through what may be a few too many concert photos) : )
Bono and the Edge
The Edge sining a little back up
At one point he stopped and talked about how last years show had been cancelled and that a lot of us there that night were supposed to be at the show last year (SO many people cheered at that point). Which made me think A LOT of us waited out that time and were able to make it back...he went on to thank everyone for waiting and coming back this year and then gave us an update on things that have happened to the band in that time. That was a really fun touch! And I have some of that on film. : )
Bono on the bridge....those bridges moved around the 360' stage
The stage was amazing!!
The center cylinder screen would accordion up and down during the show

Bono walking the stage

During the encores he was singing into this cool glowing red microphone that was hanging down from the stage.
Disco balls at the top and center of the stage. It was so pretty.
At this point the lights went out, and Bono asked us to get our phones out for lights for the next song. It was really pretty!
Saying goodnight...
Whoo hoo!! Such a great night!!
Sleepy-happy on the train home!
I'll tell you this train was so nice! We are so glad we tried it. We sat there watching the parking lot grid lock from our comfy seats...so perfect.
We are excited to take it to Angels games! : )
It was such a great night, perfect really! I've loved this band since I was little and heard the song 'One' on the radio (still my favorite, and they played it!!). It was so special to me to share it with Brody, one of things I have always wanted to do.
Hopefully they will tour again and we can have another adventure! : )