"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, December 29

getting caught up...

I've been doing A LOT of this, the past week or so!
I've been pretty sick, temp over 103', eating nothing but oatmeal and cough syrup. : )
But, I'm all better now and have finally managed to catch up a bit on the blog...

Enjoy about 5 new posts below!!

Just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling
: )


Merry Christmas!!
Christmas Eve we stayed at my parents' house. Brody made Captain Crunch chicken, potatoes, salad and other yummy stuff. It was so good!!
We woke up Christmas morning, and Santa had come! : )
After we opened gifts we went over the the Moneys for our traditional Christmas brunch. Jill does an amazing job!! The food is always perfect and the table is always like something from a magazine---and we love spending time with the Moneys!!
It is always something we all look forward to! : )

One of our favorite gifts was our Canon Digital Rebel SLR. It is perfect for us, since we just play around and have fun---we aren't trying to go pro. We are in love with it--it will even shoot HD Video! Here are some photos we took Christmas day. : )
Christmas night the Moneys came over to my parents house for a big yummy feast! : )
It was a great Christmas!!
We hope everyone had a wonderful a safe Christmas with family and friends!
We love you!! : )

Party & Grinchmas

December is a busy time of year, and Saturday the 18th was no exception.
We started our day with our niece Marley's 1st birthday party.
It was such a darling party! Nikki really knows how to throw a great bash! : )
Everything from the decorations, food, Marley's cute outfit and the DVD of Marley's first year in photos, was fabulous! We had a great time visiting with family! : )
After the party we headed up to Universal Studios for 'Grinchmas', since it was only running a couple days in Dec. It was a rainy day, but that made it all the more fun!!

Mistletoe kisses!!
Since it was raining, why not play in the fountain too?? ; )
The City Walk was so pretty at night in the rain!

Whoo Hoo!! Lets go in!!
On the backlot tour. In the 4D King Kong part of the tour. It was amazing!!!

The Bates Motel part of the tour. That night they had someone coming out of the hotel room carrying a body, putting it in the trunk and then when he saw us, he pulled a knife out and rushed toward the tram! It was awesome!! I hope they keep that part in from now on.
It was even better at night in the rain!! : )
Had to save Brody from the man eating shark again! : )
Last time my Mom and I went to Universal, we chickened out on the Simpson's ride. It has SO many warnings, and we had no idea what to expect. So this time, we had to go on it, and see that it was nothing to worry about. haha
yup, now there's NO turning back for us!!
It ended up being a ride like Disney's Star Tours, but MUCH more turbulent.
We all had a blast on it! : )
2 thumbs up!
Whoville Christmas tree!
I always wanted to go on the Mummy ride. Well, I braved it, and it terrified me!! I won't be going on it again, but at least I did it once! : )
Thumbs down!
yes, it is dry inside, but freaky!!

It was SUCH a fun day!!! : )

Last day of school EVER!!!

Brody's last day of school EVER was a couple of weeks ago!!
It is a little surreal for us, especially him, that it is really over---but the timing is just so perfect, business is picking up, getting stronger and he now has more responsibilities and some new amazing lines that need his time.
I am so grateful for all of his hard work, juggling a full time career and school at the same time, all with a smile. I don't think he ever slept. He is an amazing husband, and my hero!!


Our anniversary was the 11th of December! Brody surprised me with reservations for us at Capital Grille in South Coast Plaza. It was a very nice, relaxing place, with amazing food!
It was such a nice dinner, and we had some yummy leftovers! : )

After dinner we headed up to Disneyland for the fireworks, a sweet treat and ornament shopping! Unfortunately, my camera died, so we don't have photos of that part of the night. But we've had plenty of Disneyland posts, you can imagine the photos. haha. : )
It was a great Anniversary night!! I am so lucky and so grateful to have such a wonderful husband, who brings so much love, support and fun to my life everyday!!

Candlelight Processional

The first weekend in December we got to experience for the first time, the Candlelight ceremony at Disneyland!
They read the Christmas story from the Bible, and pause every now and then for the choir (made up of schools and cast members from Disneyland) to sing Christmas songs.
It was so lovely!
above is a fuzzy photo of the choir walking from down Main Street to the stage holding candles.
It was such a beautiful production, we loved that it was so religious and focused on the true meaning of Christmas. It was a wonderful way to kick off the Christmas season!
We LOVED it!!: )

Monday, December 27

So much to blog about...

I am SO very behind on my blogging!
I have about 6 posts or so in the works, and a TON of photos to go through!
I promise I will start getting them up soon...
until then, I leave you with a photo from our new camera that we are just so in love with! : )
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!

Friday, December 24

Merry Christmas!

I've been pretty sick, and haven't been able to get our 2nd round of cards out yet.
So until I do, here they are! : )

Sunday, December 19

$ this time of year!

Our home is filled with all the wonderful sights and smells of Christmas! : )

We are in love with our little tree. We went to the lot to get our normal 6 foot tree, and for some reason, we couldn't stop looking at the cute small ones. So we picked one up! It has become our favorite tree! : )

Sunday, December 12

a long trip home...

Brody went up to the Bay Area last Tuesday to do a training for one of the lines he reps. We left for LAX around 5am, he worked all day and was supposed to be home back to LAX by 7pm that same night.

After he landed in San Francisco's airport and hopped on the BART, he got word that his flight home was cancelled and he wouldn't be able to get home until the next day-- since he had appointments the next day that wasn't going to work. So he found a way to get home.....but it took a bit longer than we thought...

This happens a lot while traveling for work...so what was different about this time??
This time, I got a little photo journal of his day!
I loved getting these photos with funny comments to go along with them!

Here are just some of them:

SFO Airport to the BART, the BART to the showroom
------ Working. He didn't take any photos...because he was working. haha ------

The bus that takes you from the BART to the airport....not back to SFO, but to Oakland
BART bus to the Oakland airport
Oakland Airport to the Salt Lake City Airport (a bit sleepy : )
On the plane from Salt Lake to LAX.....He had some good leg room : )
And finally landed back at LAX around midnight (where he started at just before 6am that day)! : )