"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, April 28

Ann and Brody pose for a photo prior to Monday's game at Angel Stadium. : Sports Photo

While we were waiting for David and the boys, Brody was taking some photos of me and a photographer from The Orange County Register came up and asked if she could get a photo of us for their website. Of course we said yes, and as it turns out, it is one of our favorite photos!! Sure enough, it made it onto the website of fan photos from that nights game.
Just follow the link below to see the website.
We were pretty excited to see that it made the cut! Such fun!! : )
{Click the title below to go to the website}

The boys are back

David and the boys drove out from UT for a little CA get a way---and we were lucky enough to get to spend some good time with them while they were here.
The night they got here, we all met at Balboa Island for some Hippo cookies and beach time!

These are our favorite sugar cookies ever!

....and I think we sold Roey on them too! : )
Everyone in front of Dad's enjoying their treats.
Burning off some sugar ; )
Lovely sunset as we headed over to the Wedge
The guys at the Wedge.
We hope they are here some time when it is breaking HUGE! : )
The next day we all met back up at Angel Stadium for a game.
Played around with the camera a bit while waiting for the guys to arrive.

Roey and Brody walking to our seats
From left to right: Roey, Taylor, David and Kade

David, explaining some baseball to little Roey
Little popcorn monster ; )
The boys won this little Snoopy bobble head....and then later won another one.

Roey LOVED his foam finger! : )

The boys by the World Championship trophy
We are SO glad they decided to make the last min trip out to CA! We had a blast with them, as always!! We can't wait for their next trip! We love you guys!!

Tuesday, April 26

From the Crossroads to the West

We were able to head out to UT for this past General Conference, met up with my parents and many other family members there as well!
When we got there we all met up at Chili's for lunch, and then visited the cemetery where most of the Prophets are buried. Since we also had John Money with us, we spent some time at John Taylor's sight. Which was fun for all of us, to learn a little more of his families heritage.

Looking at a guide to the cemetery on the iPhone.
These phones, and the things you can do with them, just keep amazing me.
Later that day we all went out to support Jordan (our cousin) and watch his college baseball game. He and his team are one of the best in the country right now.
The guys got into the spirit of things and played some catch with the kids. : )

Everyone on the lawn enjoying a great game and a beautiful warm day!

After the game we checked into our room. It was beautiful, and reminded me so much of the rooms we have been in traveling in Europe....except for the size of course. ; )
The bathroom was huge! We loved it!!
We were lucky enough to meet up with David, Stacy and Kade for dinner at this great restaurant with an amazing buffet, and endless choices of meat parading by your table to choose from.
Some sort of lime drink. So so good!
Some of the meat that came by. The best was this garlic beef, I think its the skewer to the right in this photo. It was some of the best meet i've had!
Mmmm...grilled pineapple!
It was Kades birthday, so they sang him a little song, and.....
made him get up and play the tambourine.
I know the photo is a bit blurry, still learning with this camera. But I thought it was cute of Stacy. : )
Our dinner group! We were so lucky to have been able to meet up with them for dinner, and share in a part of Kades birthday! We are so grateful for such wonderful family! : )
After an amazing dinner, we parted ways and ran across the street to the Laker/Jazz game!
It was a blast to be at a game live!!
It was extra fun for Brody since he's a fan of both teams....but as the game went on, it was pretty clear that he was rooting a bit more for the Jazz, haha. : )

The game had a lot of fun energy, they know how to put on a show and get the fans pumped up for the game!!
Maybe that's how they got Brody more on the side of the Jazz? haha ; )
Kobe making it look all too easy

Kinda blurry, but still a nice shot. : )
Brody in front of, what we still call, The Delta Center : )
The next day we all headed to Park City! It was such a beautiful day up there, and such a different from the heat we had the day before. : )
It was fun to see the snow again!
We just happened upon the Red Bull winter madness event. Where people make crazy contraptions that they ride down the hill in and hopefully it doesn't fall apart. Oh, and they also dress up as if it's Halloween. : )

Brody with what I believe was one of Lance Armstrong's bikes.
He couldn't help but to throw some snow balls.
I had taped a funny video on this, but somehow I did it wrong and it didn't record. I was pretty bummed about it. Oh well, next time. : )
I was still a little sleepy from the day of travel and late late night we had that I wasn't going to settle for a normal sized Red Bull, I needed a larger can of energy! ; )
Sunday morning we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow in the city! It was such a beautiful sight to wake up to!
Walking into the conference center.
It's always so amazing to be there in person! We just love every min of it!
Our beautiful temple! Always such wonderful memories!! : )
It was just such a gorgeous day! With the blue sky and fresh snow.

Someone had built a snowman on the lawn in front of the temple. A pretty good one too. Someone must have some experience with that!

Of course we have to get a photo with our temple. : )
Love this one!

After conference we drove out to see Grandma Shannon. It is always so nice to be able to have a nice visit with her when we are in town! : )
It was another wonderful trip to UT, full of family, friends and such wonderful memories! We are so very blessed!! : )

PS: More photos from the trip can be found in my Facebook album, 'Spring Fever' : )